Qtek 9100
- D
- Dogbert
- TtN
- 14 Jul 2006
we have 15 of these units.
Let me say they are generally pretty good but there are a lot of little issues :
The Battery charger has problems charging in the U.S.
The unit eats power for breakfast if wifi and bluetooth are enabled ( 1-2hrs max ).
the phone book on mobile 5.0 is fiddly - not nearly as easy to use as a normal phone.
if you want a PDA with phone capability this is probably the best unit you can find.
If your looking for a phone with PDA style capabilities then this is one to avoid.
- A
- Arthur
- 4Vs
- 14 Jul 2006
how change language QTEK 9100
- D
- Dr. C
- kMP
- 14 Jul 2006
Hello everyone. I have this PDA/phone. It works fine but I am have a problem with setting up active sync to work with bluetooth. I have done everything I know how to and it just won't connect to active syn thru bluetooth. COULD ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME. You can email me directly. Thanks.
- T
- Tomas
- 4Tt
- 08 Jul 2006
i have tmobile n everything is Cool except Wifi-b only the problem i am having is i cant install a mortgage calculator software or any if keep saying wrorg Sftw it allow to dl but not to eXe any Suggestions? thanks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- n6y
- 06 Jul 2006
No so thrilled. The pen does not stick in the hole to hold it, already lost two. Predecessor was more user friendly
- G
- Gilbert
- xIc
- 05 Jul 2006
I had the PDA2 I can tell you that KJAM or 9100 is way faster than it. And besides it got everything you need instead of caring a labtop around. Battery is awsome and no data loss.
Camera not great but i dont really care about camera.
Two days ago i went to a mall they had wifi. i chated with skype and browse the internet. WHAT ELSE DO NEED?
- I
- Isma Bahago
- N7x
- 05 Jul 2006
Pls could somebody help me to show me how change the language settings from French to English on Qtek 9100
- M
- Megatron
- nbr
- 02 Jul 2006
How come the 200Mhz CPU is faster than 400+ Mhz?
Is the GSM function working properly or you have to repeat yourself 10 times before the one on the other side hears you?
Is the WiFi working properly?
Does it support 2 Gb cards?
- ?
- Anonymous
- n9D
- 30 Jun 2006
This phone is very good!
If your network works with EDGE the Internet connection is fast enough. You can go all websites you like. In the Netherlands only Telfort (O2) has EDGE so with Orange or T-mobile Internet is to slow.
- M
- Mark
- TkA
- 29 Jun 2006
Great kit! I can Browse the internet (slowly) at home and in the office. Very intuative unit. I'm very pleased with it!
- c
- cg
- mnX
- 28 Jun 2006
I think there is so many conflickting problems on here because:
NO.1 you dont use it properly
NO.2 you dont put what network you use it on because they all rebrand the phones(a problem you have on O2 you might not have on t-mobile)
No.3 you dont store things on the memery card.
No.4 you dont close files properly after use.
NO.5 You dont delete messages and emails.
dont forget to look in the i.mate and O2 sections as they have the same phones and u might find what you are looking for
Hope this helps :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- mnX
- 28 Jun 2006
PDA_FAN Yes u can load skype
- D
- David
- Tqr
- 19 Jun 2006
I currently use a Palm Treo 600 but have become fed-up with Orange so will switch to T-Mobile.
Anyone know if the operating system for the Qtek 9100 is compatable with Palm OS?
- ?
- Anonymous
- m5g
- 16 Jun 2006
is the qtek 9100 an upgrade to the qtek 9000
- F
- Flo
- pqx
- 13 Jun 2006
Hy 2 all!
I just bought this Qtek 9100. And I have a very big problem, my network provider doesn't have the setting for this model, I just barrely set up the Wap service.
Can anyone help me please? I'm using Orange RO.
Any help will be much appreciated!!!
My email is blackfire2802@yahoo.com
- ?
- Anonymous
- n{k
- 12 Jun 2006
Has pocket office???
- S
- Stuart Webb
- mXt
- 02 Jun 2006
Seeking advice:
I'm about to change my PDA/Phone for a new model. I am looking at the Qtek 9100 or the E-
TEN M600. I'd appreciate any views. I heard that there may be low build quality and bugs
with these devices, so any views would be appreciated.
Stuart Webb
- P
- 452
- 27 May 2006
Did anyone tried Skype with Qtek 9100? Skype supports most of the PDA phones with 312MHz+ CPU but Q9100 only has 200MHz. Anyone tried it, please post.
Many thanks!
- m
- mme
- mg%
- 22 May 2006
its the best ...
- p
- phoneshopchris
- mnX
- 16 May 2006
playenfast it already is able to record calls you just press the notes key when in a call.
stunna get in contact with you network they can send you the settings.
VanneH and ay2006 yes it does support GPS the specific one for the vario is the co-pilot live you should be able to get it from t-mobile.
Shiraz_iqbaal@hotmai get a english software update that should do it.
miro you need to get in contact with the tecnical support team for your network you can normaly do this by phoning you operater.
jay the MDA Pro has a 2meg camra but yet again the GPS is a external reciver.
Ivan get in contact with your network operater.