Nokia N8
- D
- AnonD-172944
- fm2
- 11 Jan 2014
Stupid me, 10 Jan 2014Hi Terjim2. I am not encouraging you, OK. My upgrading was ... moreThank you
- D
- AnonD-172944
- fm2
- 11 Jan 2014
Carol, 09 Jan 2014You most probably have an "off the shelf" product... moreMy country is Nigeria.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkq
- 11 Jan 2014
RALPH, 11 Jan 2014hi good morning i tried to hack my phone using the norton h... moreIn Rom patcher, you dont need to activate all the patches. First, Open Rom patcher and disable all the patches. Now you'll notice a patch named n8fanclub_Install Server version 1.7. Double click on it & it will become green with a 'right tick'. Then go to options & select 'Add to auto'. Now there Will be a yellow ring around the patch. Thats it.Now you can install any app you want, without any isses.
- R
- XMm
- 11 Jan 2014
hi good morning i tried to hack my phone using the norton hack qand also downloaded the rom patcher but still the mobile cleaner certificate fails. the rom patcher are all green.. need some help pls
- v
- vikki
- 10 Jan 2014
is this suport word
- M
- MdN8
- B}Q
- 10 Jan 2014
venkat, 10 Jan 2014i this support the whats app, line,hike,and the all format ... moreIt supports WhatsApp and Hike. Maybe Line too.
It plays the following video formats:
3GPP formats (H.263), Flash Video, H.264/AVC [H.264 Baseline, Main & High profiles 3.1 30fps 14Mbps], MPEG-4 [Advanced simple profile level 6 30fps 12Mbps. Audio: stereo 48kHz 128kbps], RealVideo 10 [@ QVGA 30fps], Sorenson Spark, VC-1, VP6, WMV 9.
- v
- venkat
- wdR
- 10 Jan 2014
i this support the whats app, line,hike,and the all format videos like the avi,mkv,and etc,,,,,,.
- S
- Stupid me
- LKp
- 10 Jan 2014
AnonD-172944, 09 Jan 2014Thank you bro. I would be so delighted for your assistance.... moreHi Terjim2. I am not encouraging you, OK. My upgrading was a personal decision. I am not fussy and not a techie by any means but I bought my phone for the camera, so I was scared to tamper with it. Just be aware that other people have complained about their camera afterwards. I could have just as well stayed with and be happy with Anna. By the way, I would really be the last one to notice if my photos deteriorated :-))).
BELLE UPGRADE as provided by Carol:
Now, what Windows says does not matter so much. Nokia suite is pretty much able to do more than you think. And that means: to rewrite your system. SO STOP THINKING. Nokia will not release a tool that can destroy your device ;).
1. NOW. Do a BACKUP of important files and rename it with whatever name you want (don't let the default name it). Tell you why later. BACK-UP your Contacts & messages. NB. Transfer your contacts to mass memory. Back them up on Nokia PC Suite. RENAME them during the backup. You’ll find them in Documents afterwards.
2. (Unplug the phone from the USB). Now, factory reset the damn thing. Dial *#7370# and follow the instructions (this will format your mass memory, so if it came with apps on it, they are gone). The format will take from 3 to 10 minutes depending on the memory. So let it do its job until it starts up and asks for PIN (if you have one, which I recommend deactivating during the update, just deactivate to spare some seconds and too much THINKING :))
Settings/Phone/Phone management/Security settings/Phone and Sim card/PIN code request (Off)
3. Continue with setting up your country & clock and so on. Set the time and date and go on with the start-up. Set the time and date good. Don't pass them (not required, but for safety in case of a phantom or something :)). (I did this in advance on my hard copy so I would not have to think to do it.
4. Now after it starts and while it is loading the widgets, let it do its job - just give it 1 or 2 minutes to load all the crap it needs to load.
5. Then open Nokia Suite then plug the phone in USB. Let Nokia suite install its plugins. This will take something like 30 seconds. No big of a deal.
6. Now (again just to avoid any possible problems, minding you are scared as hell) unplug your device and restart it. Let it load to the full, just leave it after it restarts to be sure it has loaded everything.
7. Meanwhile, restart your pc too and let that rig load its system till it goes crazy. By the way, you will need to remember what I've said because we're not gonna open anything besides Nokia suite after it is loaded. (I made a hard copy, just in case).
8. After everything is loaded, finally open Nokia Suite and after it is fully loaded, plug your N8 in USB and FINALY Hit software update.
9. Follow the instructions, Nokia will make an automatic backup of NOTHING, cause your phone is empty, so that is why your original backup has a name of your own so you won't get confused while manually restoring.
10. Let Nokia suite do its job. Your phone will go blank and Windows will say several times that your device was plugged, unplugged trying to install it. It will also say that the upgrade is complete BUT ignore everything that Windows says and just follow what Nokia Suite says. Don't touch your device during the update. Don't set anything until Nokia Suite says it has finished (only if you have set the PIN code I told you to deactivate) meaning it has installed the additional stuff and so on - when Nokia says you can use it. (Also, the Nokia store came up at the beginning and at another point, to confuse my brain, but tap the help option and the correct screen will come back).
11. Then you can unplug and you can use it. There you go, you are up and done Belle Refresh is in your device :).
12. As addition, Don't install Microsoft office updates. They will eat too much of your memory. Update I think are useless and never installed: Colorizeit, Microsoft Apps, New Social, Nokia Music, upload to Skydrive.
13. Stop your negative thinking and go ahead.:)
I prepared the following in advance so I did not have to think it out:
Time eg. 10.00pm
Time zone GMT – 4hours, country (whatever)
Date Format dd mm yyyy
Date Separator /
Time Format 12-hour
Time separator: :
Clock type: Digital
Clock Alarm tone: Default tone
Alarm snooze time: 5 minutes
Workdays: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr
Automatic time update: On
- M
- MdN8
- B}Q
- 10 Jan 2014
Stupid me, 09 Jan 2014“Men have to learn a lot to get to the same level of ignora... moreMy dog has two sofas, I have just one bed, so it's no big deal. :-)
Hey, be as obsessed about photography as you want, that's what we're here for. :-) I think the target got whiter because of different weather (more sun), or angle, but was it sharper? You should have tried two photos from the same spot in auto and landscape to see if there's a difference. Landscape mode simply focuses your camera to infinity so there's no danger of focusing on some object between you and the landscape and getting blurred hills and mountains because one branch was in the way. I remember how one of my first photos with an autofocus camera was through the window, and of course the phone focused on the dirt on the glass instead of the scene outside. :-))) And that phone had very bad controls, had to dig so deep to get something that I'd just give up.
If your image (or the part you want to see) is too white set white balance to "sunny" or adjust exposure a little. Or simply don't worry - all phones have lower dynamic range than big cameras, so, if the differences between light and dark are too extreme, the light part will go white. It's called "clipping". I was worried because it happens during summer, but then I saw that Galaxy S4 has even worse problems (Xperia Z1 even in very low light) so I stopped caring. Speaking of light, I can manually adjust ISO (sensor sensitivity) from 100 to 800. However, I took a photo of a friend's dog jumping in Sport mode and later saw that ISO was 984! This phone still keeps surprising me. :-D
Hmmm, now that Weather doesn't work any more maybe I should delete it. Yep, I think you're fine as it is. With a hacked phone you could get some more space, but it's not too important if you have enough. Also there are some modifications and improvements you could try but there's plenty of time for that. But hacking is really not too hard, just blindly following the instructions and the worst thing that can happen is that your phone keeps working like it did before. Now there are no more updates from the Store and people still develop apps, having a hacked phone is just convenient (as they can't sign their apps).
I already gave Terjim the same copy-paste instructions on page 8 or 9, but he doesn't get Belle as an option, at least that's what I understood. Let's see if Carol manages to help. :-)
- C
- Carol
- L71
- 09 Jan 2014
AnonD-172944, 09 Jan 2014I hope the applications and games I installed on my Anna OS... moreYou most probably have an "off the shelf" product. The so called testers. Or a branded phone. One from the two. But, on how you describe your phone. Sound more like an shelf product then a branded one. the only way to get belle refresh with your device is by flashing it with phoenix. Here you can find a good tutorial
As for flashing the official firmware, which i recommend doing, you will need do download it. Navifirm does not work anymore so that will be a bit of a problem. With phoenix you can download an official firmware but i don't remember exactly how, all i know is that you will need to find an official product code for your country (minding the fact that you don't have an official product code), and your n8 color (the color is not that important). With that product code you can download the official firmware then just flash it with phoenix follwing the tutorial i gave you... Maybe i can help you with the product code, but i don't promise anything. What is your country? is the first question...
- D
- AnonD-172944
- fm2
- 09 Jan 2014
Stupid me, 09 Jan 2014“Men have to learn a lot to get to the same level of ignora... moreThank you bro. I would be so delighted for your assistance. thanks in anticipation
@MdN and Carol, I am still expecting your step by step guide to the upgrading to Belle OS. thanks man
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkq
- 09 Jan 2014
RALPH, 09 Jan 2014how to hack my phone sir?Hacking ur phone makes it completely free from all the restrictions & enables ur phone's highest performance capacity. I have hacked my phone & now i can install all the apps which i wasnt able to install before hacking. Problems of certificate error, supplier not trusted, etc. now doesnt arise & now i am even able to do beepless recording of calls. Open the link i am providing below. There is step by step explanation about how to execute the hacking process. 1st read the entire process carefully & then download & execute it.
Download link:
- S
- Stupid me
- TgY
- 09 Jan 2014
MdN8, 08 Jan 2014Don't worry, standard camera app can do almost everything u... more“Men have to learn a lot to get to the same level of ignorance.” OMG! I am cracking up :-))). I hope you know that men end up in the dog house for statements like that :-D. Hilarious parrot talk, too :-) …but I intend to take some photos of them – whenever. Hope my camera delivers there!!!
Well, sorry to sound obsessed with photography but yesterday, we went back to the same spot and I took some shots again but in “landscape” and guess what, the automatic shots were better. I used the little church in the distance as my reference. It was quite recognizable with the automatic shot but was just a white shape in the landscape shot, despite the weather being glorious. Maybe there was too much light??? Well, that is just my experience. Not climbing that hill again for a while.
No, I have not tried setting up my email yet. Sounds like a lost cause now, so maybe I won’t bother to waste my time trying when I can get it off my PC. I reinstalled App Stop, vLight, YouTube downloader, Skype, Opera Mini, Viber (don’t know why) and my favourite NetQin Security v5.0 Pro. I’ll use NetQin to try and delete some of the useless Apps. Way back, I was delighted to delete the weather app which had refused to go, but I never got around to trying to delete anything else after that. But…I remember going to NetQin’s App management, selecting the weather app and deleting it from there when all other attempts failed. I only just discovered too, that NetQin finds other running apps so, by using both App Stop and NetQin together, I can conserve a lot more on the battery.
I am not daring enough to hack my phone and install all kinds of apps. After all, women are ignorant, right? :-D So, if NetQin is cleaning out my phone, giving me back memory, blocking viruses, scanning the system, deleting unwanted apps, finding & and shutting down running apps, optimizing performance and telling me “Your phone is running good” :-) then what more can an ignorant woman want, huh? :D
Oh! If no one responds to Terjin (about Belle upgrade) by the time I get back I'll do so, but later. It will be Carol's instructions which I altered (only the wording) to suit myself. Just alerting him that I tampered with it. Hope I get internet connection because the erratic service is driving me nuts so I may have to go and lodge another complaint.
- h
- howiwish
- XMm
- 09 Jan 2014
good eve to nokia users. what do you think if nokia woul put some important application able to download on the store like the mobile cleaner or whatsoever.. pls nokia????
- W
- XMm
- 09 Jan 2014
and one last thing sir, how can i download the mobile cleaner my nokia doesnt support the app i think. thanks so much and more power
- R
- XMm
- 09 Jan 2014
Anonymous, 09 Jan 2014Mobile cleaner works best when the phone is hacked. I use t... morehow to hack my phone sir?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkq
- 09 Jan 2014
RALPH, 09 Jan 2014good morning i nedd some help guys my nokia n8 cant suppor... moreMobile cleaner works best when the phone is hacked. I use the app & it works fine. I had hacked my phone with nortan. So try using mobile cleaner after u hack ur phone.
- k
- kevin
- fu0
- 09 Jan 2014
MdN8, 09 Jan 2014It has fixed some Belle bugs, more memory, more widgets, al... morekevin
- R
- XMm
- 09 Jan 2014
good morning i nedd some help guys
my nokia n8 cant support the mobile cleaner when i star to download it some images appears that i cant understand
pls help
i have downloaded the signed and unsigned version but the error stil the same