Photos of the T-Mobile G2 found on T-Mo's web servers

1 September, 2010

Nothing stays hidden on the web - case in point, photos of the T-Mobile G2 (Vision, Desire Z, whichever name you prefer) have been found loitering on the T-Mobile servers. These are the first official, that is non-spyshot, photos yet.

Here's what we know of the T-Mobile G2 (which may not be its final name, they've already got a G2) - 3.7" WVGA touchscreen, 1GHz Snapdragon CPU running Android 2.1 Eclair (with Sense UI on top, of course). Wi-Fi and GPS are a safe bet too, but what sets the G2 apart from the Desire is the landscape QWERTY (non-tilting as we found out).

T-Mobile G2 photos, straight from T-Mobile's servers

Unfortunately, these photos don't really give us a clue when the T-Mobile G2 will be launching. It should be soon - T-Mobile are probably working on the product page for the G2, which is how these photos slipped out.

But the rumored October launch date is fast approaching and we should see a promo campaign, maybe even a pre-order page - so, keep an eye on T-Mobile's servers in case some more info gets out into the open. The guys behind the T-Mobile Twitter account are practically throwing the gauntlet.

Source: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3

Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 04 Sep 2010
  • jrY

this phone will be the next multimedia phone. Its processnig seed will rival all out there. The standard 720p record and out will be present, and rumored date is dead end of Sept for soft launch (i.e. pre orders, select stores)

  • noro
  • 04 Sep 2010
  • nha

wish it had 3g videocall camera,but i still buy this one nevertheless :))

  • jay
  • 03 Sep 2010
  • 8cy


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