Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • sushil pangeni
  • u1g
  • 07 May 2011

i like this phone very good to see and easy to used too

    • F
    • FATHY
    • NtH
    • 07 May 2011

    is it possible to use the fm transmitter as a car kit

      • D
      • AnonD-7955
      • fuN
      • 07 May 2011

      how do i change from edge to 3G network on n8

        • A
        • Alehandro
        • 0Z%
        • 07 May 2011

        o guys i have prototipe w10 nokia that i can says that is phone. go on web and u see it. have 2gHz, 2gb ram memory, 2gb rom memory, resolution on display is 1280x720 4.5incs scran, camera 15MP whic two henon flesh on back, and secudary camera is 5MP whic henon flesh, 32gb memory + can be 64bg msd card. god of phones for now

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4pU
          • 07 May 2011

          I love it. Best phone on the market in that price range

            • s
            • savage466
            • pX7
            • 07 May 2011

            AnonD-7943, 07 May 2011A must-have phone for every college stud like me,,, and als... moreNice to hear that from you, so n8 is working great in the Philippines. Good thing I already bought this, when I return to the Phils, this phone will rock too!


              • n
              • nurul
              • Hxe
              • 07 May 2011

              i'm looking and searching for smartphone which suit to my needed..i want to make vidoe call is my 1st priority now..with nokia n8, can i make a video call to PC or another phone? because as what i know, there is a phone which only able to make video call to same brand only. with nokia N8, i need any software to make video call or not.please explain to me, it's really urgent..thanks to any replies.

                • D
                • AnonD-7943
                • K7g
                • 07 May 2011

                A must-have phone for every college stud like me,,, and also a party goer, every time I go out of town, this phone really aspire me and help me calculate where actually my whereabouts is, even without internet connection or whatsoever connections needed, its GPS function is working absolutely unbelievable,,, as if you bought , GPS, CAMERA, and A PHONE in 1 device... (in high end quality to be precise),,,
                N8-00 PHILIPPINES EXPERIENCE

                  • N
                  • N8-00 wowed...
                  • K7g
                  • 07 May 2011

                  N8-00 really rocks me when I used its GPS function, even without internet connection, its accuracy really boomed my perception on mobile devices, it actually matches what my Honda City's Speedometer shows with what my N8 shows. No question with the camera, which really its killer-punch, oh my... just sharing my wow experience.

                    • S
                    • Sean P
                    • fuI
                    • 07 May 2011

                    Pls can anyone tell me if the "symbian anna" is available for the N8? And if it is how do i download it to my N8? Thanks

                      • j
                      • jihio
                      • vw4
                      • 07 May 2011

                      i luv u

                        • s
                        • savage466
                        • pX7
                        • 07 May 2011

                        [deleted post]You are such a bitter, Nokia Hater/Basher (troll).

                        We find N8 as a Great Device. If you think, n8 is inferior to all the devices you have mentioned, then that is not our problem, it is just your prematured thinking. People nowadays like you are now being enchanted by these devices specs figures. N8 having a lower cpu speed and ram do what it has to perform on a daily basis. We find the device as a multimedia tool not just a toy. And if you like to compare the prices against the devices you'd mentioned, it is more affordable despite it's monster specs. The only thing that your devices were ahead of n8 is just the cpu and ram in w/c these devices require. Al the listed specs with n8 are all 100% usable unlike others. Get the point? Aren't you getting tired of bashing and saying non-sense? Why don't you just enjoy what you have and we will enjoy ours.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Khs
                          • 07 May 2011

                          For anyone who bother about defect screen, I've read about samsung galaxy s II review from another site phone arena. There written samsung galaxy s II still have a little purple tint on it's screen. Even the super amoled plus display still have that. So don't blame nokia for that. They got that screen from samsung, as you know, amoled screen is samsung product. But for me, I can't find any defect on my phone like people said about n8. And even if so, I think it's doesn't really matter at all coz it didn't effecting the phone function at all.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • Khs
                            • 07 May 2011

                            AnonD-7614, 07 May 2011does the n8 need a server profile to be updated? please rep... moreif the internet connection already work on your n8, just press *#0000# then option then choose check for update, for directly update from your phone.

                              • N
                              • N8
                              • 4cb
                              • 07 May 2011

                              AnonD-7614, 07 May 2011does the n8 need a server profile to be updated? please rep... moreNo, it doesn't need.
                              Nokia preinstalls the server profile. It is already setup...

                                • A
                                • Atar
                                • Khs
                                • 07 May 2011

                                manish , 06 May 2011but if u try to download games frm n8 fan club it charge fo... moreuse computer to extract that then install on your phone or just got Winrar for your phone then you can extract any files compatible directly from your phone. Just that easy. I got it all from n8 fan club.

                                  • n
                                  • nikita
                                  • 2@d
                                  • 07 May 2011

                                  what's its price ?

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-7614
                                    • tu6
                                    • 07 May 2011

                                    does the n8 need a server profile to be updated? please reply urgent

                                      • n
                                      • n8 fanboy
                                      • bC6
                                      • 07 May 2011

                                      [deleted post] stop speakin rubbish about nokia. can u tell 1 phone whic has better camera than n8 go for that cheap galaxy s2 fully plastic body on the other hand n8 fully anodise aluminium caseing. so what it does not have dual core processor 680 is enough and give good battery back up too

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • tf$
                                        • 07 May 2011

                                        [deleted post]were you paid to post this cause no phone in the market can replace my N8. Thats me and what i want.