OnePlus Nord
- ?
- Anonymous
- Dkt
- 27 Jul 2020
Mashood, 27 Jul 2020Can we connect wired headset via usb-c adapter?Yes you can use usb c to aux adapter.
- h
- heisenberg9930
- XUx
- 27 Jul 2020
I ordered the pre-order box with the following expections:
My initial purchase price Rs.499 would be adjusted against my purchase of OnePlus Nord.
I would be able to get a OnePlus before the open sales.
I will get benefits worth Rs.5000 in the form of gift boxes.
Last but not the least, I'd receive the AR Invite before 21st July, 2020 (Launch event) so that I can join the launch event with MY cardboard.
Now after seeing your reply, I feel CHEATED because none of my expectations are met.
Going forward, I have a few queries:
If we are supposed to order the OnePlus Nord during the open sales, then what's point of pre-ordering it? Please elaborate!
What about the Rs.5000 worth of benefits promised with the pre-order?
Because if you add up the total value of the gift box the amount comes to
Gift box 1 with OnePlus Bullets Wireless V1
OnePlus Bullets Wireless V1 : Rs. 2999
Sandstone case : Rs. 790
TOTAL : Rs. 3789
Initial cost of the Pre-order box : - Rs. 499
Total Benefits worth Rs. 3290
Gift Box 2 with OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z
OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z : Rs. 1999
Sandstone case : Rs. 790 coupon : Rs. 499
(Not applicable on Nord) TOTAL : Rs. 3288
Initial cost of the Pre-order box : - Rs. 499
Total Benefits worth Rs. 2789
None of the boxes amount to Rs.5000. I'd like an explanation for this!!
Here are some solutions for this mess:
1. GIve early access to customer's who ordered pre-order boxes.
2. Adjust the pre-order box's price(Rs.499) within the purchase price of OnePlus Nord.
3. Offer the OnePlus Buds(Rs. 4990) in the second gift box.
I hope to hear from OnePlus soon or else I'd be forced to file a complaint, against OnePlus and Amazon, with the National Consumer Forum of India.
- R
- Rosso
- 3LF
- 27 Jul 2020
Anonymous, 27 Jul 2020You ain't gonna get SD 865 at this price. Qualcomms ch... moreXiaomi has achived it with K30.
OnePlus is just greedy, just like every company.
- R
- Rosso
- 3LF
- 27 Jul 2020
SLK, 27 Jul 2020To the people who say Nova 5t... It has IPS LCD screen.Oxyg... moreIt ain't premium midrange phone, there are better midrangers for same money, some for less.
It's meh, overhyped, and bit overpriced.
- j
- jNO
- rra
- 27 Jul 2020
The reason I choose to buy old flagships instead of mid rangers is evident here. If BBK listened to OnePlus fans, they could make something better. Next time let them do 3 holes and a larger pill then carry on with lots of marketing. For sanity sake, how can someone buy a product before seeing? All these companies choose to make compromises that render mid rangers useless even just after the first major update which occurs within a year. OnePlus if you call that pill hole new beginnings and 3 poor quality secondary cameras on the back then its a shame.
- S
- Subramanian CN
- utI
- 27 Jul 2020
Mashood, 27 Jul 2020Can we connect wired headset via usb-c adapter?Yes you can definitely. You can use a USB headset or use a 3.5mm headset with a USB to 3.5mm adaptor
- ?
- Anonymous
- mxN
- 27 Jul 2020
Anonymous, 27 Jul 2020Good performance & compact size = IPhone SE 2020720p lcd screen and 2016 design
- S
- 8XV
- 27 Jul 2020
To the people who say Nova 5t... It has IPS LCD screen.OxygenOs is way better than EMUI 10. Nord has a better camera.Nova 5t just has a better Snapdragon,but it still cant support 5g. Why do u all hate Oneplus ? Nord it isnt just a midrange.It is a premium midrange phone. Dont compare Oneplus with huawei.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vV5
- 27 Jul 2020
Mashood, 27 Jul 2020Please suggest me a mid range phone with good performance a... moreGood performance & compact size = IPhone SE 2020
- ?
- Anonymous
- vV5
- 27 Jul 2020
Mashood, 27 Jul 2020Can we connect wired headset via usb-c adapter?No you can't, the only option is Bluetooth.
- M
- Mashood
- rJx
- 27 Jul 2020
Please suggest me a mid range phone with good performance and compact size
- ?
- Anonymous
- ypY
- 27 Jul 2020
joe nodden, 27 Jul 2020Perhaps I would've gotten this if Qualcomm had a not g... moreYou ain't gonna get SD 865 at this price. Qualcomms chips are really costly now
- M
- Mashhood
- 27 Jul 2020
Can We connect wired headphone via usb c adapter?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Jul 2020
Dude, 26 Jul 2020Dude india has the worlds biggest market for phones either ... moreThanks for the information, only now I realised my country has more people than Europe & US combined...i am so proud... lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Jul 2020
joe nodden, 27 Jul 2020Perhaps I would've gotten this if Qualcomm had a not g... moreFor that titbit price you are paying & you expect a Snapdragon 866 ?
- d
- domraym
- 7Xd
- 27 Jul 2020
I watched their hype videos that showcased the design process and fluff about listening to what their customers want and then this comes out. Lol it's like they ran out of time and just said "Welp drop everything and ask cousin oppo for surplus reno 3 pro frames and cameras. Everybody wants more cameras right?" *crosses fingers.
Why a glass build when there is no wireless charging anyway? They could have just released something that looks close to the op 3 and 5 without the extra cameras, made everything metal with updated specs and I would be happy.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XS6
- 27 Jul 2020
if 0neplus 12/256 comes in 25k then no other brand can beat them for a long time
- a
- alhajes
- d%J
- 27 Jul 2020
if they just put the mediatek new chip the dimensity 1000 that would be a much better option rather than the snapdragon 765 at least it is much powerful and it had 5g
- joe nodden
- jpa
- 27 Jul 2020
Vova , 26 Jul 2020Does it have a colorful LED notification on the top corner ... moreLook at the bezels, then tell me if you think there's an LED like that. Seriously people like you need to learn to use your own brain cells.