Nokia N9
- D
- AnonD-34077
- 10 May 2012
U waziri, 10 May 2012Thanks for Answer Ch.Saqib,
Last one brief me,
1-can this... moreI Don't have N900 unfortunately. So, I can't compare but I'll try to ask some developer friend. But I know this N900 browser has flash player (not flash lite) and it works well. N9's browse is basically an html5 browser. It can perform almost all the things. Specifically talking flash videos will not play right in the window of browser but it'll be sent to video player which will play it. It actually converts the flash file into html 5 file and play it.
Firefox browser support flash player (not flash lite). It can play every flash file within it just like on computer. Default browser can't do this.
But don't worry Firefox and flash player both are free to download.
- D
- AnonD-12116
- P@T
- 10 May 2012
hey guyzzz
thanks for telling wht u feel about this beauty...
gsmarana did one good thing otherthan remove N9 from daily interest list...
it gave the best sentences to describe n9
- A
- Alin
- p$u
- 10 May 2012
U waziri, 10 May 2012Thanks for Answer Ch.Saqib,
Last one brief me,
1-can this... moreI have used N900 in the past and N9 now.
Despite lacking the flash in default browser, the N9's browser is better than N900, more smooth. It does not have flash support integrated in the browser this means that you can not view a flash video or something directly on the page like you do on Symbian for example, but instead videos run in the default media player of N9 when clicked. So if you can not see a flash video on a site, check its mobile version!
You don't have this issue if you will use Firefox and install flash from the Nokia store!!
It might be possible that in the future the default browser will support flash,too.
- U
- U waziri
- PAm
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-34077, 10 May 2012I'm not sure that on that speed N9 can perform or not. But ... moreThanks for Answer Ch.Saqib,
Last one brief me,
1-can this browser perform same as N900(if ur useing n900)
2-U said that flash vedios plays on fire fox browser but my question is this phone own defalt browser doesnot run flash & other audio vedios files.(please answrs both question in detail)
Because i am intersting to by it & U know that i internet lover i wait UR Advice ......Thanks
- D
- AnonD-53410
- uvY
- 10 May 2012
why we need dual or quad core.
my n9 has no lags in one core.
only problem is less apps but all available apps are unique.
n9 will rock till 2016 because Nokia promissed that it will provide updates for n9.
no other phones have this feature.
every year lots of mobile are coming our way but n9 is ONCE IN A LIFETIME.
- A
- Alin
- p$u
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-12116, 10 May 2012hi guyzzz what do u think about camera between Galaxy SI... moreI did not test the S3 camera but from the specs, the N9 is better. I can say that the N9 amazed me with video recording, very good colours and focus. And I think that MeeGO is away BETTER than android ICS
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- AnonD-36229
- U}}
- 10 May 2012
read that, lol
- D
- AnonD-34077
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-12116, 10 May 2012Ur ar right Mr Ch.Saqib
this is my idea....
Galaxy SIII... moreYou are right about the cores. Quad core. Are we really using a smartphone?
What I think its the flaw of the OS. It can't be run smoothly on lower hardware. If the OS become hardware friendly it will reduce the cost as well as the users will get it on lower prices even the companies can increase their profits. Also low hardware will consume less battery which is a real need of time...
- D
- AnonD-34077
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-12116, 10 May 2012Ur ar right Mr Ch.Saqib
this is my idea....
Galaxy SIII... moreYes. It is a perfect size and if watching any video clip the screen of N9 make you feel that you are using s bigger screen specially on black N9.
If you want that much big screen then why not go for a tablet.
No doubt the design of N9 is the best. Don't forget the yellow pencil award. And OS its really amazing. You I can't use any other OS now because I always want to swipe. I've forgotten to use keys:P
Yes the apps are less but the most needed apps are here. Having more choice is good.
What I miss the most is video calling and better Facebook notifications. Current notifications are not working very well.
Don't forget the panorama. I've never seen such a result on any other device yet.
- D
- AnonD-12116
- X}t
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-34077, 10 May 2012From the specification they both look very similar. But les... moreUr ar right Mr Ch.Saqib
this is my idea....
Galaxy SIII is far beyond from normal 4n users,,.
4.8" display is too much daily routing of 4n users..
what is the point of having power hungry quad core processers ?do u going to play crysis 3 on it?
big size is not procket friendly...
So N9 is superior choice for normal 4n users ..
N9 is not too less or too much,, lies in middle except apps...:-)
Design and OS are superiors ...
this is my feel...what i miss????
what's is urs?
- D
- AnonD-34077
- 10 May 2012
Anyone there wanna buy Nokia Lumia? before making any decision check this out
- D
- AnonD-34077
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-12116, 10 May 2012hi guyzzz
what do u think about camera between Galaxy SI... moreFrom the specification they both look very similar. But less f number in N9 most probably give better result in low light. Carl ziess lens is also a positive thing in N9. I personally use wide angle and I like it more.
Another thing which I have noticed is that N9 gives more real colours rather than enhanced. Most of the other camera phones enhance the colours.
I can't say which one is a winner. Let see some competition in future
- D
- AnonD-49722
- tA$
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-12116, 10 May 2012hi guyzzz
what do u think about camera between Galaxy SI... morei think sgs3 camera is better than n9,
but i still love my n9
- C
- Chet@n
- uvu
- 10 May 2012
By comparing hardware specs vs. Price nokia is below others,even below d iphone.
Nokia should go with their linux varient os,to make less costlier fones not with windows.
Also their battery capacity is below 1500mAH even in their top end fons.
- D
- AnonD-50456
- w0@
- 10 May 2012
Check this out N9 Indian users
- D
- AnonD-12116
- X}t
- 10 May 2012
hi guyzzz
what do u think about camera between Galaxy SIII and Nokia N9(Both have 8mp)?
Galaxy S III's sensor offers an
F/2.6 aperture
focal length of 3.7 mm
Nokia N9 sensor offers an
f/2.2 wide angle (28mm in 35mm equivalent), Carl Zeiss optics
Focal length: 3.77mm
What is ur feel about this?what is best?
- D
- AnonD-53653
- KxF
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-816, 10 May 2012Poor my N9.. now in progress to update my sgs2 to ICS.. sin... morepoor you, you spend your money on sgs2 but sgs3 gonna out soon
sell it again maybe?
- D
- AnonD-816
- UGn
- 10 May 2012
Poor my N9.. now in progress to update my sgs2 to ICS.. singapore.
- D
- AnonD-50456
- w0@
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-49560, 10 May 2012hey
u'l hav to go to the bank (any branch) and just tell t... moreAmeya
I may gona miss this feature i regularly use Imobile feature in my GS2,
I found some java based apps in the internet nt sure hw they gona work, anyway i will mail to ICICI bank people and check with them,
- D
- AnonD-49560
- Hkw
- 10 May 2012
AnonD-50456, 10 May 2012Hi is there any App like Imobile (icici bank application), ... morehey
u'l hav to go to the bank (any branch) and just tell them to activate telebanking on my fone. M not sure if they will have the requisite app for meego, but they will install the app which is supported by symbian!! :-)