Nokia X3
- J
- Jony
- Pxx
- 16 Jan 2010
its a nice looking phone but no sound quality
- M
- MeHeDi
- Khi
- 15 Jan 2010
i want buy this phn.. bt i dont known is this good phn to use software...
any 1 her to alredy use this phn..
plz tell me.. is this good for software use?
- H
- Hellord
- u1t
- 15 Jan 2010
deathmate, 15 Jan 2010......nice phone just the pix quality that lacks night visi... morethis is a really cool phone!!!!
its true it lacks in night vision picture mood...
and also i can't find the procedure to use voice command function to make phone calls, launch applications and others....
- A
- Ashfaq
- uNV
- 15 Jan 2010
Its a nice looking phone but picture quality is so poor, no flash.
- D
- Desperate
- u4g
- 15 Jan 2010
Ya...It is a fine mobile phone and me neither have the ability to buy it. So poor we are to fulfill our wishes (NOT NEEDS OF COURSE !)
- M
- Mehedi Hasan
- tEe
- 15 Jan 2010
maham, 14 Jan 2010its a nice fn and i am looking for it..........It is a fine Mobile but I haven't ability to buy it. Thank you.
- d
- deathmate
- t7L
- 15 Jan 2010
......nice phone just the pix quality that lacks night vision...over all, its a nice gadget to have especially for music lovers......
- U
- Unhappy.
- 9xR
- 14 Jan 2010
Seriously, i don't recommend this phone. The screen is very bright, can't be adjusted. The camera has no focus. The photos can't be viewed full screen. And my inbox recipients are all numbers instead of showing my contacts. I have to keep checking my contact list to see whose sms was it. Can't be adjusted either. The keypads are to low, quite hard to press. Others are fine. :)
- m
- mohit
- vGd
- 14 Jan 2010
its very badddd.......dnt buy it
- m
- maham
- PZ%
- 14 Jan 2010
its a nice fn and i am looking for it..........
- z
- zely
- fuM
- 14 Jan 2010
i just bought this phone.. its nice ..
the only thing i dont like, the voice clearing.. is very bad.. and the camera, dont have a flash..
but its ok.. thats a very good phone.. its fashion..
im from mozambique, and here the price is 8000mt.
- r
- riju
- Uq4
- 14 Jan 2010
it's good but look was very chep i used the mobile two day's and sell out.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mfx
- 14 Jan 2010
yes, it bad phone... not worthted to buy
- B
- v3y
- 14 Jan 2010
this phone nt so good..sometime its not detectng the memory...then i hve 2 restart it back.
- h
- hridoy
- P@V
- 13 Jan 2010
in bangladesh its price is just 161 US DOLLAR..... much cheaper than the prices in other countries
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0CB
- 13 Jan 2010
its very good fone ......... but can i know where should i buy this phone for online plzzz,,,,,,,,.......
- t
- titi
- mng
- 13 Jan 2010
I've bought the new nokia X3.
Nice phone and ease to use. Good speakers for playing mp3.
But very bad voice clearing when calling.
- U
- User
- waU
- 13 Jan 2010
Very loud sound, good camera result not excellent, keypads are very soft, very comfort keypads, highly executive look, sliding is very very good. overall very nice fone.
- d
- dhido
- wY5
- 13 Jan 2010
tnx guyz for sharing ur opinion...
im planning to buy a x3 phone in this day...
- o
- obi
- Mfx
- 13 Jan 2010
it look like a cool phone