Nokia N9
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 01 May 2013
Rumour: “New Nokia N9 Mini is coming"
- a
- allawi
- 55U
- 01 May 2013
I just bought another black color of Nokia N9. I had the cyan one however I want to try the black. N9 has whats up and I am using it. They did two update for the app. When I trun Meego to Nitdroid I could use viber, tango, and fring. N9 is the best and I can't wait to install Sailfish OS on it.
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 30 Apr 2013
mamusa, 30 Apr 2013why doesnt N9 have Whatsapp but the N8 has it, i mean what ... moreu can give reasons saying N8 still has upper hand in some areas.. But it is not right to say N9 is slow.. In case of raw performance N9 is a better than N8...
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 30 Apr 2013
Anonymous, 30 Apr 2013Just reboot it. If it doesn't work,restore it. And if all o... morewill do...
- E
- Esk
- d$S
- 30 Apr 2013
mamusa, 30 Apr 2013why doesnt N9 have Whatsapp but the N8 has it, i mean what ... more>why doesnt N9 have Whatsapp but the N8 has it
Because the Whatsapp devs made a Symbian port, but not a MeeGo one - fair enough, not enough MeeGo users for it to be worthwhile. An unofficial version is available from
> i mean what is the use of saying its an upgrdade if it doesnt have all the specs that N8 has.
Well, apart from the camera (the N8's is amazing, no getting around that), microSD slot (get a 64GB N9) and TV-out (MHL anyone?), everything else is better. I don't get where you're going with this.
>i regret buying this phone its the most slowest phone i have ever used.
You just said you owned an N8? That's slower...
- m
- mamusa
- AT@
- 30 Apr 2013
why doesnt N9 have Whatsapp but the N8 has it, i mean what is the use of saying its an upgrdade if it doesnt have all the specs that N8 has. i regret buying this phone its the most slowest phone i have ever used.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kRB
- 30 Apr 2013
AnonD-34934, 30 Apr 2013my device behave abnormal after installing developer mode..... moreJust reboot it. If it doesn't work,restore it. And if all of these methods don't work, try to reflash the phone.
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 30 Apr 2013
my device behave abnormal after installing developer mode...
battery was at 72% suddenly it bounced back to 80% after a hour it went to 66% then gradually decreased.. once reached 42%it directly jumped to 26% from there 9% and 2%... shifting from 26-2 happened when i was in call.. how is it possible.. i made call for just 5 mins.. now i connected it to charger.. in just 5 mins showing 52%.. what am i suppose to do now... pls help me...
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 29 Apr 2013
[deleted post]Never..
That looks like Android in N9.. this is possible.......
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 29 Apr 2013
AnonD-140587, 29 Apr 2013Meego isn't the best OS.Why are u here? Those who feels the best of MeeGo are here..
- D
- AnonD-140587
- kiP
- 29 Apr 2013
Meego isn't the best OS.
- R
- Rahul
- 9DH
- 28 Apr 2013
its very nice my frt mobile
- E
- Esk
- d$S
- 28 Apr 2013
pasha, 28 Apr 2013unable to download apllication from nokia store when i clic... moreAfraid this is a common problem, and seems to be with the Nokia Store rather than device. Hopefully they'll sort it out...
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 28 Apr 2013
Nothing can stop N9
N9 running android 4.2.1
- D
- AnonD-34934
- utY
- 28 Apr 2013
ash, 27 Apr 2013worst phone go for ios or android who r u? if u have a N9 give it to me...
- p
- pasha
- U{3
- 28 Apr 2013
unable to download apllication from nokia store when i click to download it show waiting and download error
- R
- RzA
- t}b
- 28 Apr 2013
nice phone amazing design,
simple and fast for daily users but some bugs in messaging and calling department but if jolla ported on it , it will be best but don't know they do it or not,so let's wait and watch..
- D
- AnonD-59809
- s%{
- 27 Apr 2013
Esk, 24 Apr 2013If you really want to get rid of *everything*, reflash your... morethnx buddy ill try it
- a
- ash
- wiU
- 27 Apr 2013
worst phone go for ios or android