Nokia N86 8MP
- k
- kaushal
- 2Aj
- 26 Oct 2009
waiting 4 the next firmware update. expecting blink detection, smile recognition, ability to play avi files using the default player, even better camera performance at night, less of hanging of fone, better processing of photos so that it takes less time to zoom them nd faster nd better overall performance.
- k
- kaushal
- 2Aj
- 26 Oct 2009
first to all of them who r trying to hack there n86... The hello ox site says that the n86 with the new firmware ie v20 is unhackable so dont try to hack it. Secondly if something goes wrong while hacking the fone, nokia wld nt repair it. So better take opda certificate for signing applications nd then enjoy them.
- T
- Tolu
- b6H
- 26 Oct 2009
Marty, 25 Oct 2009I have had the n86 for over a week now.It has been running ... moreMarty,
Your problem might be a firmware issue. There's a lot of complaints on the Nokia board about the v2 firmware.
- s
- spidey01
- vxt
- 26 Oct 2009
love huo, 26 Oct 2009does anyone have any problem using n86?
how long does the ... moreit's been 3days since the last time i charged my phone..
how does that sound to you??
in my own opinion, it's battery life is pretty decent..^_^
id say dude, n86 8mp is simply amazing..go for it if ur planning to get's definitely worth ur money..:)
- m
- malaal
- nxM
- 26 Oct 2009
what about battary life ? plz an body tell me
- S
- Sup
- tPF
- 26 Oct 2009
its better to update the firmware by using OTA way better... yeap.. still the phone lags..a lil bit.. when you open a lot application... ofc its a phone not a PC xD...
- l
- love huo
- tV0
- 26 Oct 2009
does anyone have any problem using n86?
how long does the battery lasts?
- l
- leovyn
- wce
- 26 Oct 2009
nemesis, 26 Oct 2009Dear.. I had the same problem with my HP Laptop that has V... morei tried to update with another pc in my house which is windows xp too...and it successful to start the update...but..still the same..until say it failed..and after that i can update to solve this?????
- n
- nemesis
- S1U
- 26 Oct 2009
leovyn, 25 Oct 2009i tried to update my firmware today...but it keep occur thi... moreDear..
I had the same problem with my HP Laptop that has VISTA SP2, I believe its VISTA problem, because its working perfectly with my other laptop which has Windows XP on it.
So try to connect your phone with any PC that has Windows XP on it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- upc
- 26 Oct 2009
waiting for next firmware update
this phone is awesome thanx nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- upc
- 26 Oct 2009
this phone is the best ever smart phone by nokia.The only minus is its screen size
- ?
- Anonymous
- YHv
- 26 Oct 2009
Amini afg, 26 Oct 2009I have Nokia N86 8MP when i saw that i made by Nokia Manufa... morewhat difference does it make look @ the review it says made in china, but i guess gsmarena got a fake
get over it already there made everywhere
- A
- Amini afg
- 26 Oct 2009
I have Nokia N86 8MP when i saw that i made by Nokia Manufacutured by China i dont its original or chines mobile bt it has all Nokia original system so i want 2 know its or chines plz help me ?
- b
- brynn
- nGv
- 26 Oct 2009
leovyn, 25 Oct 2009i tried to reinstall NSU and also tried to connect in all u... moreI put a link earlier to help else it nokia centre or wifi like most people have got update..
- b
- brynn
- nGv
- 26 Oct 2009
sea-breeze, 25 Oct 2009hi man ! to be true ! the fone lags a little bit when do ... moreYour right the market needs an overhaul in speed but my comp takes a while to open up word, then real player has the eggtimer their for a while so most computers lag i suppose unlees youve got money to buy something decent..My laptop,,
intel core 2 duo proccessor T 6400,,2.0GHz 800Mhz fsb 2MB level 2 cache with 4GB ram..Gma 4500 intel integrated cheap graphics chip..That was my best choice on my budget..So other peoples real player may open up right away with bigger proccessor/high end graphics chip i will never know cannot afford a real good comp...Mind you if i stopped buying smarfones i probably could but i am hooked..
- b
- brynn
- nGv
- 25 Oct 2009
symbios, 25 Oct 2009I've tried installing HelloOX 1.02 with Mapping drives, Hel... moreFirstly symbian has always operated a closed o/s negating these hacks and in that way it simplifys matters,,Its built in that way so it can download java,,.sis and .sisx in later editions simply and thats it with basic customisation.. I to go to windows like htc touch pro i am using for complete do what the hell you like with a smartfone..When new customers or old boot up symbian/nokia fones out comes the familiar handshake and jingle,,they have introduced basic new homescreens that are easy to adjust and all is cosy without being bogged down with hundreds of endless options..The most an advanced user gets to a bit of meddling is the simple y-browser but you still have to be carefull using that app..
As to your question havnt they only just got helloOX operating on 5800 but these are hacks written by a person who may stumble in writing the code..Its like trying to patch up car you cannot get it as good as the factory can and sometime if not all the time you invading in someone elses coding ..In miliatary installations invisible code can spot attacks or that an intruder other than the original writer is getting into the system and starts to shut itself down,,i think that what happened to Gary Mckinnen as he got to near and he said the screen erased itsself..What i mean is your going against the grain with hacking and things can go terribly wrong and brick the device..Even nokia service centres try all their tricks to get a device working before they send it back to nokia itself,,they have all the tricks and coding the lot to get the fone working again no one else could..I dont try these hacks because of these actions you really have to know what your doing and unless You have written the hack yourself you are only copying someone elses work and these people second guessing usually end up writing bad software because they are not in full control or know the original source code..Xda developers are doing the same for windows but windows is open to hacks by nature..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04W
- 25 Oct 2009
Hey...Why people are insisting to vote it?Is it a good phone?? otherwise I will also vote it....I saw 2 months before, its rating was not more than 7,7,7...Now it got a good rating :)
- D
- Dr. Bidhan
- TL5
- 25 Oct 2009
Anonymous, 25 Oct 2009rate 10 10 10 come on !!!!I always gv it 10 10 10 bt it also deserve dat yar
- s
- sea-breeze
- fXB
- 25 Oct 2009
symbios, 25 Oct 2009I've tried installing HelloOX 1.02 with Mapping drives, Hel... morenew version 20 is U N H A C K A B L E
- s
- sea-breeze
- fXB
- 25 Oct 2009
brynn, 25 Oct 2009Thats how people get wrong information for eg the moto v3 h... morehi man ! to be true ! the fone lags a little bit when do multiple operations in same time .. i mean writing a msg and listen to music try after then browse ur image gallery u gonna find a lag !
ofcorse its not a pc !!! but i confess the old n82 didn't lag !
i think thats only because of the internal mass storage and the huge 8megapixel processing of imaging !