Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • j
  • jamk
  • fuS
  • 17 May 2011

my screen has issues can get help pliz

    • W
    • Where
    • Tr8
    • 17 May 2011

    Aaron, 17 May 2011Everything running around the internet right now is just me... moreI think I speak 4 many people who just don't care. If arak had the common sense to post the link to the phone where statements were 2 B found & NOT the whole website than I may have agreed. Poor presentation I just gave up. If he had also NOT added any comments his post would no doubt have stayed. If I wrote I found an error and the link was 2 WIKI would U search? Try this EM wrote this & not fair here is the link. I'm Not six I can read it myself. Just the facts

      • c
      • creed
      • ig$
      • 17 May 2011

      patilan, 16 May 2011hi guys Is there any difference between N8 made in Finl... morethe one made in china have no fm transmetter

        • T
        • The Non-Sense
        • PS6
        • 17 May 2011

        zak lah imuq~ i thinx diz is super good gadget~ >__

          • R
          • Ray Hipkiss
          • 3GK
          • 17 May 2011

          [deleted post] The British allowed there most respected and treasured company ( Cadbury ) to be bought out by an American cheese maker ( Kraft ). So, you never know what can happen in the world of business and commerce. Better to wait and see what happens.

          All the best.


            • A
            • AB
            • uCr
            • 17 May 2011

            [deleted post]O.. Yeah.... thas actually so rude for ths guy to criticise on items he's reviewin for low end.phones,its a hi tech world today, people cant live without mobiles... so companies alwez take a loop of customers who can buy diffrent ranges of mobiles according to their he mite be ripped off whe few dissatisfactions as from that companies...

              • r
              • rock
              • TRH
              • 17 May 2011

              can i get n8 in second hand

                • A
                • Aaron
                • t7X
                • 17 May 2011

                AnonD-40, 17 May 2011Of course Nokia is going to deny it. Read the comments on y... moreEverything running around the internet right now is just mere speculations, coming from bitter people like Eldar who speaks like he is authority to certain subjects where in fact he isn't. When it comes to Nokia news, Eldar is the last person I'd believe. He has no credibility. He used to have but lost it when he started to get paid by a certain company to bash and degrade their competing companies in his site. And Nokia is a huge company which is far from being bankrupt to be sold to another company in desperation. Even when they're down they continue to sell stuffs, and I'm not even talking about low-end phones, but they still have large percent of the smartphone market share. And anyway, if it's true it will be publicized. But until it happens, it's just a rumor.

                  • N
                  • N8
                  • 4cb
                  • 17 May 2011

                  Hey everyone! Don't believe when some of these people here say that Brightness Control drains the battery fast. It's not true. Two of my friends and I use it and battery life is the same.. Not even a tiny difference.
                  Plus you don't even have to put it on level 5! Level 4 is bright enough and also doesn't affect the screen's life span. (Because it is just 80% of the screen brightness and even with the sensor the screen's average brightness is 80%, because in daylight is often jumps to level 5)
                  So, use the app. If anyone wants to see how it clears out the purple tint, I have compared pictures and I can send them to you e mail.
                  I already sent them to one person...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-40
                    • IDk
                    • 17 May 2011

                    Aaron, 17 May 2011You really is an ex-fanboy because real fanboys know that i... moreOf course Nokia is going to deny it. Read the comments on your link. Even some Nokia fanboys believe in it. I sort of believe in it and I do hope it does come true. Eldar has been pretty good when it comes to these kind of rumors and as always, the fans were against him. Remember the switch to WP and the rumors that Nokia will be ditching Symbian? It all came true and Eldar was the spot on with his rumor.

                      • A
                      • Aaron
                      • t7X
                      • 17 May 2011

                      AnonD-40, 17 May 2011Check this out guys. Rumors has it that Microsoft will buy ... moreYou really is an ex-fanboy because real fanboys know that is not true.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-40
                        • IDk
                        • 17 May 2011

                        Check this out guys. Rumors has it that Microsoft will buy Nokia for $30 billion. Long live Elop!


                          • R
                          • Ray Hipkiss
                          • 3GK
                          • 16 May 2011

                          patilan, 16 May 2011hi guys Is there any difference between N8 made in Finl... moreThere is no difference between phones made in China and Finland. They are both made to Nokia standards.


                            • n
                            • neel
                            • s8h
                            • 16 May 2011

                            i sold it.. i lyk only its camera.. and other nothng special

                              • p
                              • patilan
                              • pIg
                              • 16 May 2011

                              hi guys

                              Is there any difference between N8 made in Finland and China ?


                                • A
                                • Aaron
                                • P@1
                                • 16 May 2011

                                Give up the purple tint issue, guys! There's no more fix for that. Even Samsung has blue and green tints to their SuperAMOLEDs.

                                  • A
                                  • Aaron
                                  • P@1
                                  • 16 May 2011

                                  I love Nokia because they are innovative and they dare to be distinct and different. I hate Samsung because they benefit from the expense of the other companies they copy. Unoriginal, cunning, two adjectives that best describe Samsung. Flashy interface, ugly-designed phones are what Android phones are.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-8058
                                    • NvH
                                    • 16 May 2011

                                    AnonD-8544, 16 May 2011i tuned off the video stablization but the noise sound is s... morethe loud speaker noise comes from your own fingers...
                                    avoid moving your finger around the mob...ull have no bad sound at all...the mic of the n8 is extremely sensible and also it has 2 mics for audio and video recording...
                                    keep ur hands fix on the mob without moving ur fingers over it and ur problem will be solved

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-8544
                                      • fsg
                                      • 16 May 2011

                                      i tuned off the video stablization but the noise sound is still there sometimes i dont even hear the video from that noise it is really awful could anyone please tell me what to do there is loud noise when i take a video?????? :(((((

                                        • o
                                        • omar
                                        • IVy
                                        • 16 May 2011

                                        what is the purple tint?..i planing to buy N8..its it worthy?..