Nokia N-Gage
- s
- suparatu
- 13 Feb 2003
very nice phone indeed!
too bad it's not a fuckin phone!
- P
- 13 Feb 2003
This is new! A cellphone and a GBA in one. Or is it the other way around? Developed for people with Peter Pan Syndrome. To bad, Nokia should have just attached a GSM phone on the GBA. That would assure them of plenty of games. If it has no DOOM, it will be doomed!
- S
- Searchalaz
- 13 Feb 2003
is very lovely,nice and small
Ionescu Radu
2003-02-12 06:02:18
yeah, it's surely very small ;)) and fuckin heavy too..
- P
- Peter
- 12 Feb 2003
i'd rather have a camera on my mobile phone than a sort of 'games console' option.
- j
- jackson
- 12 Feb 2003
u can get a seprate camera package for it, just like the 6610, 6100 and 7210
- _
- _ME-
- 12 Feb 2003
Really cool phone.
- J
- Jakov
- 12 Feb 2003
No camera,HEY?!?!?!Color screen is good only if it has camera.
- N
- Nokia Fan
- 12 Feb 2003
I don't have problem with this phone, but I hope that they won't abuse it and sell it to small kids!!! after all, it's a mobile phone before we can say it's a game console !!
- P
- PH1n4l PH4n745Y
- 12 Feb 2003
look , phones are meant for people to call each other.. not to ploay bloody games on!!!
- t
- tudor from ROMANIA
- 12 Feb 2003
it's like that there chinese cheap tetris game consoles that are sold in our romanian markets near potatoes and tomatoes...i'll buy one, but u all know that it will be at around 600-700 euros at leased so i'm going to ask for financial assistance from a bank to buy one ! noroc !
- I
- Ionescu Radu
- 12 Feb 2003
is very lovely,nice and small
- b
- bobby
- 12 Feb 2003
has n e 1 seen my sega game gear???????
- .
- .
- 11 Feb 2003
- j
- juvenal pinheiro
- 11 Feb 2003
someone lost yours
game gear
- J
- Jason
- 11 Feb 2003
Nice phone