Nokia X2-00
- V
- V. Gandhi
- kUW
- 03 Dec 2010
This phone is not so good.actually there is so many features but i think all are useless except camera.and it is not fully software downloaded.
- N
- NR
- bJ7
- 03 Dec 2010
Accutaly this phone is very very bad ,,, looking nice ,,, camera is good in RS. 6000 ,,, but this phone is HANGING problum ,,, I show this probloum in 3-4 phone
- A
- Ahmad
- syj
- 03 Dec 2010
Hi,got new X2.It looks nice n feels nice in hands.Good n improved user interface.i like the large font option in every menu\folder.Sound over loudspeaker is Great.Battery Life is good but not great.I got back to Nokia Phone after quite a while, and its good to be back to nokia
Camera is average for a 5MP category.i like the torch option as well.
all these features are there in the market, but good to have them all in a single piece with a very reasonable price, got it in Rs 9400/- (Advance Warranty) in Pakistan.
All sets have drawbacks, it has only 2, the camera and no Wifi.It aint for a camera Lover.Only for those who need all things there in economy with little compromise with the camera.
- L
- Lhoui
- vj1
- 03 Dec 2010
So what is the most afordable cellphones range 5,000 r.s below?
- V
- Vishal
- s8b
- 03 Dec 2010
nks108, 02 Dec 2010Now its price Rs. 5000/-Is X2 price actually decreased to rs. 5000.00 or not? If yes where it is available at this cost?
- N
- NaSh
- Lbm
- 02 Dec 2010
Guys.....whatever it is... the things is... this X2 is too cheap!!!! USD150 only!!!!! i just bought 3 for fun
- r
- riya
- 7qx
- 02 Dec 2010
rohan, 02 Dec 2010hi, i have a problem when i connect my nokia x2 to my pc vi... more1/2 if problem persist then your mobile is infected by virus through bluetooth file transfer or infected memory card... so now you have to visit nearest nokia care for software update.........(but i don't think so problem this much persist,follow my 1st suggestion..... your X2 ll ok then...... )
- D
- Dks
- TL5
- 02 Dec 2010
Lhoui, 01 Dec 2010My choice is x2 but i hate it because it dont have wifi and... moreYou should go to c5 or x5-01 and c3 is wifi but not 3g and camera is only 2mp without flash.
- r
- riya
- 7qx
- 02 Dec 2010
rohan, 02 Dec 2010hi, i have a problem when i connect my nokia x2 to my pc vi... morechange your mobile theme... i.e. while conneting x2 to pc in data storage mode use a theme from phone memory(internal) not from memory card(external),& do not use any memory card item(songs ,pictures, animations. etc). hope your mobile ll connect now......
- ?
- Anonymous
- vw7
- 02 Dec 2010
The battery backup is horrible....
- u
- user
- ttv
- 02 Dec 2010
It doesnt play wav format, thats quite bad. word documents can not be viewed. that is even bad.Housing of phone is weak.
- r
- rohan
- utX
- 02 Dec 2010
hi, i have a problem when i connect my nokia x2 to my pc via usb cable. when i try to use it in data storage mode it displays a message saying "the memory card is already in use by another application" can someone tell me how to eliminate this problem? I could really use some help.
- A
- vGR
- 02 Dec 2010
i m purchase this cell last week ....but i m facing problem in this not songs not properly play..cell hang such of times...
- n
- nks108
- vw2
- 02 Dec 2010
Now its price Rs. 5000/-
- S
- Shashi
- sAP
- 02 Dec 2010
This time Nokia has cheated saying the phone is having 5MP camera. Actually its worst than even 3.2 Mp camera also...So shame on Nokia for this product!!!
- P
- Panky
- vw3
- 02 Dec 2010
KADIR, 02 Dec 2010The main problem with this mobile is its camera.Thorugh its... moreRemove the plastic cover of lens, the whitesh problem will be solved.
- r
- s8b
- 02 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Iwant to ask you camera and flash ,what result of camera , is camera preformenced
- k
- kumar
- vIv
- 02 Dec 2010
u cant see the difference in the images until u zoom it...when u zoom the images u cant find the quality of the camera...dont miss this beuatiful mobile...1ly disav, is the shape...but this mobile s very nice
- K
- uWt
- 02 Dec 2010
The main problem with this mobile is its camera.Thorugh its 5 mp but the flash is too near to lens and whenever you'll take a snap with flash on the portion of the snap(nearer to the flash) becomes too white.Otherwise,Evrything is beyond expectation.(within this price range).Music quality is excellent.