Nokia N9

Nokia N9

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • ahmed
  • gxw
  • 21 Sep 2011

AnonD-16100, 21 Sep 2011i will give you a glimpse of idea why i just love this phon... morecan always get the "davlik emulator" witch will make you run android apps on meego... more then 200,000 app!!

not conform yet probably not working with it

let wait and see

    • s
    • sanket
    • YQx
    • 21 Sep 2011

    this mobile is complete software

      • H
      • Hans
      • MXU
      • 21 Sep 2011

      AnonD-16100, 21 Sep 2011i will give you a glimpse of idea why i just love this phon... moreRegarding the "Dalvik Emulator". Do you know when this will be available? Will regular users be able to download apps directly from Android Market, or is this app intended for developers/ people with programming-knowledge that will transform android apps to fit Meego OS?

        • h
        • hopeless
        • 9CH
        • 21 Sep 2011

        no news about n9 here in Indonesia,it's kinda odd cos its the first time nokia didn't release their phone here,i think they will release windows phone instead. how sad :(

          • D
          • AnonD-16100
          • 0kG
          • 21 Sep 2011

          Bartcoah, 21 Sep 2011What is so super about this phone? Since I see that the SG2... morei will give you a glimpse of idea why i just love this phone:
          1- it is so sexy.. it has no buttons so that is like no other phone in the world
          2- the new os: meego is a much waited os, and you can cleacrly see why with the swipe UI, it is original and attractive
          3- simplicity and innovation: no other phone out there can compete with this one when it comes to user experience, it has a unique experience that you will never get bored of.
          4- the camera is so good, i think that the only camera that beats it is the one on the N8
          5- specs wise: you have to understand apps and os's before talking about them: on different platforms, apps do need the same RAM space, that is why the N9 has 1GB of RAM, while on the CPU case, the stuff are a bit different: "heavy os's" like the ios or android do need a better CPU to perform, but this one is so light; actually it can be ran over a 600mhz CPU without lagging, so, 1GHZ is "overdone" by nokia!!
          6- the build quality: you know that the build nokia's build quality is often amazing, but here nokia out did itself!! i mean unpainted unibody!!
          7- the overall experience is so good even on video...
          8- apps: well, a lot of people think that this phone won't have enough apps- wrong!! first, all apps now are QT, so, it is just a "change platform" witch is basically copy and paste to make an app run on meego.. so simple!! and you can always get the "davlik emulator" witch will make you run android apps on meego... more then 200,000 app!!
          9- internet: this phone is basically linux, so it will give and internet experience like the one on your own laptop!! i mean HTML5 and much much more!!!
          10- the fine finally: i mean this phone has the greatest ppi in the world, a hell of a screen, a great innovative front facing cam, a sleek design.. this phone is just great!!
          what more do you need in a phone!!! just love it!!
          (it is not always about the specs sheet!!!)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • uvX
            • 21 Sep 2011

            When it wil release in singapore?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • srr
              • 21 Sep 2011

              the thing abaut nokia is that they know how to make a good old phone like nobody else.and the nokia haters make the mestake of comparing the procesor knows how to use the power unlike android os for curentli using a samsung galaxy tab 10.1 wich is a dual core and a n8.the n8 has 680mghz and the tab has a 1ghz dual would thimk that the tab would crap on the n 8.well its not like that.the tab is faster but not how you would expect from that difrence of least at the moment theyr is no os as goo as symbian and meego for using the procesor power at max.i even saw a speed comparison betwen 2 droid phones one with 1ghz dual core and 1with single core 1ghz and u couldnt see the difrence betwen them.and 1 more thing why cant i get more than 14 apps runing on the tab wich has 1gb of ram and on my n8 i got a 24 apps wiouth the softwere constantly closing apps

                • C
                • Chocololli
                • 5KQ
                • 21 Sep 2011

                I have been recommended this phone after almost 2 years with the BRILLIANT N900. My main reason for loving the N900? I travel on public transport A LOT and download a lot of TV which I watch whilst travelling. With the N900 I don't need extra software, "apps" or to convert files. I simply download, usb across & watch. Simple.

                Downside to N9? Can't do it!

                Looks like I may have to go for Samsung Galaxy Note when available..... unless you have any other suggestions???

                  • D
                  • AnonD-13986
                  • uCm
                  • 21 Sep 2011

                  Anonymous, 21 Sep 2011Read the specification; the phone dose not support HTML5 T... moreKindly refer official specs :
                  Under :
                  'Software platform and user interface'
                  'Html 5' is listed

                  You can go to Meego/Maemo forums for more info, they seem more excited about N9 than us Nokia fans, due to the OS. Those N900 who have been to the N9 intro/launch also made comparisions, they like the developers N950 more.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Y7c
                    • 21 Sep 2011

                    This phone will end ip just like the nokia n900 after one year nokia will drop their support and you will be out of a $1000 and no support from nokia.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Y7c
                      • 21 Sep 2011

                      sun, 21 Sep 2011n9 mobile for rich ppl :DI guess that's why nokia only made less than 1,000,000 of them.
                      Next year Meego OS will disappear from the tech world.
                      If nokia had made the n9 in 2007 when the iPhone was released by apple, nokia would have remain the number 1 vender in the world now that too late because Apple iOS and google android are now number 1&2 OS and Apple is the 1 vender and Samsung is number 2.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-23045
                        • Hx1
                        • 21 Sep 2011

                        Anonymous, 21 Sep 2011Read the specification; the phone dose not support HTML5 T... moren9 has html5

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Y7c
                          • 21 Sep 2011

                          [deleted post]Read the specification; the phone dose not support HTML5
                          This will be one of two phones that will run Meego the other is the Nokia n950 which is not for the public it's a developers device only.
                          The n900 was made as a developers device only also but Nokia sold 200.000 to the public to get some feed back about the future on that OS and hardware.
                          The n900 support flash 9.4 only while most other device support HTML5 and flash 10.2.1 and upgradeable to 11.1.1 which will be released to the public next Month.

                            • g
                            • gaju
                            • uwe
                            • 21 Sep 2011

                            it's awesome

                              • B
                              • Bartcoah
                              • n%n
                              • 21 Sep 2011

                              What is so super about this phone? Since I see that the SG2 is way better in any speccs. (no hater) but just wondering why people are you sycked about it...

                              Let me know



                                • s
                                • sinu sunny pkd
                                • s81
                                • 21 Sep 2011

                                the rocking phone..... Nokia N9

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PMT
                                  • 21 Sep 2011

                                  N9 has amazing swipe OS which is unparelleled.amazing display quality,where icons feel like flowing on screen.ease of use and live multitasking,which is unavailable on any of the crapdroids.It runs 36 apps without even coughing.just feel it on the videos on the web and you will be scratching to get one.This is for those android trolls who compare it to crap galaxies.

                                    • s
                                    • sun
                                    • PAv
                                    • 21 Sep 2011

                                    n9 mobile for rich ppl :D

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-13986
                                      • uCm
                                      • 21 Sep 2011

                                      AnonD-252, 20 Sep 2011You desperate Nokia-fans troll everywhere, and in the comme... moreIt is the Android/Samsung fans who CONSTANTLY busybody in every Nokia thread, like Nokia is some very important competitor, lol. I dont go to Samsung threads & repeatedly post, waste of time since I'm not interested in that brand. I only respond to the constant bashing of Nokia IN Nokia threads. Then I'll say something about Samsung.
                                      I dont lose a single cent if you dont buy Nokia & you dont lose money if I dont buy Samsung.

                                        • P
                                        • Paulyshore
                                        • mJr
                                        • 21 Sep 2011

                                        carlo, 20 Sep 2011scary! n9 is going to be sold out prior to its release.. wh... moreIts only going a windows phone, nokia decided not to release it as a symbian phone, i used a concept with symbian belle and it was great but its only going to be on windows