Photos of another WP7-running Samsung phone appear

15 August, 2010

Manufacturers are still keeping their upcoming Windows Phone 7 devices to themselves, or at they are least trying to. Photos of a WP7 device from Samsung hit Twitter, and it's one we haven’t seen before.

A couple of photos of the new Samsung WP7 phone

This isn’t the Samsung Cetus, which is headed for AT&T, at least judging by the design of the phone. It isn’t the Samsung Taylor either (that’s the Samsung Omnia HD look-alike) - though it too could just be a reference design like the Taylor and not production hardware.

So, Samsung is working on several Windows Phone 7 devices and they’re sending them to developers to play with. That’s good - if WP7 launches with an empty app store, it will be a rocky start.


Reader comments

  • nemesys06
  • 28 Oct 2010
  • YHJ

i believe that samsung has been releasing some of the best phones on the market as of late. having the best sales numbers doesn't mean that you have the "BEST" phone on the market. as for the iphone, i can't stand that phone. i think the...

  • bescorpio
  • 22 Aug 2010
  • PAq

how about Sony Ericsson?

  • Kierann
  • 19 Aug 2010
  • nxq

for the love of god, This is pointless. who gives a damn about samsung versus whoever the hell it is now. its about personal preference. i admit, I'm not a samsung fan and have had many go wrong, but theres a reason millions buy them is there not? ...

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