Nokia X2-00
- S
- Syed
- utc
- 23 Mar 2011
AnonD-2965, 21 Mar 2011i own cedar and x2.
bought x2 last december and cedar last... moreMe also owning this two mobiles... But wotever u said is not fully authentic..
1.Camera is better in x2 only, not in cedar, even too no flash in cedar. After taking pics u just verify by copying in computer. U wil find the reality.
2.Noise of hearing volume in cedar is very less wen compared to earlier version of Sony Ericsson's.
3.If u start browsing, ur battery gets low earlier in cedar wen compared to x2.
- k
- kazaf09
- t7X
- 23 Mar 2011
camera not useful during night- flash not good but very good pictures during daytime love it much, it's like taken from a digital camera BUT
battery drains when used continuously maximum of 8 hours- need to have a back up battery always :-)
sound quality also very good even the player
- D
- AnonD-2965
- 2SR
- 22 Mar 2011
shoby, 21 Mar 2011i want to buy phone between 5 to 6 thousand. and thing tht ... moredont buy x2, sony cedar is several times better than x2.....
i own both phones ,just read my review comparison before bashing
- r
- razi
- vGx
- 22 Mar 2011
amesing phone
- N
- Nokia x2
- 22 Mar 2011
Yes my friend nokia x2 is very sophisticated fone n i m currently using this mobile it has all the feture that v all need in ur mobiles
- A
- Appu
- 2T1
- 22 Mar 2011
It's good mobile but the battery drains very soon.The picture and camera is great...
- t
- tinto
- Mfx
- 22 Mar 2011
Love this phone but:
-radio/music player sometimes switches itself on
-batery does not last long
Otherwise good camera, great music sound, loud speaker volume, nice keypad, fast on the net
- V
- Vivek Shiriskar
- t}A
- 22 Mar 2011
shoby, 21 Mar 2011i want to buy phone between 5 to 6 thousand. and thing tht ... moreit's really usedul
- e
- eminem
- 0we
- 22 Mar 2011
its the best fhone of his prise buy it!!Its a very good fone and has a beautifull stile. ;)
- D
- AnonD-2965
- 2SR
- 21 Mar 2011
i own cedar and x2.
bought x2 last december and cedar last feb
for those who are confused over the two.....
cedar is the best buy for under 6000inr
here is my review of both-
cedar- 2mp camera is stunningly superb....
additional features like geotag and photofix
and light adjustment
x2- 5mp camera is useful for night photography
colors appear washed out(just numbers no real
video recording-
cedar- 30fps qvga
x2- 18ps qvga
video playback-
cedar- can play ldtv (320*240) videos and vga videos
(640*480) plus 720*520 is also supported,
supports ultra low HD 360p(360*640)
low HD 480p(480*854) is not supported
more defined playback, more background textures
excellent video clarity
x2- supprots ldtv res only.truly limited.
no ultra low HD,no vga.....
washed out colours,
just average video clarity
cedar- brighter display,can adjust brightness,good
contrast and blackening
x2- not bright as cedar,no adjust,good
contrast,more grayish than black
cedar- feeble speaker,good clarity
x2- superb speaker,average clarity
cedar- good designed keypad,good for typing,
useful for blind typing
x2- old fashioned keypad,nothing new
"the X2 is not a texter’s phone" - gsmarena review
cedar- very good loudness,
superb clarity,megabass- ultimate bass effect,
can feel stereo widening 3d audio
x2- average loud when it comes to headphones,
good clarity,stereo widening is available but
no changes, still the same.
additional keys-
cedar- volume rocker,
vol.rocker acts as next prev keys when pressed upon,
multitask key,
delete key 'c'
x2- vol.rocker,
next key,prev key,
start-stop key,shutter key
cedar- java oriented interface,
standby widgets
not a smartphone but support multitasking,
can minimise inbox,sent messages,....
no slaggins found when playing media files,
no slowing down when playing high graphic games
280 mb internal mem
x2- symbian40 interface,
no widgets,
no multitask yet a smartphone (why the heck??)
slightly slags and blinks when phone begins to
playing a file through ovi player or start a high graphic game like rallymasterpro full ver.
just 40mb internal mem
cedar- both gsm and 3g
video calling
hsdpa,hsupa available
x2- no 3g,just gsm
cedar- stunning battery back
clearly stands out wether its standby,
internet access or talktime
x2- average battery baack
battery drains out quickly while gaming or
mobile internet
i hope you realise which is the best........
- s
- shan
- 2Zd
- 21 Mar 2011
this is very excellent and smart phone
- s
- shoby
- vwv
- 21 Mar 2011
i want to buy phone between 5 to 6 thousand. and thing tht nokia x2 is the better optional. can any any one tell me that is it a good phone ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- K5h
- 20 Mar 2011
I have purchase nx2 on dcmber.. D cel fne luk's gud.. Bt d.. Batery s.. Fckal.. It tks 2 hur fr chargng.. N cam s gud at ngt bcz f flash lght n bad at day...
- s
- sarwar
- s8i
- 20 Mar 2011
overall good phone at reasonable price
- n
- nihal
- bJ6
- 20 Mar 2011
Diego, 19 Mar 2011I cant c0nnect to ovi st0re, i cant watch youtube, what is ... morecheck your default configuration settings. if it is correct. than if you cant use youtube use default in all applications. than move to> connectivity> packet data>packet data settings active access point 1 and move to edit active access pt,> and set ur access point. if you dont know wat is ur access point call to c:care.... i thing it will be all right. nokia x2 is a best phone with lot of features.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Mar 2011
Good phone
- D
- DragonAge2
- t7M
- 20 Mar 2011
Hands-on experience:
- Sound Quality (BAD at high volumes)
- Battery Performance (lasts only for 1 DAY)
- Stand-by Mode can last for 3 DAYS
- Keypad is a little bit hard to press
- Wierd Sound for MP3 files (high volumes)
- Internet Applications
- Facebook Works even better in Opera
- Radio Performance is Crystal Clear at High Volumes
- Loudspeaker conversation is Good
- Converation mode is good (Inbox mode)
- 5MP Camera is good
- Video Recording is Good (can last for 6 min. or so)
- Excellent Headphone performance
- No Bugs at v4.90 software update
- L
- LeoButLibra
- vj1
- 19 Mar 2011
I am using this Nokia X2 for about weeks ago.... At the very first time, you will notice the "LAARRGGEE" fonts of message boxes, and indicAtors, and the "PRROGRRESS BAARR" when you send a file via bluetOoth.... The bATtery or signal indicAtors are oNly shown on the idle mOdE, where it is better to be shown at aLl times for energy management.... The 5MP Camera is gOod, bUt nOt as a fixEd focus.... The 2MP of 3120c is much beTter than the camera of X2.... The cAptUrEd images nEed at least a minUte to be pRocessEd, and sOmetimes it takes 5 minUtes.... The sound is great, but SE is greater.... It has improved features for a s40 phOne such as 64mb rAm, so applicAtiOns that need big space could possibly run.... The browser has impRovements to.... You could now browse the web via s60-like browser (where there is a pointer arrow for navigation and clicking the links, and multi-windows).... But the very sad tHing, it has no "go to address" and "save images" mOdE.... If you want that, you should use the operamini4.2, which is the dEfault browser.... They also removed the hOmepage settings in perSonal cofiguratiOn, so you cannot use the impRovEd s60-like browser, instEad, you will use the operamini4.2.... I could say, impRovEd but sOmehow dEgradEd.... I pRefer Nokia 3120c, a s40 phone where 2MP Camera works beTTer, more customizable config. Settings, better interface and has 3G....
- A
- Aleem
- syq
- 19 Mar 2011
i am using nokia x2 by 1 year , it is the best phone i ever used . it has nice camera result nd a great sound by dual speakers, its battery timing is at least 2 days with music nd maximum 4 days for calls . . . . . . .
- c
- clear
- vj1
- 19 Mar 2011
its easy to use the application ..