Oppo Reno5 Pro+ 5G

Oppo Reno5 Pro+ 5G

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-961247
  • sxn
  • 06 Jan 2021

Dennis.K, 06 Jan 2021So just for missing one port it can't be called a flag... moreIf you buy a TV and it does not display picture, would you still buy and use it if it has brilliant sound quality and the design is also very beautiful, curvy and some out of the box design etc. In my view, that TV, even provided free, is useless. Similarly, Mobile without 3.5mm Jack has no use. It can only be used as Paper-Weight and not more than that

    AnonD-961247, 06 Jan 2021When such a basic feature is missing, how can it be a flags... moreYou're stuck in 2018 where everybody is raging about brands removing headphone jack

      AnonD-961247, 04 Jan 2021Only ultra fools can consider a mobile without 3.5mm as Fla... moreSo just for missing one port it can't be called a flagship... Ok

        • D
        • AnonD-961247
        • sxn
        • 06 Jan 2021

        thanosks, 05 Jan 2021They removed the jack to make more money from dongles and w... moreWhen such a basic feature is missing, how can it be a flagship phone? I will consider it total junk and not even usable at all. This is not the way to force people to buy BT and Wireless headset by removing. Whoever wants to use BT or WL earphones, they will buy it but 3.5mm jack should not be removed to force people. And because you don't use headphone, that does not mean others do not use as well.

        These companies should be fined for billions of $$$s and banned for removing basic function like 3.5mm and also for playing with the health of the consumers. Those mostly fools who are happy to use BT now, do not even know how dangerous it is actually.

          • t
          • thanosks
          • 3A2
          • 05 Jan 2021

          AnonD-961247, 04 Jan 2021Only ultra fools can consider a mobile without 3.5mm as Fla... moreThey removed the jack to make more money from dongles and wireless headphones because yes they are more expensive than wired ones. Saying a flagship isnt a flagship bec of that tho is just ignorant.
          I dont even use headphones so i dont really care and if i need to i just use my wireless ones for like 20 min and they last upto 5 days withought charging. Yes they are cheap af but they do the job so i suppose i can live like this.

            • D
            • AnonD-973296
            • GYi
            • 05 Jan 2021

            AnonD-961247, 04 Jan 2021Only ultra fools can consider a mobile without 3.5mm as Fla... moreur not gonna start any rebellion on BT headphones r u? i like my QC 35 II

              • D
              • AnonD-961247
              • sxn
              • 04 Jan 2021

              Socks, 04 Jan 2021Well the thing is the headphone jack has been dying out sin... moreOnly ultra fools can consider a mobile without 3.5mm as Flagship phone. Any sane person will not consider them even low grade mobile phone. And only Apple removed it from their phone for no reason and all others are following them blindly and thinking they will be considered as reputed and as innovative as Apple if they also remove the Headphone Jack, I don't see any innovation in that actually.

              I will not argue ever if you can give me only 1 reason for not having headphone jack in the Mobile phone. 1 genuine reason is all I need but sadly neither Apple, nor other companies have provided any valid reason for not having headphone jack. This is only to sell their BT and Wireless devices and Adapters etc. Otherwise I am yet to see any phone which is less than 4mm in thickness and yet to see a phone which is not water resistant while having 3.5mm jack. All other reason like this is future etc. are bullshit and only for fools.

                Socks, 04 Jan 2021You can do it on other screen recorder apps and even the sa... moreLimitation on Android 11? That screenshot was on Android 9.0 Pie ffs! I already PM'ed that screenshot owner about which Android version was running on his phone, and he told me it's running Android 9.0 Pie.

                  ponk87, 01 Jan 2021Graphene batteries are at least 5 years away if not 10. And... moreXiaomi Mi 10 Ultra has graphene tech nd is not 1500$.

                    • S
                    • Socks
                    • akp
                    • 04 Jan 2021

                    AnonD-961247, 01 Jan 2021This is a junk phone which does not has even basic feature ... moreIf you think it's a junk because it has no headphone jack and is over 180g then you hate literally every flagship device on the market like name me one device that has been released in 2020 and is over 700$ and has a headphone jack and isn't over 180g

                      • S
                      • Socks
                      • akp
                      • 04 Jan 2021

                      AnonD-961247, 03 Jan 2021Fact is fact. In my view, mobile without 3.5mm Jack can onl... moreWell the thing is the headphone jack has been dying out since 2017 and now you're lucky to find it on any flagship device.

                        • S
                        • Socks
                        • akp
                        • 04 Jan 2021

                        YUKI93, 03 Jan 2021I see a major benefit for screen recording. Whoever says yo... moreYou can do it on other screen recorder apps and even the samsung screen recorder, It's just a limitation of android 11's screen recorder.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-961247
                          • sxn
                          • 03 Jan 2021

                          Socks, 02 Jan 2021Unless you're an audiophile what are even the benefits... moreI prefer good sound quality. And also need to use phone for prolong talk so cannot use BT or USB C. In fact, there is not a single earphone with USB C which meet my requirement. I prefer Flat head earphones and no in-ear ones.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-961247
                            • sxn
                            • 03 Jan 2021

                            notafanboy, 01 Jan 2021pathetic complaints, you must be trolling.Fact is fact. In my view, mobile without 3.5mm Jack can only be used as paper-weight. When a mobile phone cannot be used to talk to others, then why do you need to spend so much on that. For gaming or internet, you can always use better devices

                              • D
                              • AnonD-961247
                              • sxn
                              • 03 Jan 2021

                              Just one, 01 Jan 2021Come on, 3/4 of phones don't have headphone jack. If y... moreI do have iPod 1 and 7 both which I do use to listen to the music. However, my work require me to keep available on phone calls so I cannot talk on phone for hours while holding it in my hand because it does not have basic functionality like 3.5mm jack. That is bullshit. 3.5mm Port will give you best sound which you will never get from BT or USB-C Port. People are not realising that getting BT is not upgrade, it is downgrade actually. And there is not a single valid reason for not having 3.5mm Jack. I did not see any phone which is less than 4mm in thickness and also there are 100 of phones which are fully water resistance and have 3.5mm jack too. It is only marketing techniques for fools by fools. All companies are simply following Apple and nothing else. And I do not use Apple anyway. I am on Android

                                YUKI93, 03 Jan 2021Anyone who loves doing custom ROM flashing. Don't be s... moreso a tiny minority. got it.

                                  Socks, 02 Jan 2021Unless you're an audiophile what are even the benefits... moreI see a major benefit for screen recording. Whoever says you can do that with wireless earphones or headphones is a total liar. Here's a solid proof: https://imgur.com/gallery/sWLCWZQ

                                    notafanboy, 02 Jan 2021who keeps a phone that long these days?Anyone who loves doing custom ROM flashing. Don't be surprised to see the 2014 OnePlus One still gaining popularity in the custom ROM world, especially with the latest Android 11 update.

                                      Socks, 02 Jan 2021Unless you're an audiophile what are even the benefits... moreexactly. Audiophiles are a minority. That's what the guy you replied to, doesn't understand. sad

                                        • S
                                        • Socks
                                        • nXI
                                        • 02 Jan 2021

                                        YUKI93, 01 Jan 2021Adapters will wear the USB port in long-term use. Also, ada... moreUnless you're an audiophile what are even the benefits of staying with wired headphones/earphones?