Oppo A5s (AX5s)
- D
- Deomon
- 7X9
- 13 Aug 2022
Whenever this phone connects to the WIFI, all other devices lagged or lose connection. Why?
- N
- Ning
- IwN
- 04 Aug 2022
This is a good phone. I have been using this for 3 years as my daily driver. And didn't get any issue and battery were still good until these days (2022). Though it's in Oreo 8.1 and I think there is no OS update anymore in this device.
- M
- Mahboob Siddiqui
- 6p{
- 24 Jul 2022
sammy, 21 Jul 2022its a good phone, I used this one for about 6 years!!!! Oh just be quiet please
It's released about 4 years ago
- s
- sammy
- 21 Jul 2022
its a good phone, I used this one for about 6 years!!!!
- Y
- Y.M
- fnR
- 14 Jul 2022
S.M., 10 Apr 2022I've had this phone for 4 years. Bought it on May 2019... moreSo do I
- K
- Kuriyama
- I@H
- 12 Jul 2022
This is a bad phone for gaming , when i open an app it goes back home and the volume is not working. I felt bad.
- s
- stright
- 14 Jun 2022
S.M., 10 Apr 2022I've had this phone for 4 years. Bought it on May 2019... moreyou cant caunt 2019 to 2022 its 3 years
- S
- S.M.
- t7y
- 10 Apr 2022
I've had this phone for 4 years. Bought it on May 2019 and is still going pretty strong as of this day. I've had tons of times where I dropped it but it has survived. I have alot of pros and cons from using this phone, and I'm here to talk about it.
First Impressions:
At first it was going great, until I realized something. The storage is only at 21gb. I gamed alot on this phone back then and was about to realize how 21gb of space isn't nearly enough for 2 games back then such as Mobile Legends and PUBGM. So how fast did it run these games? Well if I compare it to my old phone that had a snapdragon, it would feel like playing from a fairly slow turtle to a slightly horrible turtle. The FPS drops in Mobile Legends was minimal but still bothered me. PUBGM on the other hand, well from my eyes it runned on 45-60fps and this is also with GFX tool which allows you to allow playing in 60 fps, ALOT of fps drops in rough situations such as in fighting which is really bad. But I still put up with it and had fun with friends but this hindered me from becoming better at the game. Camera, the rear camera was good until a year or two later when it suddenly just got harder and harder to focus on an object or person. Front camera, decent enough for my standards. I barely use both cameras anyways so I wouldn't care that much. Casual use, chatting in discord is fine, but in messenger it gets laggy at times where it can't handle having a chathead and a video in youtube playing at the same time. Chatting with the chatheads also became a hassle as they would randomly glitch out (I don't know if this is a phone or messenger bug but it also frequently glitches out when I play a video in messenger).
Casually using it for reading manga or watching anime is pretty standard fine. What's not fine is that I have had rebooted this phone 2 times already and couldn't find the font I had on the Theme store that I had used on the first reboot. Color OS Updates, it frequently updated in 1-2 months time back then but the last update this has had was back in April 2021 which was already a year ago. Scrolling through sites such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter(in a browser) is most of the time fine but the scrolling is by no means smooth. Currently I play Apex Legends Mobile and has had a really abysmal experience in terms of FPS. This phone cannot handle mid-high end games which saddens me. So if you're looking for a budget phone like this, would I recommend it? No. As people said there are tons of new phones with better specs at the same price that I paid for this. I can't say which phone it is but if you search enough you can find a better phone with better specs than this. Have a good day and thank you for reading my review
- Marthin Samuel
- tDP
- 10 Mar 2022
More info : Oppo A5s Support Carrier Aggregation 2CA (Cat6), i got 90Mbps
- a
- akhan
- uW{
- 28 Feb 2022
i am using this phone from 15 months . the best one
- G
- Ga hwhw
- PA7
- 15 Feb 2022
RAJEEV, 09 Feb 2022camera is not goodYes not good
- R
- FYj
- 09 Feb 2022
camera is not good
- K
- Kyle
- y6V
- 04 Feb 2022
Not Good For Gaming and the power/volume button is not working🙂
- .
- ....
- D02
- 03 Feb 2022
Anonymous, 29 Jan 2022This phone is very laggy not recommended for gamingNot for gaming ...... 🙁🙁
- b
- basedoppofan
- 3MW
- 03 Feb 2022
Good for bussiness decent for photography but not the best for gaming. If you are just like me, using this phone for low-end games like fnaf and geometry dash; this maybe the best phone for you, and I use the 32gb 3gb ram model, still pretty good
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- y6V
- 29 Jan 2022
This phone is very laggy not recommended for gaming
- ?
- Anonymous
- y6V
- 29 Jan 2022
Super laggy phone
- D
- Danishhh
- fFA
- 20 Oct 2021
my device not suppport 4g band 5.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxc
- 18 Oct 2021
This phone was good on durability, often it was released with HelioP35, it's still very usable on 2021.
- T
- Theproficient
- xtS
- 17 Oct 2021
The phone's good when it was released buh gets weaker as it ages cuz new models are out with better specs buh still it's a good midrange phone 🤳
Thank you