Nokia N9
- c
- chester
- fw6
- 12 Jul 2011
Sun Down, 12 Jul 2011Dude? Ever heard of Opera Mobile? Well, it doesn't really m... moreOpera Mobile will be available 4 N9 anyway.
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
chester, 12 Jul 2011yep,you are right,what's the use of Apps when y have a web ... moreDude? Ever heard of Opera Mobile? Well, it doesn't really matter as long as it has an uber music player with lots of customization in it (for me at least).
- c
- chester
- fw6
- 12 Jul 2011
Mark, 12 Jul 2011You raise some excellent points. For 90% of users all neces... moreyep,you are right,what's the use of Apps when y have a web browser like that.Apps r needed if u running Android,iOS,Symbian,WP and all other phone OS's but not Meego.Just using the browser alone,Apps become useless,i.e why get a Facebook App if you can get the full desktop experience on N9 browser.
I'm definitely getting 1 for sure.
Meego rock!
- 2
- 27592
- 2@e
- 12 Jul 2011
roy, 12 Jul 2011why on earth doesnt nokia n9 haven't the radio facility ?u can use internet radio!!!!!!!
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
Mark, 12 Jul 2011You raise some excellent points. For 90% of users all neces... moreOf course, how could I forget. The RAM would have it's own clock speed to handle the apps. Whatever the speed is, I'm guessing Nokia had it balanced out with the CPU. While I think the vanilla N9 is great, I wouldn't mind if Nokia at least offer an overclocking utility for developers to experiment a bit. Better yet they should implement some sort of ''Turbo'' effect on the CPU if somehow an app is really demanding. Think Metro 2033-like app. And yes, apps that are just poorly optimized or too demanding do exist, Nokia's own Chat app is one example.
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- PNj
- 12 Jul 2011
roy, 12 Jul 2011why on earth doesnt nokia n9 haven't the radio facility ?U can download radio for it
- M
- Mark
- ixJ
- 12 Jul 2011
roy, 12 Jul 2011why on earth doesnt nokia n9 haven't the radio facility ?It does have fm radio tech, a music store and Nokia branded streaming service powered by Aupeo. It is really neat. Go check it out!
- M
- Mark
- ixJ
- 12 Jul 2011
Sun Down, 12 Jul 2011Good point, and interesting too. If there's one single deno... moreYou raise some excellent points. For 90% of users all necessary functions are already in the N9, and the HTML5 support is desktop class, rendering the app ecosystem argument moot, perhaps even making Qt irrelevant. Untill then though, Qt will certainly make a difference.
I dont think MeeGo is a resource hog at all actually, but the system is designed to keep threads open and memory used. Actually in this scenario it is a RAM vs CPU tradeoff. Faster CPU means less loading times when restarting, so less RAM needed to keep apps open. More RAM like N9, means almost everything is kept active in RAM, meaning a much slower CPU is only needed. The N9 does not have a slow CPU, it is a solid 1Ghz on TI OMAP 3630 (I think). Dual cores are useless still since no mobile OS properly makes use of them anyway.
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
roy, 12 Jul 2011why on earth doesnt nokia n9 haven't the radio facility ?''radio facility''? I think you meant the Radio FM software. Well, it's not yet developed, but rest assured it'll be backed... *sigh* again... By... Damn it I'm getting tired with repeating this fact. Intel and open source community, nuff' said.
- n
- nomi naqi
- KIf
- 12 Jul 2011
this is good but it was to big.
- D
- AnonD-12379
- 7qG
- 12 Jul 2011
Sun Down, 12 Jul 2011We know that Nokia phones are quite durable compared to oth... moreYou are right , but the truth is always little harsh .
- r
- roy
- w9L
- 12 Jul 2011
why on earth doesnt nokia n9 haven't the radio facility ?
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
AnonD-12379, 12 Jul 2011Nokia N70 = Small Tank Nokia N95 = Normal Tank Nokia Asto... moreWe know that Nokia phones are quite durable compared to others, but do you really have to be a prick and bash the competitors? Be sporting next time.
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
gamer, 12 Jul 2011if you want to play hd games then buy a psp or a gaming con... moreStraight on. A phone isn't for gaming because right the current technology deems it inappropriate. Gaming on the PSP, a Windows laptop or the upcoming Wii U is the only logical choice right now. Oops, forgot the Macbook Pro, that one's powerful too.
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
Sails, 12 Jul 2011I've got few points to the app argument. I actually use... moreGood point, and interesting too. If there's one single denominator for an entire ecosystem of the smartphones, I guess HTML5 does it. Though, this means Qt will be obselete, same goes for others. But hey, at least everyone benefits.
- S
- Sun Down
- PF5
- 12 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 12 Jul 2011I will support n9.But also need Meego to be supported by no... moreYes, the N9 will be supported by Intel and other third party Meego developers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9JA
- 12 Jul 2011
i belive nokia whate ever its breakable or non breakable. it runs will and its gooc for rough and tough use. what ever its best for hard usage
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9JA
- 12 Jul 2011
I will support n9.But also need Meego to be supported by nokia or its devaloper will it be??????
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGM
- 12 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 12 Jul 2011i like your ans reall good Nokia is the a mobile brand which sense the important of a phone. No large screen, no million apps, no real time social network update can make a phone complete unless it make the very basic thing, A phone call. Nokia has been achieving that very thing since the first phone came in and is still doing it, so beautifully. And then it gives a lot more as we go. Its called mobile living.
- S
- Sails
- nmZ
- 12 Jul 2011
I've got few points to the app argument.
I actually use quite limited number of apps on a daily basis and based on what I know, N9 seems to have all that covered. The additional apps are just less important fluff.
Another point is that N9 will have a browser with better HTML 5 support than any other mobile currently out there. If you do some research, I think you will understand that it will be a next generation universal platform for apps. I think that at least 80% of current Android apps could easily be made with HTML 5. In the future more and more apps are moving to that. Think about it, code once, run on desktop, Android, iPhone, MeeGo, Symbian etc.