Nokia N93
- a
- andros
- mjk
- 08 Jul 2006
N93 is the best phone but i have a question.
the Dimensions (118 x 55.5 x 28.2 m.m) is with the door open or close? because is with door open is good but if it is with door close is very big phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- mIn
- 08 Jul 2006
N93 is simply better than all others!
- t
- tommi
- 4$9
- 07 Jul 2006
hey there
i got sum question about the n93. i was thinking of purchasing it but i want to noe if i am making a wise decison. what do yall think n93 or Sony Ericsson cybershot k800i? is the n93 zoomming power like the n91 with 20x zooming? is the camera on the n93 really that good as it advertise> please reply back to my qyestion
- .
- ...
- TS$
- 07 Jul 2006
i really really like this phone but why cant they just put 16 million colour on this phone??
- E
- Eraz
- Rx4
- 07 Jul 2006
Thankx for u information. i had Nokia N70. but the phone was so slow to use. so how is ur phone running ? how is the performance? let me know pls..
- S
- Shafi
- Pxp
- 07 Jul 2006
Hi Bappi
U r lucky buddy to have this sexxxy fon. I just want to know if its possibe to watch video shot directly to tv.
Hope to hear u soon.
- B
- Boditza
- nDW
- 07 Jul 2006
It is avaialble, so its no need for the coming soon status :)
- N
- Nokia N93
- jrY
- 07 Jul 2006
This phone is available at all Walmarts. Thank you!!!!!!!!! Also try target and pic'n save as well as local thrift stores and garage sales. Cheers you knuckleheads!!!!!!!!!
- N
- Nokia N93
- jrY
- 07 Jul 2006
I just bought this phone in the United States of America for $499.99. It rocks!! It is the best, most advanced phone in the world!!!
- j
- jatin
- U2H
- 07 Jul 2006
hey ppl if any one has this fone can u pls temme if this fone has any problems in it ????
and can any one tell me what if upnp technology??????\
and thanks in advance
- R
- 06 Jul 2006
Wow,That's an amazing phone.Well done Nokia u took a large step against the the other manufacturers.I'm dying 4 its launch in my country.I'll pay any price 2 have it."NOKIA N93 ROCKS"
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pfm
- 06 Jul 2006
There's no similar. With this cell phone, nokia took a great step ahead the others cellphone companies...
That's incredible!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2006
since it has already released in UK and HK.
nokia N93 will be released worldwide in the early of August or at the end of June.
the estimated price is around $850USD.
- K
- PTn
- 06 Jul 2006
Looking for new phone but this ohone have everything in it
- n
- nz trader
- 06 Jul 2006
the nokia N93 is out on trademe:
dont know the exact price yet.
- s
- sheetal
- 2Z6
- 05 Jul 2006
the phone is amazin.its mind blowing.i wish it would be affordable so that i could take it
- t
- tHe TeCh GuY
- nEk
- 05 Jul 2006
my mistake well done i was thinking of the n90
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ih3
- 05 Jul 2006
1 winner!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ih3
- 05 Jul 2006
it has v2.0 bluetooth u oaf
- t
- tHe TeCh GuY
- nEk
- 05 Jul 2006
so the nokia n93 ay,
for all of you people like me who love nokia phones your gonna love the n93. it has everything! it has the fastest and latest version of wi-fi, bluetooth v1.2, 3G and more. its everything a photographers best friend/ bussiness mans work budy. plus it looks absolutley stunning. just imagen watch the latest film trailers/home movies on its 2.4 inch screen, B-E-A-UTIFUL