Nokia N8
- N
- N8 User and Lover
- 3DR
- 21 Feb 2011
Aaron, 21 Feb 2011HD games are handled by N8's BCM2727 GPU not by the ARM11 6... moreI didn't see any comments on the Galaxy S page about how it slows and freezes like the N8 does.
Didn't the N97 and N97 Mini have issues too.
Since I've had the N8, all games have slowed, jerked and crashed completely, especially when you have more than 1 app open. When that app is your video player or camera it's garanteed.
- o
- osa
- 0kG
- 21 Feb 2011
sure you choose galaxy
- A
- Aaron
- t7X
- 21 Feb 2011
AnonD-698, 21 Feb 2011nokia showed their stupidity in n8 despite of knowing other... moreHD games are handled by N8's BCM2727 GPU not by the ARM11 680MHz CPU. And for the record, N8's GPU is more powerful than that of Galaxy S and the like. ARM11 680MHz CPU is for the applications, opening, switching them. Most Android phones with 1GHz CPU are not faster than N8. Symbian@680MHz is equal to Android@1GHz in real world performance. Sometimes, numbers is not everything.
- R
- Ravisvf
- Hkw
- 21 Feb 2011
After Samsung Galaxy S, Got this as an Upgrade. Android is Very Slow, Full of visual candy with Lot of swypes to access menus.
Symbian 3 IS quick to access function. Best Battery, Fantastic Screen, Stunning Camera, Ability to read my 500 GB Hard drive to watch Movies where ever i roam.
N8 - Another KING from the Finns,
May be Samsung should return back to Symbian... Samsung boasts large processor, That consumes LOT of Power for Visual Styling and When it comes to the Balance of a phone, N8 Excels in every shot.
- N
- N8 User and Lover
- 3DR
- 21 Feb 2011
How big are Nokia?
How much money do they have behind them?
How long have they been a major player?
Why so far behind?
It's like they've forgotten what they do........
- D
- AnonD-698
- utv
- 21 Feb 2011
nokia showed their stupidity in n8 despite of knowing other companies r now using 1ghz processor they still used 680 mhz which is not good enough as day by day hd games r coming so it need good processor to handle it.otherwise lagginess and hanging problems will occur..
secondly no change in os old system and features giving 3 homescreens doesn't mean it has new os rest is same as old and no new attractive applications and games ..they should have changed full symbian theme,format,design,functions and many more if they want to keep symbian and now symbian will be ruined by 2012 and they have adopted wp7 which everyone knows no one will like wp7 its in the category of symbian as well so another big mistake...n8 from starting there were problems and still some minor problems r still faced by users where nokia is going these days i think so nokia has completely gone mad and now this year no nokia phone will be releasing this year so almost nokia has lost their customers completely best of luck try to do somethong by which u can compete with others...
- m
- mjbadboy14
- nFs
- 21 Feb 2011
tina, 21 Feb 2011can i use sky call on nokia x6yes u can get skype on nokia x6 but you need to bye it on the ovi store
- N
- N8 user and Lover
- 3DR
- 21 Feb 2011
[deleted post]They should stop making phones altogether at this rate. I work in sales and my issue has made selling N8's much harder. I'll just offer them Desire HD's iPhone 4's, 3GS', Blackberry's and anything other than a Nokia. Shame being as they were the only manufacturer I used.
- N
- N8 user and Lover
- 3DR
- 21 Feb 2011
[deleted post]Lol. My girlfriend works in ICU.
It might be worth arranging the 'apps' folder into seperate folders for different types of apps and games. My 6300 slowed to a halt when I put 1gb of java games on it without seperating into folders. Once done it was fine.
By the time I remembered this it was too late. I couldn't even access 'organise' on the app screen to uninstall and/or rearrange.
I did download about 20 apps and 15 games from Ovi. They never said there was a limit and one would assume the amount you can fit on there depends on your total storage available. I think how you organise you apps is crucial to ensure it remains fast. It would also slow down if I put more than 12 apps on each home screen.
One of my biggest gripes is POOR MULTI TASKING and POOR WEB BROWSING. It really doesn't like 'signing in' pages and often crashes and quits, losing your page and history with it. This happens with the generic browser and Opera 10.
I really hate to admit when I have made the wrong choice but as time goes on Nokia just seem to let me down. I'd have been better off with their 1208 for £15 on PAYG!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 5F{
- 21 Feb 2011
tushaar, 21 Feb 2011i m confuse between n8 n galaxy tab... which one i should ... morebuy n8
- J
- JohnMickey
- Kg@
- 21 Feb 2011
I'm from the Philippines and just bought my Nokia N8 just yesterday. The photo/video quality is awesome! Symbian ^3 also has some additional features and the Super clear AMOLED display with 12MP camera plus 720p HD video makes me drool my saliva. huh!! from my first nokia phone the 8250 to 7650 to N95 to N97 and now the N8!! Salamat Nokia!!!
- N
- N8 user and Lover
- 3DR
- 21 Feb 2011
Anonymous, 21 Feb 2011For people who can't find many useful apps for this phone, ... moreAre they all Symbian compatible?
I managed to get Spore for the Samsung Omnia to work from time to time.
Post a few links on here.....
- N
- N8 user and Lover
- 3DR
- 21 Feb 2011
I had my first let down recently.
It kept saying 'full memory'. I had plenty of storage so it must of been the ROM or RAM. The system restore (*#7780#) functions failed and actually made the problem worse. It took a full factory reset (*#7370#).
It seems to have resolved it but now I've lost everything and I'm not confident the Ovi Suite has my settings to restore. Some of the pre loaded apps are showing '?'. Before the reset my homescreen was full of these.
I am dissapointed when this only seems to happen with Nokia and Symbian. Hopefully Microsoft will pull their finger out too and finally make something that compares to Android, which apparantly will never apear on Nokia because they have a deal with Microsoft. Just wish they would start running forwards like the rest of the manufacturers do.
- D
- AnonD-698
- utv
- 21 Feb 2011
n8 is good handset with great hardware but bcoz of os it goes lit bit down bcoz symbian developers r not taking others seriously they r not making good applications like androids and iphone thats y symbian is lacking they need to understand what people r expecting from symbian if they start making good sofwares then androids and iphone r nothing infront of nokia and by this all others r taking advantage..
- ?
- Anonymous
- GW$
- 21 Feb 2011
For people who can't find many useful apps for this phone, don't use Ovi store just find websites you can download apps from. There is a big world out there...
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 21 Feb 2011
[deleted post]I think the phone will need 680 mhz cpu dual core to run both os.
- p
- phil
- tAU
- 21 Feb 2011
This is a poor phone from nokia. i have been a die hard nokia user since the nokia 101. I have recently sold this phone after hoping that nokia had the answer to the i phone 4. the n8 software platform is unstable and unreliable. try and get onto the internet and endure carpark speeds. nokia i am dissapointed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Feb 2011
[deleted post]For 2015 released phone, the spec. you mentioned are so outdated.
- D
- AnonD-2172
- uNV
- 21 Feb 2011
Nokia N8 is D best to me. But honestly my ranking should be this.... -
Iphone 4
Nokia N8
Samsung galaxy s
Sonyericsson X12
- D
- AnonD-698
- utv
- 21 Feb 2011
ofcourse n8 is better than e7 infact e7 is still behind from n8 in camera prospective so definetly e7 is not going to rock its just copy of n8 ..but we want from nokia to make another n8-01 with any special edition and it should have 1ghz processor with 512 mb ram thats all and this is enough to beat current phones in the market...hope nokia does it..