Nokia N9
- N
- Niwantha
- X}t
- 08 Feb 2013
My N9 shows that "theres something wrong with your sim" but sim works in other phones what shall I do?
- A
- Allawi
- kRB
- 06 Feb 2013
SELLO, 04 Feb 2013MY N9 don't want to connect internet what should be the problem? Do factory reset. If it doesn't work try to reflash the device.
- r
- rani
- Mf5
- 05 Feb 2013
awesome phone oooooooooops!!!!!!!!
- h
- hellasisgreece
- nm5
- 05 Feb 2013
ian, 30 Jan 2013please can anyone tell me about the os (meego) is it good a... moreThere is really no comparison between the two. Totally different Operating systems, difference in beauty and build quality, audio quality, camera quality, gps signal, battery standby, call signal, call quality...
but if you prefer Android, go for the S3 mini.
If you want to explorethe magical experience the N9 offers... go for it.
The thing is... S3 Mini is just another droidfrom the bunch. Nothing special. And it looks like all the other Samsung phones.
N9 is... well N9!!
- l
- lance
- t7X
- 04 Feb 2013
i have my nokia n9 repaired at nokia care center due to locked security code. after 3 hrs the phone was supposdly returned to its factory settings. when i tried using its camera, the app doesnt work. it states there that i cnn0t use it whle cnnctd in the comp. when in fact it is never even cnnctd. now, i cnn0t use the cmera of the phne. an0ther thing ive f0und out, the total storage was n0w 6.38G or so when it shouldve been 16G. since theyre only availble at 16 or 64 gig. now i need to go back to the nokia care center whicih is such a hassle!
- D
- AnonD-34077
- syt
- 04 Feb 2013
lizzy, 04 Feb 2013how do i install whatsapp on this phone?Go to the following link
- D
- AnonD-34077
- syt
- 04 Feb 2013
Sam, 04 Feb 2013When ?? it will be available in india,,,,,It wont be available in India officially. Right I think it would be really difficult to find a new N9 anywhere in the world
- S
- f4V
- 04 Feb 2013
lizzy, 04 Feb 2013how do i install whatsapp on this phone?MY N9 don't want to connect internet what should be the problem?
- l
- lizzy
- fqp
- 04 Feb 2013
how do i install whatsapp on this phone?
- S
- Sam
- U{c
- 04 Feb 2013
When ?? it will be available in india,,,,,
- E
- Esk
- d$S
- 03 Feb 2013
enigma, 02 Feb 2013does have an hdmi port and is it hd?Try reading the review/specifications, they answer both questions...
- s
- sohaib s h s
- fBh
- 03 Feb 2013
enigma, 02 Feb 2013does have an hdmi port and is it hd?Hi guys i am download softwers in web but not installation whats problem plz help us me
- e
- enigma
- rvI
- 02 Feb 2013
does have an hdmi port and is it hd?
- G
- George in USA
- 7E1
- 31 Jan 2013
Guys, I've had this phone for about 6 months now, and wouldn't trade it for a new android or iphone.
Only wish it had video capability on Skype.
What a phone!!!
- D
- AnonD-34077
- syt
- 31 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 31 Jan 2013hey ch.saqib
i still read your opinions till date after ou... moreHi Friend,
I remember you at least the one whose N9 dropped from 13th Floor :D
Here is my E-mail
You can contact me any time and I will try to help you out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fCE
- 31 Jan 2013
TimmyTee, 23 Jan 2013Sugan, do not turn your phone on! Put it in a plastic bag... morehow do u expect him to just disassemble the phone by himself??
he aint any engineer
he should take the phone to a service centre rather than putting it in a bag full of rice and spray denatured alcohol and all other stuff......
isnt dat better??? :-\
and by the way denatured alcohol spoils the circuit board .....
future chemist gay lussac!!! :-P
- ?
- Anonymous
- fCE
- 31 Jan 2013
AnonD-34077, 24 Jan 2013I am not against such discussions here but its better to di... morehey ch.saqib
i still read your opinions till date after our last discussion back in june 2012
i dnt knw if u remember me but i am the one who dropped the n9 frm the 13 th floor and luckily got a white one the very same day......
got any idea?? :-P
i am facing som probs with my n9
pls snd me ur email id cuz the prob is very big and i cant discuss it on this forum.
regards, ameya
- T
- There is a way
- iF4
- 31 Jan 2013
I bought used one for 270€ about 1 year ago. It was in good shape and everything was working as it should have.
About a month ago there were some issues and I wasnt able to find any fixes for them. Someone at freenode irc recomended reflashing to me. Took me few hours to download everything I needed and learn how to actually do it.
Now everything works as it should and even youtube works faster. Battery life was also increased slighly. I belive that any issues with the os can be fixed with reflashing.
So if you dont smash this phone with a hammer, there is a way to fix it.
- N
- N9
- P@1
- 31 Jan 2013
I've been looking for this phone but sadly I can't find one, it is truly a great phone and it can run android. And yes it has jelly bean, and that's on dual boot..
- ?
- Anonymous
- naq
- 30 Jan 2013
ian, 30 Jan 2013please can anyone tell me about the os (meego) is it good a... moreofcourse go for is no future...only if you are to much in to linux kin off!