O2 XDA Atom
- x
- xedga
- 2IB
- 30 Oct 2006
I tried to remove Garmin Que in my 02 Atom but it seems it is not removed properly as it keeps prompting "cannot execute \memory Card\Garmin\GarminQue.exe" which I find already annoying.
Thanks in advance for the help.
- J
- James Toh
- TC{
- 30 Oct 2006
i have looking for PDA phone since a years plus, can someone lets me know that is this the suitable PDA phones for me ?
- R
- Raman
- 2@H
- 29 Oct 2006
Can we run 3d java games on the O2?
When I try to run java games and I keep getting a 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError'. Does anybody know a fix for this?
- s
- starr
- Rxn
- 25 Oct 2006
this is the best phone i've ever had and its way ahead of all the other pda phone's i've tried and canvassed. I've been looking for game and application downloads and so glad to have found it here. thanks will and others for making it easier for us. i already downloaded diary2 and fullscreenkeys successfully. However after downloading and installing spb airisland game, it always says install unsuccessful.. can anyone help me?
- V
- Vicente
- 4Yp
- 24 Oct 2006
How can I do the rom upgrade from the usa?
- M
- Mahmood
- nXE
- 22 Oct 2006
How to download arabic software for messages.
- s
- steven
- TS}
- 20 Oct 2006
hello may i know who got the software below
Agile messenger
ConverterCe pro
Streaming media
and the serial number or send it to my email
- R
- Rds
- jrJ
- 20 Oct 2006
I am unable to run java games and keep getting a 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError'. Does anybody know a fix for this?
- B
- Ben
- 17 Oct 2006
I do face the same problem like u. However, I do not what is wrong with the phone. Suspected it's the software problem.
The trick is to have the chorus, of course a short churos, as a ringtone & set it to ring once.
This will definitely save u from some embarrassment moments.
- u
- unhappy
- 17 Oct 2006
This is by far the worst phone I have ever used. When I say that I mean the phone component is not worth squat. Continually drops out, voice breaks up, people cant hear you properly, you cant hear people properly, static over the line. Basically anywhere where it isnt super quiet with maximum signal the phone performs worse than some of the first mobiles ever released. Before you say it, I have done every ROM upgrade possible and made every tweak possible (elec engineering background so I'm no dummy).
As a PDA i have to say its great but kinda falls short on the important part and that is making calls. Only had it for 2 months then made a switch to Nokia E60. Lost a lot of features but at least i can hear the other person when speaking on the phone. My opinion, if you want a phone more than a pda then look elsewhere...
- H
- Haridheren
- ibj
- 16 Oct 2006
Hi guys O2 is a great phone... I have not used a phone which is as easy as this....
well i have a small problem when some one calls me and gives me a miss call the phone still rings for a few more secounds and on top of that the MP3 song which i downloaded hangs or it sings like a cheap cd.... please advice me on what shoud i do... I know there is some thing i have not done.......
- L
- Lim
- Py%
- 16 Oct 2006
is it ok if i put 2G mini SD??
Can any one share info??
- R
- Raman
- 2@H
- 14 Oct 2006
Its a great phone. I am using this phone ftor last 6 months and it is just fantastic. People who are finding problems probably do not have the brains to use such a device. They should stick to something simlper like a Nokia.
- H
- Hansen
- in@
- 13 Oct 2006
The design of atom is great, i like it so much, but there is a problem that made me dissapointed like my LCD, when i take it to outdoor the LCD shaking, it's happen every i took it to outdoor, how can i fix it?
- o
- o2atoman
- 4xc
- 13 Oct 2006
yup once you upgraded your atom everything will run smooth,and lemme add one more thing, if you usually use your atom as mp3 player try downloading SCREEN SWITCH so you can turn off your atom even playing music, and save more battery.
- m
- mota erup
- Pxx
- 12 Oct 2006
how about the battery life of this phone? is it true that it only lasts for about 5hrs?
- a
- abhishek
- U2a
- 12 Oct 2006
No my friend i use to face the problems u have mentioned before the Rom Upgrade But not now.
An by the way lemme clarify nothings perfect.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4$j
- 11 Oct 2006
Are you saying that Your phone works perfect? People dont complain they cant hear you properly on the other end? Or when you have the headset or even a bluetooth connected it doesnt give a hissing air sound?? thats all i am getting during calls, and ppl complain that its breaking up ...
- A
- Abhishek
- U2H
- 11 Oct 2006
And yaa use a 3.5 mm jack converter and put a ipod headphone believe me you won't believe your ears while playing mp3s. BUt guys please put in the new Rom also while calls check if your speaker volume is set properly.
- A
- Abhishek
- U2H
- 11 Oct 2006
I dunno guys what you are talking about i have this phone for the last 5 months and am not facing any problems whatsoever. Ofcourse without the Rom upgrade this phone sucks, but once you arm it with the latest rom upgrade this baby burns lik,e a sweet kitten. Of course for geeks they have problems everywhere. u can honk me at +919225230475 for clarifications