Nokia Lumia 1520 review: Finnish fable

20 December 2013
The Nokia Lumia 1520 is just like the rest of the premium Lumia smartphones we've seen, but bigger and faster. The advanced imaging and the custom app selection by Nokia will make the difference against Android phablets...

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  • D
  • AnonD-109004
  • rAM
  • 23 Dec 2013

Aadrian, 22 Dec 2013The lack of official google apps is because of google. The ... moreThe one to blame is not google, its you guys. World moves with the best things, and if you guys arent its part its your mistake. Despite of windows os being in market for many years(dont tell wp os is an year old, its an updated version of windows mobile), its still nothing. Google knows where it can earn money. Developing anything fr ms, will nt be good.And you are comparing ios to wp? Nice joke :-P

    • D
    • AnonD-109004
    • rAM
    • 23 Dec 2013

    [deleted post]Oh dont bother, they are living in history of nokiA. For them, nokia is everything!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4QS
      • 23 Dec 2013

      Michael, 22 Dec 2013As much as I hate Window Mobile's horrible phone menu and h... moreDepending on the devices the difference is not that big. And no platform or device is bug free.

      That's only true for certain droids and kinda exaggerated depending on how you mean it. As well as it being many useful optional things that you might not get otherwise.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4QS
        • 23 Dec 2013

        AnonD-29706, 22 Dec 2013A. I'd agree about the multitasking. It isn't true multita... moreCouldn't agree more except for the over played, over exaggerated fan boy crap about Droids in the lower range not being usable.
        We even have a froyo running good. cortex a5 chip running jb. And as you said something running nothing and something running multi things, customizations, and enhancements works differently.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4QS
          • 23 Dec 2013

          AnonD-198855, 21 Dec 2013This is an Excellent review but in Main disadvantages &quo... moreNot best display. One of. That would be the Note 3's screen. And how well the screen looks does not tell the whole story. Like sunlight visibility for instance. And average above average now a days is actually still good.
          And just having a long lasting battery does not mean making it non removable is ok. And that also has to do with more than just how long it lasts. If you need to take it out, if you couldn't charge it, if you need a spare, if you need a replacement, if you don't want to send it away.

            AnonD-109004, 22 Dec 2013No matter whatever technology, hardware, a 1000mp pureview ... moreWhich is an useful OS?! Can you please explain other than explaining about your frustration for tiles, apps (which arent true) and unable to set wallpapers ;P

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • v0X
              • 23 Dec 2013

              Nokia should bring back n-gage platform

                • e
                • ex-nokiaman
                • Xrx
                • 23 Dec 2013

                Ok I have 1020 am disappointed in battery life went and bought Sony Xperia Z1 great battery and like app selection but bored with android so went and bought this on the 17th at my local Harvey Norman store. Within the last couple of days I gave received Subway Surfers, Xbox video, Xbox music and Temple Run 2. Battery life impressive, screen great, camera only bested by Nokia Lumia 1020, video recording awesome couldn't have been any happier with this device. Is a little large but when I go back to Lumia 1020 well In want the big screen again even my Sony Xperia Z1 seems lacking. If anyone is thinking about buying this phone I say go for it yes may be a little big for some but it is great phone.

                  It's for pre-order in my country and not officially available yet, but some webshops already sell this phablet. But I think I will stick with my 1020 because for me phablets are too big.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • kg3
                    • 23 Dec 2013

                    rrze, 22 Dec 2013Hey guys, I had this phone for 7 days and returned it yest... moreSounds like you had a lemon with connectivity issues and lag. Should of exchanged it for a working phone. WP8 is super smooth. This phone should be faster than any Android. 7 days is not enough to learn an OS.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 2G1
                      • 22 Dec 2013

                      In your testing.can you tell me if the 1520 handles PDF files ok..can you save and email them through outlook exchange

                        rrze, 22 Dec 2013Hey guys, I had this phone for 7 days and returned it yest... moreThe lack of official google apps is because of google. The one to blame is google, who has no problems making offical apps for iOS, but WP8 is a problem for them.

                          • r
                          • rrze
                          • qPR
                          • 22 Dec 2013

                          Hey guys,
                          I had this phone for 7 days and returned it yesterday.
                          Here are the reasons why I decided to return it:
                          - lack of official google apps to support users who rely on google services such as gmail, voice etc. (3rd party apps are available but sometimes lack features such as push notifications)
                          - compared to the Note 3 which I had before this windows phone was surprisingly laggy, despite the lighter OS I experienced more lag than on Samsung's Touchwiz
                          - constant internet connectivity issues (on both wifi & cellular)
                          - the back generated a lot of heat even when doing less intensive tasks such as viewing maps
                          - the 3 buttons on the right side of the phone were the worst I ever had on any phone, way too flush with the phone so it was impossible to feel them apart, since the buttons are so flush with the body you actually have to push the buttons INTO the phone which is very difficult to do with one hand while also holding this big & heavy device
                          - the start screen in windows phone looks nice but once you go beyond that and deeper into the OS it simply looks plain and boring, just plain text in front of either a white or black background, no graphics or animations or any other eye candy (a personal choice but important for me)
                          Overall: This device (aside from the buttons) was the best phone I ever had when it comes to the build quality and feel as well as looks (I had the yellow one). The issues were mostly software related. If this phone had android on it and better quality buttons it would be THE phone of 2013.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • nx}
                            • 22 Dec 2013

                            I've never used a wp phone but think it looks really neat and organised.
                            Not bothered about apps and games. I've only got about 10 downloaded at the moment and only use 2-3 of them

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • s81
                              • 22 Dec 2013

                              Bought lumia 1520. Happy with it.

                              Being an android user who bought
                              S2, S3, N2, N3, S4 and HTC one, LG Gpro finally my verdict is :
                              1. Samsung sucks to the core for Indian users as it forces us to use Exynos. We are struck with Touchwiz crap. This year N3 and S4, we do not even get custom roms.
                              The KB on N3 is a joke. It stutters alot. Whole android experience is ruined.
                              2. HTC one skipped menu button option and didnt provide proper alternate in thier sense or for other apps which still expects menu button.
                              3. HTC Ultrapixels is a joke. Low performance in daylight, pink effct in low light. So useless.
                              4. LG UI is a big joke again.
                              5. Sony's display and volume levels are a joke. Its not even usable.

                              Finally i went for nokia. Here are advantages :
                              1. You get consistant smooth performance and youbget snapdragon 800 chipset (India)
                              2. A camera button. Duh(android)!!! Its really comfy to use a button than clicking on screen.
                              3. Non flaky, working OIS pureview camera
                              4. Build quality (dont talk to me about HTC its a joke of a comp to put 4MP non working cam)
                              5. My n2 suddenly takes more time to charge, now it reboots suddenly... after 8 months of usage. Well i believe nokia phones are not flaky like android.

                              Well the most frustrating thing on N3 is its Keyboard.
                              1. It auto corrects everything.
                              2. How to get back your word ? Google provided backspace key to revert auto correction. Now samsung thought lets make them touch the word !!! Then provide the kidnaped word to them. OMG and this KB has spen integration.

                              Nexus line is cheap and sub-standard !!!
                              Samsung :Oh yeah lets give google edition phones to all except India.
                              HTC : lets make everyone a fool. Lets give them 4MP cam. If apple can do it, i can too...

                              Goodbye android.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-109004
                                • rAM
                                • 22 Dec 2013

                                No matter whatever technology, hardware, a 1000mp pureview camera nokia puts, it still runs windows os. These nokia phones will never be productionised! Just a pre production ll go and they ll be kept in mueseums stating, a great phone doomed by useless os with no apps n games..

                                  • M
                                  • Michael
                                  • 43N
                                  • 22 Dec 2013

                                  As much as I hate Window Mobile's horrible phone menu and horrible graphics, I will still sick with it for few reasons. Here is why:

                                  ~Very smooth, lag free scrolling (take any windows device and android device and you will see the difference)
                                  ~The best default virtual keyboard (very proportional to a screen size)
                                  ~No annoying unnecessary shortcuts or popups (that need to be disabled) all over the place like on android devices

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-159182
                                    • Hkq
                                    • 22 Dec 2013

                                    Nokia is best smartphone ever this year end with Dhoom3

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-210479
                                      • y$9
                                      • 22 Dec 2013

                                      AnonD-29706, 22 Dec 2013A. I'd agree about the multitasking. It isn't true multita... moreI absolutely agree with your point. This Nokia's phone just great. I am using Xperia Z1 but no doubt I really want this one if I have my wallet full of flexibility. It is only will we give a WP a try or not?

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-29706
                                        • ttc
                                        • 22 Dec 2013

                                        AnonD-197784, 20 Dec 2013Contradicting yourself. Intelligence and knowledge of WP ... moreA. I'd agree about the multitasking. It isn't true multitasking. Still, even with no applications running, WP will still run more fluidly than Android. The 520 is much smoother than any Android in its class. An Android is barely usable in that price segment.

                                        B. If Facebook and Twitter are the only reason phones have cameras, I don't see the point in Android OEMs utilizing 8-, 13-, or even 20-megapixel cameras either. The photos are going to be downsized anyway, so why go so high on the megapixels, or even bother with so many functions on the camera? No issues with Galaxy S4s and Note 3s having 13-mpx shooters, or Z1s having 20-mpx shooters (and I'm sure most of the buyers appreciate it that they do), but the moment a PureView comes out, who needs such a camera on a phone? I don't use Facebook, nor do I use Twitter, but I wouldn't mind having an excellent camera on my phone (like the 808/1020). You don't carry a Sony or a Canon everywhere you go, but you do carry a phone, and it's always nice to know that, when you need to capture some of life's precious moments, you do have an excellent shooter at hand. And no, the photos don't get "wiped out" eventually either. On the contrary, they get saved onto my laptop, and onto my backup USB disk, along with the videos I shoot, that I then view from time to time. There's more to a phone camera than Facebook and Twitter, and that "more" is the reason phones have cameras.

                                        C. Again, WP7 and WP8 run on different kernels, so I wouldn't call one a "rebranded" version of another. Because they have a similar look and feel, it doesn't mean they're the same.

                                        D. Call quality and signal reception have always been a Nokia strongpoint, so I have no doubts about that either. Fingerprint sensors, retinal scanners? Still a long way to go before any of those are widely implemented on any phone.

                                        Screen size, well, 6+ inches might be overkill to you, but many are perfectly fine with it. You might be using a Note 3 or a Galaxy S4, but mind you, that's overkill for many, too. I wouldn't ridicule those phones for having such sizes, though. Because you're not comfortable with one thing, it doesn't mean others shouldn't be, too. There's a market for just about every screen size nowadays. The iPhone's doing well at 4 inches, and the Note 3's doing well at 5.7. Whichever tickles whoever's fancy, let them go for it.

                                        Lastly, the difference between a Lumia 800 and a Lumia 1520? It's akin to my asking you what the difference is between a Galaxy S2 and a Note 3, or between a Sony XPERIA M and a Sony XPERIA Z Ultra. A totally ridiculous question.