Nokia N9
- T
- TimmieTee
- kQS
- 27 Sep 2013
N9 still a great fone for past year. Reading MacWorld's battery tests, I don't even think buying a smart-phone with 11 hours battery life (iP5s). I still get 2-3 days, no problem. I'll take a single-core proc any day. Just wish Nokia would license out the N9 so we could get a hardware update in the future.
Macworld 5c review >
- D
- AnonD-189050
- t1$
- 26 Sep 2013
AnonD-34385, 25 Sep 2013i recently brought an n9 64gb in india, i've converted my s... moreInsert sim n try to reboot n wait u I'll get
- D
- AnonD-34385
- vGx
- 25 Sep 2013
i recently brought an n9 64gb in india, i've converted my sim to micro but my phone's not reading sim card what to do please help...
that sim card is workin on my sisters lumia please help wht to do...
- S
- Sabbatismos
- fsV
- 25 Sep 2013
After about a year of using MeeGo OS, I can boldly say that, Nokia N9 is the most versatile phone made before her sale to America. Nokia N9 is not all about what a phone can do for you (this is part), it is more of what you can do with a phone; thanks to the OS. I'll still recommend it. At some points, Facebook, Skype, Wazapp connectivity and music sharing were real issues; not anymore. The OS seems to have a memory that tends to restore ROM to factory settings, making it impossible for device to lose orientation. Many problems that most of us lamented over, such as Java, Memory card and 4G, have proven to be good features we can do without, as the lacks met almost perfect substitutions. Aside fashion, N9 would continually top User Satisfaction rating. Frankly, N9 is less problematic when viewed with other smart phones. I cant over-praise the device, it deserves all my respect. Long live N9.
- S
- Sabbatismos
- fsV
- 25 Sep 2013
lucky , 19 Sep 2013I lost my nokia n9 last month can i get someone who ... moreHi, this is Solomon, from Nigeria.
In the phone, there is a pre-installed app called Track & Prot. It is, I believe, a Dutch network company that simply helps to literally tracks your device using the unique serial number and thus protects it. If you registered with them before the phone ran away, go to their site and log in. Usually, your number is your username and then your password. You will them be able to do to the run away phone whatsoever you want, including receiving the number of sim currently in the phone. Thence, you can religiously speak with the possessor to restore your Once In A Lifetime technology.
If you're not registered with them, I dont know what else you may do but to pray that the possessor enjoys it as you must have.
- A
- Alee
- KIh
- 24 Sep 2013
Its really amazing :)
- M
- Muhammed Nizar
- ttd
- 23 Sep 2013
It's very nice phone, i like it...
- D
- AnonD-189050
- t1$
- 21 Sep 2013
Teejay, 17 Sep 2013How do you delete music files on Nokia N9?Open Music player tap on song which u want to delete it I'll show u option to delete
- D
- AnonD-189050
- t1$
- 21 Sep 2013
AnonD-187695, 17 Sep 2013guys plz help...i was updating my wazzapp. The problem z it... moreGo To settings/Application/installation/Allow installations from non-store soures on it it will install
- D
- Dilpreet Singh
- U$4
- 20 Sep 2013
jagpreet, 19 Sep 2013i want to purchase this mobile from amritsar please suggest
Its not available in indian, actually its not ever launched in india. I bought it from Dubai last year. If any of your relatives are in Dubai you can ask them. Some time ago it was available through online shopping sites in india but you can't trust their quality.
Its best phone with smart swipe gestures. Build quality excellent (Nokia best in hardware), and all other features are superb.
- D
- Daham
- s%{
- 19 Sep 2013
1.Nokia N9 finland phone support pc suite connect to the internet data cable in pc
2.What is Nokia N9 finland Vs N9 phone differences
3.Nokia N9 finland is made in original nokia company
- j
- jagpreet
- RKj
- 19 Sep 2013
i want to purchase this mobile from amritsar please suggest
- l
- lucky
- 19 Sep 2013
I lost my nokia n9 last month can i get someone who is using that phone now ?
- d
- dimples
- Sc5
- 19 Sep 2013
allawi, 01 May 2013I just bought another black color of Nokia N9. I had the cy... morehi how did you change from meego to ntriod hope thats the right spelling, kindly please email me on am using N9 and would lov eto instal Tango
- D
- AnonD-187695
- NmW
- 19 Sep 2013
shekhar, 18 Sep 2013hi hw can i get my N9 registered in India if i ve to go f... moreinstallation inturrupted” wen installing wazzapp...plz help guys im stuck.
- A
- Aadrian
- nwY
- 19 Sep 2013
Still one of my favorite Nokia phones of all time. Also still one of the best phones ever. It had so much potential.
- s
- shekhar
- t}G
- 18 Sep 2013
hw can i get my N9 registered in India if i ve to go for Nokia music store?
- D
- AnonD-187695
- f3T
- 17 Sep 2013
guys plz help...i was updating my wazzapp. The problem z it dsnt want to get installed my fone says “installation interrupted”. Dnt knw wat to do nw, ive tried for two days to install it but gives d same message. Plz help, i berg.
- D
- AnonD-162319
- t1$
- 17 Sep 2013
Still better than crap windows Lumia series..
- T
- Teejay
- 9Da
- 17 Sep 2013
How do you delete music files on Nokia N9?