Nokia N9
- T
- Titi
- NH8
- 08 Jan 2013
N9 is a smart phone i dont know why you didnt download Whatsapp. Please do something about that.
- m
- maxes
- pT6
- 08 Jan 2013
AnonD-97644, 07 Jan 2013ruplee, i think you are really good at n9 phone, can you he... moreIf u'r problem didnt solved by package update then u have to use RD mode ,and if if RD mode didnt worked too just reflash ur phone
search on google for rd mode its very simple but awesome (helped me once)
- m
- maxes
- pT6
- 08 Jan 2013
AnonD-97644, 07 Jan 2013ruplee, i think you are really good at n9 phone, can you he... moreHi meli it just a package lost ,in terminal type(as root)
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
restart u'r phone and it will be ok
- D
- AnonD-26593
- U$k
- 08 Jan 2013
AnonD-97644, 07 Jan 2013ruplee, i think you are really good at n9 phone, can you he... morewell Melissa i didn't face that ptoblem what u have faced with mod OO, try removing each lock one by one seperately ( eg. Sms, mail, vdo), then restore to default again), also if u are using ur own password other then default, remove that first if u can. if still problem persists then you should report this on the TMO thread,
also read PDF and wiki pages. U will get ur solution there
- D
- AnonD-94848
- dUZ
- 08 Jan 2013
Have owned my N9 64GB for nine months and it still is a pleasure to use it,
it works with out any problems, when I read on forums can you put Android on N9 why?
if you want Android phone buy one, N9 Meego is one of a kind, only used power button
on first startup, every thing done with swipe action, a true touch phone,
Nokia gave up N9 Meego for windows phone, never seen one being used yet,
- R
- Rahul Baviskar
- vGF
- 07 Jan 2013
keshaw, 07 Jan 2013let me know how can i use Whatsapp and nimbuzz and as well ... moreuse wazapp application which is made for N9
- k
- keshaw
- tnt
- 07 Jan 2013
let me know how can i use Whatsapp and nimbuzz and as well as wechat in N9.. why i feel like i have throw a money in dust bin.. nokia was the best now its no more i think so. i baught this mobile and i feel like i throw the money in dustbin. as there are no more application to download. now i wont be purchasing any more Nokia brand.
- D
- AnonD-97644
- v0q
- 07 Jan 2013
AnonD-26593, 06 Jan 2013my dear, i have not faced any of your issues mentioned afte... moreruplee, i think you are really good at n9 phone, can you help me? i have installed this n9qt, and when i come up to "OO" which is to lock the application with password, it really works, after a while i have decided to "unlock application" at my MESSAGE and GALLERY, so i selected the number correspond to it, but still when i open the MESSAGE and GALLERY, it always ask for a password to validate, now i go back again to "OO" and selected the remove and restore to default, the next thing that happened is that i cant open now my messages, and the gallery, i have already reboot my phone, and still nothing happens i cant open my messages and gallery, and the gallery icon had gone and turned into blank green icon,what should i do, i am on PR1.3 please help, thanks in advance!!!
- E
- Esk
- nHT
- 06 Jan 2013
Esk, 06 Jan 2013To put those battery figures into context, using FasterN9 and s-ome tweaks from N9QTweak, but without the overclocking, my idle consumption is usually in the 4-18mA range. (accidentally cut my post in half)
- E
- Esk
- nHT
- 06 Jan 2013
AnonD-26593, 06 Jan 2013my dear, i have not faced any of your issues mentioned afte... moreTo put those battery figures into context, using FasterN9 and s
- D
- AnonD-26593
- ut}
- 06 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 05 Jan 2013if you are overclocking to 1300Mhz, Your battery will run o... moremy dear, i have not faced any of your issues mentioned after overclocking to 1.3 ghz, along with fastern9. My average idle consumption of n9 remains between 14-21mA, and gives me a battery backup of about a day. I am using n9quicktweak mods too, and more than 150 apps installed. No issues :)
- a
- anonymouse
- YM0
- 05 Jan 2013
found this on internet
gave me goosebumps... but it did not last even for a second when i saw the date
- ?
- Anonymous
- mD6
- 05 Jan 2013
AnonD-26593, 05 Jan 2013yes connor, u can install inception with home screen settin... moreif you are overclocking to 1300Mhz, Your battery will run out of juice in about 12h and is not stable, and heating up, but you will not see any much speed on your phone, it will annoy you time after time by freezing the screen every time you switch on your phone to see for a message or call, and if you use faasterN9, whip that app away, because there will be two-three unknown calls, if you answer that calls is going to confiscate some money from your phone account, that means app faasterN9 is cheating to look like someone is calling from England or India, they are expensive phone numbers like for this ladies on windows!
The N9 is good OS device, but it's left in middle of the roads, and is left for fun-boys and simplicit coders, that means only it's originality you can trust!
- D
- AnonD-26593
- uuk
- 05 Jan 2013
yes connor, u can install inception with home screen settings, well if u are on Pr 1.3, then you should use inception 0.2.5 version. It would be much easier to install inception if you are using n9quicktweak mods, (mod-EE).
I have overclocked mine to 1.3 ghz without any probs, its soothing fast and butter smooth. cheers
- ?
- Anonymous
- mD6
- 05 Jan 2013
connor, 04 Jan 2013i need it safe to install inception if i have &quo... moreYou really don't need that, i have try it all and all it's kind of nonsense, then after sometime you will have to re-flash the phone, but if you like to have one other OS in it like Android, nemo, or real linux desktop on your phone, than it is proven that works, just in NitDroid are disabled camera and call functionality, the speed is like Sg2 strange!
- E
- Esk
- 0Ft
- 04 Jan 2013
connor, 04 Jan 2013i need it safe to install inception if i have &quo... moreI tried replying to this earlier. It still hasn't turned up, so risking a double-post...
Inception and Homescreen Settings are compatible.
The latest version of Inception is 0.2.5 (I'm pretty sure).
OPPtimiser allows overclocking, providing you have Inception. Be careful, obviously.
- E
- Esk
- 0F3
- 04 Jan 2013
connor, 04 Jan 2013i need it safe to install inception if i have &quo... moreInception and Homescreen Settings work fine together, and the latest version of Inception is 0.2.5, I believe.
Overclocking can be performed using OPPtimizer:
Be careful, for obvious reasons.
- c
- connor
- K7e
- 04 Jan 2013
i need it safe to install inception if i have "homescreen setting" application installed..i really want to overclock my phone..and what is the latest version of inception and how to overclock my n9? i really need to know..thanx in advance
- u
- ubuntumeego
- 03 Jan 2013
today i got most awaited pr1.3 update is avilable my nokia n9 vietnum version...i was thinking to flash my cell to pr1.3 this month,while updating wazapp to 0,9,16 it got refreshed cache then announcing those who r not got pr1.3 for their varient just checck i think there may be a chance of getting update....
- E
- Esk
- 0Ft
- 02 Jan 2013
Adi, 02 Jan 2013Hey, What i am looking for is just basic calls, texting, W... moreConsidering what you're looking for, it seems odd to pick a phone without an official Whatsapp port (obviously there's the unofficial one though). The messaging side is otherwise excellent, and the phone and its OS definitely have the 'looks' thing down. It's overpriced in many countries though, up to you if the money's worth it.