Nokia N9
- P
- Pooh
- fqj
- 10 Jun 2012
What a horrible cell. Had a N8 which was stolen so got the N9 5 months ago. It has just packed up - couldn't access Apps yesterday & today it can't even switch on. Suspect it is the inbuilt battery. How dare Nokia presume that I don't need to connect my cell to PC (I'm not talking about pics & music, but even that is clumsy), to use cell as a modem for my PC, to use the PC as a backup, etc. I had to manually enter each contact into the N9. Even the N8's camera was better. So no cell till I can get a lift there & back for N9 to be repaired 150km away. Landline was down this morning. I'm on a farm, female, on my own & security is an issue as my dogs were doped by the 'person'who stole my N8 & no electricity tomorrow & Tues. I am NOT happy with Nokia.
- D
- AnonD-49722
- thu
- 10 Jun 2012
AnonD-15469, 10 Jun 2012I want to buy the white version of this phone, can anyone p... moreno, never, if you dont believe it try to browse on other site. thank you, hahahaha
- D
- AnonD-15469
- 7qx
- 10 Jun 2012
I want to buy the white version of this phone, can anyone plz tell me if the white one will get dirty and yellowish after some time??
- A
- Aamer
- vGY
- 10 Jun 2012
I got my N9 tooo !! and just love the design.
Features wise, quite smooth to use... still exploring this beauty in free time.
But one thing I can comment for this phone,,, this is more polished than any Android or iOS first versions,,, if only Nokia had made it their main concentration, it wud be lovely :)
- p
- pranay
- 7t8
- 10 Jun 2012
nimbuzz n uc web?????
- D
- AnonD-34077
- syt
- 09 Jun 2012
Anonymous, 09 Jun 2012how shall i use gv detail Go to and search for N9 QTweak. You'll get all the knowledge and details from there..
- D
- AnonD-39417
- fqG
- 09 Jun 2012
will be getting mine by Monday,,,,can't wait to own this monster of a fone and i believe this community will carry me along ..... Long Live Nokia,,,Long Live MeeGo
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3J5
- 09 Jun 2012
AnonD-34077, 07 Jun 2012Try N9 shall i use gv detail
- w
- wasim24
- 3J5
- 09 Jun 2012
how can i change font color ????????????........................................
- ?
- Anonymous
- g5i
- 09 Jun 2012
I'm going to work, to put samsung omniaHD phone moded FW or Belle FW on duo-boot on nokia N9 bcz there is few hardware similarities, and i em sure it will work properly mking calls, cpu,gpu,camera,wifi,bt...also to modifie the screen grid sizes, bcz on symbian you can have lot of software choice.
- ?
- Anonymous
- g5i
- 09 Jun 2012
I'm going to work, to put samsung omniaHD phone moded FW or Belle FW on duo-boot on nokia N9 bcz there is few hardware similarities, and i em sure it will work properly mking calls, cpu,gpu,camera,wifi,bt...also to modifie the screen grid sizes, bcz on symbian you can have lot of software choice.
- P
- Pranay
- 7tJ
- 09 Jun 2012
[deleted post]ANGEL_N9
hey thanks for the link.
when we n9 user get nibuzz n uc web brawser?
- M
- Mizawesome:::
- 9GI
- 09 Jun 2012
I'm frm india,,,
frm where i can get new nokia n9,,,
nokia doest launchthis phone in india,,,
- s
- sameh
- fvK
- 09 Jun 2012
izel, 07 Jun 2012i want to ask the people have n9 if i can install wahtsapp ... moreyes you can
- p
- pranay
- 7tJ
- 09 Jun 2012
N9 White, 08 Jun 2012Front Camera! moreANGEL_N9 (India,Pune)
hey thanks for the link...
- N
- N9 White
- w0Q
- 08 Jun 2012
Front Camera!
- p
- pierre
- fsq
- 08 Jun 2012
izel, 07 Jun 2012i want to ask the people have n9 if i can install wahtsapp ... moreYes you can.. :)
- D
- AnonD-50456
- vGu
- 08 Jun 2012
izel, 07 Jun 2012i want to ask the people have n9 if i can install wahtsapp ... moreOf course U can ,