Panasonic GD55
- ?
- Anonymous
- p$K
- 26 Jun 2008
77 mm.Good,but with or without antenna?
- m
- mat ngewe
- wra
- 11 May 2008
this good phone.
- M
- Mikey
- MIa
- 17 Apr 2008
I still use my GD55 as it is the most reliable user friendly phone. Ver loud, good signal strength, petite, an attention grabber. I had the GD50, the updated version, and it was not as good. There are still new GD55s in the far east somewhere. Get one
- r
- robanywhere
- wdB
- 07 Apr 2008
The GD55 has been superceded by the GD50, a color display phone of similar design.
- A
- Amit
- vws
- 29 Mar 2008
It's a cutest phone I have ever seen in my life. There's absolutely no comparison of this phone with others. I like it's mini design, it's crystal keys and especially the steam engine ringtone.
- M
- Maria
- kTR
- 05 Feb 2008
This was my first cell phone, ever! and I just loved it, but I droped it too many times and broke the battery, so I replaced it with a new phone, I wish they had a color one.
- s
- shabi raza
- SkE
- 27 Jan 2008
this is the great phone please launch his coloured version.
- l
- linze
- myv
- 22 Aug 2007
cannot send message-when i press to send then go to names my phone book does not come up only boltons n directories n stuff comes up plz help x
- W
- WADEJ999
- wgk
- 05 Jul 2007
go to universal ringtones for free keypress ringtones for the gd55!
- f
- fier
- ib2
- 22 Jun 2007
Y2tE, you cannot download any mp3 song to this phone because it only support polyphonic ringtone and what u need to do is open you composer try key in the key for ringtone.
or u might try this one 1st:-
5 * 7 * 5 ** 3 * 7 * 6 0## # * 0## # ** 4 # ** 5 ** 6 * 4 # ** 2 * 6 * 5 0## # * 0## # ** 5 ** 6 ** 7 * 5 ** 3 * 7 * 6 0## # ** 4 # ** 5 ** 4 # ** 5 ** 6 * 4 # ** 2 * 6 * 5 0## # * 0## # **
- f
- fier
- ib2
- 22 Jun 2007
Mubu it's not a virus actually it's a message which u can open it through browser. I had that experienced until i delete that message and that exclamation mark didn't appear anymore
- J
- Jezabel
- U2B
- 29 Apr 2007
My wife and I bought two of these back from Thailand. Great conversation starter. It's a zippo with lights, vibration and sound... but where's the flame come from? People thought it was a lighter at first and would not beleive it was a phone! Cool gadget!
- n
- nita
- Pxi
- 03 Mar 2007
its a cute phones i've ever had
- ?
- Anonymous
- yZx
- 01 Jan 2007
I love it i like it better than my nokia 6101!!!
- C
- Colin
- mX@
- 16 Nov 2006
Can anyone help me. I can't set the time or date on this phone. Is there any way to fix this. Many thanks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y2t
- 09 Nov 2006
i have this phone but can it download songs? if so what do i need?
- m
- mxvampire
- MuB
- 06 Nov 2006
loved this mobile, i lost it though :( well with the size its understandable ringtones are LOUD as hell too which is great it earned a nick name "the noisy cricket" (lol MIB) *sigh* memories
- ?
- Anonymous
- PF6
- 03 Nov 2006
I've had this phone for 3+ years and I love it. so far no problems (*touch wood*), even though it's been dropped many times. But about 2 days ago, after getting an sms, an exclamation mark icon appeared next to the key lock icon and I can't figure out what it is. The icon does not appear in the manual. I'm worried it might be virus notification. Anyone has any info on this? Thanks!
- c
- chevmo
- jwq
- 12 Oct 2006
BATTERY needed for my GD55 -- anyone know where I can get one in the US other than on ebay? Thanks! This is a terrific phone and I've had mine for over 2 years now. Very dependable!
- L
- Lida
- iGg
- 17 Jul 2006
I had this phone for three years and I can tell you all that it served me well.... but it's true that u can't not get any new ringtones. It's only advantage is that it's small and light. I think it's time to change it since there are a lot of new wonderfull cell phones out there.....