Nokia N9

Nokia N9

User opinions and reviews

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  • d
  • david
  • IVN
  • 08 Jan 2015

appu, 06 Jan 2015is whatsapp works on n9?Yes !

    ken magsaysay, 06 Jan 20152012 i dreamed to have this phone but that time its quite e... moreIt's a great and unique phone, enjoy your N9.

      • a
      • appu
      • YQS
      • 06 Jan 2015

      is whatsapp works on n9?

        • k
        • ken magsaysay
        • t7X
        • 06 Jan 2015

        2012 i dreamed to have this phone but that time its quite expensive, but dec 2014 atlast when i went to a tiangge certain mall in marikina preferably 2nd hand phone store i got one in a very reasonable price im so happy... I know theirs a lot of android and windows phone now but when i have this phone it makes me feel complete although no viber buts its ok, internet connection really fast using either globe or sun sim, camera its perfect a dim or dark places ive got a best picture although front camera not that clear and one of the best thing i like WOW THE SCREEN DISPLAY superb high definition i love to watch hd movies and clip... I love my n9 and i wont replace it with android thanks Nokia

          • e
          • elu
          • NXN
          • 02 Jan 2015

          How is the speed of the phone. Can it replace iphone 4, samsung s2 ok nokia lumia 625

            • d
            • david
            • ibq
            • 02 Jan 2015

            Ehsan Makmur, 23 Sep there anyone can help me...can we install whatsapp ... morer u still cannot download whatsapp ??

              • D
              • AnonD-34934
              • utY
              • 31 Dec 2014

              Nokia 808 received a delight treat this 23.. A good Christmas treat. If the same happened for our N9, it would have been 😎 cool.

                • D
                • AnonD-34934
                • uuy
                • 29 Dec 2014

                Anonymous, 26 Dec 2014I already have an N9. But if I want to get another one in ... moreyes it will.. Maximum it will be coming with PR 1.3..

                  • H
                  • Hazdin Malays
                  • RJ2
                  • 29 Dec 2014

                  It's a good phone somehow... And i'm commenting this using N9 now... Voila

                    • S
                    • Sabbatismos
                    • 3sE
                    • 29 Dec 2014

                    Anonymous, 26 Dec 2014If I buy another Nokia N9 in January 2015 (factory brand ne... moreSabbatismos-the proud owner of the everlasting N9.
                    To your question of if it will upgrade, I honestly say I don't know.
                    Going by what Microsoft has done to Nokia Store, I doubt anything MeeGo will receive any support. I won't say give it a try.
                    My N9 is few days older than 2 years, and you can trust: everything is working perfectly. Its on your firmware parameters also-PR 1.3 et al.
                    When money comes, I may give the Lumia 930 a try. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about the N9 again.
                    I'm on fb: Sabbatismos is the address.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • J9U
                      • 26 Dec 2014

                      If I buy another Nokia N9 in January 2015 (factory brand new assuming one still available), will it upgrade itself to the last MeeGo software version as I unbox it and turn it on ? My current N9 has MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan version PR1.3 (40.2012.21-3_PR_006).

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • J9U
                        • 26 Dec 2014

                        I already have an N9. But if I want to get another one in January 2015 will it upgrade itself to the last version of MeeGo which is PR 1.3 (40.2012.21-3_PR_006) as soon as I unbox it and turn it on ?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • J9U
                          • 26 Dec 2014

                          peter emiji, 26 Dec 2014amazing phone indeed, if you have one then you know it, if ... moreWill it upgrade itself to the last version of MeeGo which is PR 1.3 (40.2012.21-3_PR_006) as soon as you unbox it and turn it on ?

                            • D
                            • AnonD-34934
                            • utY
                            • 26 Dec 2014

                            peter emiji, 26 Dec 2014I haven't laid my hand on N9 yet, and i can't wait to get o... moreEnjoy by getting one peter.. Superb device.. N9 should have had successors..

                              • p
                              • peter emiji
                              • Nv$
                              • 26 Dec 2014

                              amazing phone indeed, if you have one then you know it, if you don't like me then you need to get, good news we can still get new once, N9 is my next phone, for the last 7years am been using N73, and thats why i love Nokia phones, they a long lasting, 6years n i have no problem, no nothing is just like new, Bravo Nokia company, long live.

                                • p
                                • peteremiji
                                • Nv$
                                • 26 Dec 2014

                                Luka, 24 Dec 2014Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my story about my N9... morei can't wait to get one befor 2015

                                  • p
                                  • peter emiji
                                  • Nv$
                                  • 26 Dec 2014

                                  I haven't laid my hand on N9 yet, and i can't wait to get one soon this coming 2015 , though is some how expensive here in Uganda but i am going to get one, seeing and hearing from people it seem is so good, wow i can't wait to have one.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-34934
                                    • uuC
                                    • 25 Dec 2014

                                    Luka, 24 Dec 2014Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my story about my N9... moreWell said Luka.. Enjoy using it :)

                                      • L
                                      • Luka
                                      • 3qI
                                      • 24 Dec 2014

                                      Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my story about my N9. Its going to be a lenghty post, dont judge me, there might be some grammar errors and mistakes in word writing, I apologise. I will try to be objective as much as I can. Just expressing my opinion, not offending anyone, again if anyone feels offended, I apologise.

                                      Where do I start,

                                      I received my black N9 (64) Gb version as a gift back in 2012, I wasnt...well... happy because I wanted either a Galaxy S series phone or a Sony Xperia line (NXT) series. First of all, I used a lot of different phones, from different manufacturers (Siemens, Sony Ericsson, Lg, Samsung, Nokia....) before "smartphone era" started.

                                      Lets get back to N9 story. When I received it, I didnt feel quite happy because, well there were better phones out there to buy, but as I got it as a gift.....better something than nothing right.

                                      As I spent more and more time with N9, I was starting to realise what kind of a phone I have in my possesion. Let me put it in this way, I think you all saw at least once those videos from Sony
                                      that have this pattern:, a perfect way to describe N9: From operating system, to the build quality, polycarbonate which is painted throughout
                                      itself, so even if you scratch it, it reveals same
                                      color, screen incorporated into body looks prefect, when in stand by mode, you are unable to distinguish where the screen starts and where it
                                      ends, icons look like they are right there, floating right on the screen, impressive. I wont go so much into the specs, because I want this to be review for the normal usage on a daily basis. I wont care how much points its cpu or gpu got on latest benchmark test...because lets dont forget, we are talking about phones here, not pc s. User interface....what can I say...feels natural, swipe gestures, you want to close app, sure no problem, just swipe your finger from top to down and thats it, closed, simple. Contacts list, messages, email, organiser, alarm (best alarm setting, just spin the circles for hours, minutes and your good to go). Oh, and I can confirm that it can play 24 bit/96 KHz FLAC files & WAV files, but Im not sure if it downsamples them to 16/44 for the headphone output. Camera Carl Zeiss optics, do I need to say more, picture quality, not so great as in N8, but very good. All in all excellent piece of engineering, hardware and software.

                                      Where to go from here, of course this phone is not without bugs, but I just dont care, because they are not that frequent, and when they do happen, Im not frustated, ok maybe sometimes.

                                      I should really bring this to the end now. As much as Im happy with my N9, at the same time Im sad, because I know it will be hard to find a replacement for it, but even if it stops working in the near future, I will always try to find another N9 to use again as my daily phone. I try to find a replacement for it, but I couldnt, among all the Galaxies, iPhones, Sony Z series, Lg G ones, I couldnt find a phone that could replace N9. It has everything you need, major apps like (skype, twitter, facebook). Many people say, reviewers and others, that "lack of apps" and "dead os" are disadvantages, I agree, MeeGo/Harmattan as an os is dead, there arent many apps in the store, but when you take a look which apps you "actually need and use", there are already on the phone. Only apps I have downloaded are: flashlight (daily use), file manager (when I need to send something which cant be sent in the os), meescan (for reading qr codes), thats it, I want to keep it as clean as possible in terms of installed software.
                                      I see a lot of people fall for the apps and specs these days when buying the phone. Just take three friends of mine, all of them have Galaxy S5. When one of them came to visit me back in June, for summer vacation, I was impressed i thought "wow an S5", he was using it like he know all the functions it can do. Later he confessed to me that he has no idea what his phone can do, and he uses it just for text chat, ocassional phone call and thats it, they dont even know that they can record 4K videos with them. Same for the other two, somehow I feel sorry for them.

                                      Finally a conclusion. N9 as we all know, its not the best phone in the market, it doesnt have largest app store available, yes it has some bugs (which are not that noticable).
                                      For all of you out there, who are asking should I get this phone, the answer is yes.
                                      BUT be warned, this phone can (if you allow it) positively affect your life, yes you will give up on any other phone once you use this one, yes you will be frustrated sometimes, yes you will look strange in other people eyes when you try to explain them all this (I dont care) I tried to cover in this text.

                                      To sum up. This is honestly the only phone in the world that when you put it out of the pocket and place it on the desk, it just screams: "I got soul, and Im superbad". Tell me which other phone can do that, can S5 make you feel happy, honestly no, iPhones: no.

                                      In fact I dare all of you out there who dont have N9, pick up your phone, place it on the desk and ask yourself, what do I need from the phone, does this phone makes me happy, did I bought it just because all of my friends have one?

                                      For the end I salute to the Nokia in general, Nokia team who worked on the MeeGo/Harmattan os, desing studio and every other women and men who worked on N9, in production or in design.

                                      You made a masterpiece.

                                      Nokia N9 -> "I got soul, Im superbad, you know it and you like it"

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-34934
                                        • utY
                                        • 23 Dec 2014

                                        Aadrian, 21 Dec 2014Yes both the N9 and N8 are once again raising in popularity... moreYes.. I have both the device.. also 808 :)