Nokia N9
- A
- Anto
- mTW
- 26 Sep 2011
Eldar Murtazin has restated that Nokia will only ship a total 92,000 units of the Nokia N9. This the reason they cant deliver this phone to other markets.
Guys get it before it goes out of stock. :)
- p
- pro
- 9xJ
- 26 Sep 2011
sam, 25 Sep 2011If the mind is sick, it barely or hardly understands. I thi... morei dont know about meego. but symbian is a great failure because of no major change in long span of time. once symbian was known for its simplicity and open sourceness and at that time it was one one of that time. now android came. yes battery performance is poor related to symbian but performance wise symbian^3 vs android 2.3.3 i found android rocks. the success of a smart phone relies on its os ,then hardwire. almost every smartphone user changes their phone in every next 2 or 3 years. so heavy duty body or built quality is not a issue. lets see what meego do. and also nokia with windows 7 mobile os.
- a
- az
- 26 Sep 2011
for me nokia or android phone have their own advantages cause i'm using both of them ,nokia phone is very very great on battery life so it's good using it for music, video recording and playback and of course for calling , android phone is only good for social networking and some gaming ,surely i hate android phone battery life cause i charge it 3-4times in a day while nokia only 1time in 2 or 3 days.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uC4
- 26 Sep 2011
after looking at the pictures, i notice that i cannot find the charging port...
- D
- AnonD-616
- Lbn
- 26 Sep 2011
nokia n9
everyday one video check it ,,
- 1
- 12rithy
- PWa
- 26 Sep 2011
Nokia N9 is available in Cambodia for a few day ago and I really impress with this phone. Get it one soon :-D
- J
- Jack Afro Soil Kid
- 26 Sep 2011
yeah! heard it was launched in South Afrika last week, looking ffwd to it, but im done with contracts for is faster than bamboes nower days(*stuck in a 2years contract).
- s
- spyqair
- j9I
- 25 Sep 2011
I'm an iphone user and haven't touched a touched a Nokia since my 5190. I must say, I'm very impressed with the N9 and it's swipe features. Looking forward to hearing more details about this phone.
- D
- AnonD-6614
- fnF
- 25 Sep 2011
babson, 25 Sep 2011i think the nokia e7 is good config than n9 cos it look l... more you must be sick, I guess you've really never held any of the Nokia phones you call imitations in your hands, Nokia builds solid durable phones, and N9 was announced long before the sgs2, baterry wise, Nokia is far much better than Samsung.
- t
- tarun
- t}A
- 25 Sep 2011
what is features?
- c
- carlo
- 9x1
- 25 Sep 2011
sam, 25 Sep 2011i think nokia may not be listening to lags reports on their... moreyou are totally wrong, you are speaking only for yourself. we know very well what is nokia capable of, i've been using nokia for almost 14 years now, and I am totally/completely satisfied with the performance of all nokia phone i use.
so stop bashing nokia! and trying to tell how nokia users are. we are not as st.pd as you or the nokia haters out there which... too many!
- n
- nokia
- pu2
- 25 Sep 2011
Now availble in market Super AMOLED Plus Disply. N9 stil use AMOLED disply.
No memory card slot is it copy of iphone.
not keep to open back cover is copy of iphone 3g.
this all old version. hey nokia try to make your own design.
- D
- AnonD-11450
- 9CH
- 25 Sep 2011
babson, 25 Sep 2011i think the nokia e7 is good config than n9 cos it look l... moreI meant specs not the body design so you think e7 is better than n9 hmmmmmm its ok i guess you are a e7 owner well everyone likes what they have so no hardfeeling... I also like my phone but dont tell that the other phone is bad cos you dont own it be broadmined respect good things;-)
- D
- AnonD-11450
- 7t8
- 25 Sep 2011
sam, 25 Sep 2011If the mind is sick, it barely or hardly understands. I thi... moreDont you try to brainwash the ppl here that nokia is not good and you wont talk anything after n9 becomes a are talking here as if you are giving some ammendments that everyone has to follow..and by the way i am not fighting with anyone i am just telling i love nokia and i ll tell it until you come out of your dreams...and i am not telling anyone here to love nokia or buy its phones just buy whatever you like cos i am not paying money to anyone to buy phones
- D
- AnonD-13986
- IWb
- 25 Sep 2011
sam, 25 Sep 2011If the mind is sick, it barely or hardly understands. I thi... morePlease go to youtube & watch the numerous videos on the performance of the N9, since you mention lag, lol lol. Then, read gsmarena preview on it. Then google for other reviews, comparisions. Then, ask the N900 owners what the device can do, it's a Maemo device, similar platform as N9. This is Meego, not Symbian.
All the points have been discussed many times in the previous pages of this thread.
- b
- babson
- fsV
- 25 Sep 2011
i think the nokia e7 is good config than n9 cos it look like samsung galaxy imitation.
- D
- AnonD-12123
- sEC
- 25 Sep 2011
Confidence, 25 Sep 2011Nokia don't no how to produce they just make any kind of ph... morereally, so u are the one who thingking more megapixel is more better.
I just laughing on u.
Really megapixel only produce high resolution to print out.
Not about quality image.there is alot of factor beside megapixel for example camera quality of n9 way better than n8 , n8 only has variable affecture f/2.8 mean while n9 has variable affecture f/2.2.
N9 way better camera phone who exist now, may be this yeas.
N9 has open wide of diafragma lens to capture light even in lowlight condition , camera will have good capture if u didnt use any flashlight,
n9 video its better than n8 by combining variable affecture and video light
- s
- sam
- N9@
- 25 Sep 2011
AnonD-11450, 25 Sep 2011I read your post completely and i didnt find any useful or ... moreIf the mind is sick, it barely or hardly understands. I think you should read my post again and again till infinity, when you will completely set your mind off nokia's already established merits, and then see more than that.That's when you won't come fighting people in forum comments and then observe, watch and commend users who speak truth.
This, you may ignore and not reply it if you are wise, otherwise, you can blab all the way down to your satisfaction.
- D
- AnonD-8044
- nFe
- 25 Sep 2011
[deleted post]I agree ,sick of hearing about sgs2 ..Android is tooo fragmented and poor battery efficiency and when i use it i get "force close " app warnings..I left android for apple..I am getting an N9 and its still talked about allover and very powerfull computing in your hand..Personnelly i want the N950 really..
- D
- AnonD-11450
- 7t8
- 25 Sep 2011
And many ppl complaining about nokia in gsmarena are just the android users and i feel ppl using apple never troll in nokia threads like these android fanboys do... They always wanna show that their android smartphones are superior to every phones..they will even compare nokia1100 to galaxy s2and tell that how highend and superb their phone is lol