Sony Xperia Z2 review: Action pack

16 May 2014
Quite a few people were getting impatient at one point but a Sony flagship is well worth waiting for. But then, wasn't it clear well before the impatience started to kick in that owners of the original Xperia...

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AnonD-209094, 17 May 2014High temp does also degrade batteries, thats right, but its... moreWow, "tends to fully drain the battery before swapping it."? WTF. As if fixed battery smartphone users aren't going fully drain their batteries. I for one have no problem changing the battery when it reaches 20% to prevent deep drainage. And like iPhone users, you would need to vary that extra accessory of a power bank?

You should watch this advice:

The removable battery system is very practical and much more efficient.

1. Better battery cycling and thereby longer life, since you practically reduce cycles per battery individually.

2. Seconds to get a full charge back than wait 2 hours to charge.

3. No need to carry the charger or a heavier power bank.

4. You have a choice of a third party extended battery, even trippling the capacity.

5. Safer to charge on a cradle than on the device as about 10% (OK, probably less, but still a chance) of batteries have chances to be unstable.

6. Reduces the chances of theft while charging outside the house. How many have been victims of this? - leaving you're smartphone by the outlet to charge, and gone when you get back...

7. An extra battery is smaller and thinner to carry inside your pocket.

8. When your battery finally gives up, you just buy a new one.

9. No need to pay for more expensive internal battery and wait for days to have it installed.

10. Your device becomes practically wireless without the need to plug in via the micro USB most of the time if you just charge the spent battery via the battery cradle further at home.

A fixed battery gives the advantages of a smaller and thinner body, less expensive to make without the extra housing, and ligther. But it has less practicality to me. You'd have to get this which does not give you a full charge and becomes dead weight, or carry a bulky power bank.

And heat is the number one enemy of batteries. It does degrade the battery. Show me literature that says otherwise.

    • d
    • darkraver
    • p41
    • 17 May 2014

    AnonD-255654, 17 May 2014all this heated discussions over a silly-phone, it's really... moreTrue, too much fanboyism...all in all, flagships are mostly quite on the same level, only "slight details make the difference" :-). But seems to me, at least by GSMArena's rating chart which holds 4 Xperias on top, that xperia users enjoy their user experience the most...
    That is what counts I guess, and that is what flames other users.
    Well , each to it's own ...

      • D
      • AnonD-255654
      • rv0
      • 17 May 2014

      all this heated discussions over a silly-phone, it's really simple, if you like it buy it, if not buy another device

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nsr
        • 17 May 2014

        AnonD-20472, 17 May 2014reason not to buy z2? thick bezel ugly boxy design no... morereason youre just a hater??

        thick bezel ugly boxy design (have you seen s5's bezel? )
        non-removable back cover/ battery! (with big battery, and its good for waterproofing)
        very small internal memory!(well at least it still has more USABLE memory than s5 and bloated touchwizz)
        ugly and not customize ui (its one of the lightest and fastest UI in android world, uncustomizable? google xperia themes )

        over price!(with this qulaity , still chepaer than a plastic phone s5 is)

        low quality made in china!(yes its made in china, so ? iphone is also made in china.)

        im quite confused with customer like you, you want:
        -ultra thin bezel
        -removable battery
        -big internal memory (maybe plus micro sd?)
        -customizable fast, feature packed UI
        -super cheap price
        -fully made in japan hardware??
        there is nothing like that, you got what you paid for, if cant afford z2, dont hate

          • D
          • AnonD-20472
          • tha
          • 17 May 2014

          AnonD-130551, 17 May 2014The G3 is hideous. It doesn't matter how ergonomic the phon... morereason not to buy z2?

          thick bezel ugly boxy design
          non-removable back cover/ battery!
          very small internal memory!
          ugly and not customize ui ( those on-screen home of z2 is very ugly)

          over price!

          low quality made in china! most part of its hardware are from china, not japan!

          • 👍
          • D
          • AnonD-20472
          • tha
          • 17 May 2014

          AnonD-130551, 17 May 2014The G3 is hideous. It doesn't matter how ergonomic the phon... moresexy elegant G3 is more appealing than UGLY BOXY & THICKEST BEZEL design of Z2!
 just honest person.

          G3 is BEAUTIFUL and Ergonomic Phone!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • tha
            • 17 May 2014

            AnonD-130551, 17 May 2014The G3 is hideous. It doesn't matter how ergonomic the phon... morefor me G3 is more good looking than Z2!

              • D
              • AnonD-209094
              • Kg{
              • 17 May 2014

              AnonD-130551, 17 May 2014Sorry, this is wrong. You're just spouting anti-embedded ba... moreHigh temp does also degrade batteries, thats right, but its for the same reason, namely the expansion that happens between 70 and 90 degrees C and the grid cracks this produces. In extreme cases the battery expands so much that the safety valve blows, worst case is explosion/fire.

              Still, modern high energy density li-ion/po batteries degrade about 20% with 300 full recharge cycles. It is a long known well established fact that ~30% is lost after 500 cycles, while some li-po batteries could take up to 800 (depending on energy density here as well) like for example HTC was bragging with the One M7. Thats common and quite basic knowledge.

              By the way, i prefer non-removable batteries, using removablebatteries and swapping when empty damages the batteries too much since one then tends to fully drain the battery before swapping it. To make the battery keep its capacity for as long as possible one should use power bank and give it a small top up when it goes below 40%. This is in line with advices by the worlds leading authority in lithium batteries, the Norwegian professor Valoen.

                • W
                • Worya
                • sX4
                • 17 May 2014

                Nabeel, 17 May 2014I'd like to hear from the people who have and are actually ... moreThe speakers on this phone are second only to the M8 otherwise they are better then all other phones. The phone earpiece is loud and I only have the phone set to 6-7 (out of 10)for phone calls as I find 10 being too loud.

                with regards to battery life I am easily getting 2 days (meaning 36 hours), this gives me 4 hrs screen use and about 2 hrs music playback with 20-30 mins calls, it takes me back to the days of the old nokia's when charging the phone only happened a few times a week and compared to my old phone, xperia s, which lasted 8-10 hrs this is an amazing upgrade

                  • d
                  • darkraver
                  • p41
                  • 17 May 2014

                  SDKforLumia, 17 May 2014thanks brother, but I have used Samsung mobiles, Nokia and ... moreGuess you cannot interpret the test results then, let me help: the talk volume is equal to S5 for ex., the ringer is louder than S5, music is 2.5 db quieter than S5 which is about 3% lower
                  All in all it has volume quality on par with Htc one, didnt see M8 in that quick look but hey...that sound for a waterproof device is above good

                    • d
                    • darkraver
                    • p41
                    • 17 May 2014

                    Nabeel, 17 May 2014I'd like to hear from the people who have and are actually ... moreOhhh man, just search xperia z2 sound on youtube, or google some other Z2 review. In the end, you csn always try it out in the shop before buying. don t believe a word these spammers say...their intention is to spam after all.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-130551
                      • 7F7
                      • 17 May 2014

                      AnonD-175677, 17 May 2014sony "omnibalance design" is not ergonomic. th... moreThe G3 is hideous. It doesn't matter how ergonomic the phone is if it looks like trash. All these "ergonomic" phones--G2/G3, S5, M8--all look like trash. Give me the beautiful Xperia Z2 any day of the week. Somehow, I'll figure out how to hold onto a rectangle.

                      • 👍
                      • D
                      • AnonD-130551
                      • 7F7
                      • 17 May 2014

                      AnonD-209094, 17 May 2014Phone batteries degrade very fast, about 20x faster, compar... moreSorry, this is wrong. You're just spouting anti-embedded battery propaganda. The rate of capacity degradation is most strongly dependent on TEMPERATURE. If one were to use the phone in a normal fashion, but never let the battery go above 80 degrees, modern batteries would last close to 1000 charge cycles before dropping below 80%. BUT, if the battery is constantly exposed to high temperatures, the capacity can drop off very quickly, after only a few months.

                        • S
                        • SDKforLumia
                        • 6PD
                        • 17 May 2014

                        worya , 17 May 2014Hey, voice quality really depends on where you live I think... morethanks brother, but I have used Samsung mobiles, Nokia and and Huawei, all on the same network before and after that Sony K-850 and all were exceptionally good. Even a friend of mine, who is a huge Sony fan, and lives in UAE, confessed that he also faced ear piece volume problems on his Xperia Z. So in the end, a phone as feature rich as Xperia Z2, if cannot perform well in basic telephony, thensorry to tell u my brother, its a fail for me. A BIG one.!

                          • D
                          • AnonD-209094
                          • Kg{
                          • 17 May 2014

                          AnonD-209094, 17 May 2014Phone batteries degrade very fast, about 20x faster, compar... moreBy the way, this does not mean that you should avoid charging often, the worst for the battery is to be full or empty, always charge when the battery reaches 40% and avoid full charge if you can. A battery that stays mostly between 40 and 60% can last thousands of recharge cycles without noteworthy degradation.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-209094
                            • Kg{
                            • 17 May 2014

                            Primark, 17 May 2014I think i have to rephrase myself, batteries do degrade, bu... morePhone batteries degrade very fast, about 20x faster, compared to li-ion batteries used in electric cars, already after 300 days the capacity will be down by 20% if you charge daily. The thing is that the users does not notice since the degradation happens gradually, at average only 1% per 15 days.

                            In addition comes the degradation from ions sticking to the substrate surface, this happens regardless of charging or use and it is why stores have to throw away old stock of unsold li-ion/li-po batteries after a few years.

                            In contrast a li-ion car battery will last 10 years and 6000 recharge cycles, but they are not useable in phones since they have only about half the energy density, the Z2 would have only 1600mah in that case, and obviously that is why phone manufacturers sacrifices life span to get a higher capacity, which also is why one run into problems with phones like Xperia Z1 which need to be charged twice a day, already after a year the capacity is nearly cut in half, and you have to charge 4 times a day.

                              • N
                              • Nabeel
                              • KIC
                              • 17 May 2014

                              I'd like to hear from the people who have and are actually using the Z2 phone? I am deciding on getting either M8 since I have used M7(which was an excellent phone apart from it having a lower batter, camera for what it's worth was decent enough for a 4mp sensor although I was waiting for an 8mp with u-pixels which didn't happen this year and would have made Htc one a perfect phone) and Z2.
                              I was leaning towards z2 but gsmarena says that the sound (both call and audio) are not good, I would like a user to elaborate on that?
                              And please not bullshit fanboyism or biasness.
                              Should I go for HTC One (only con is the camera which is decent but I want a better pixel rate this time around since I photograph often enough and a smaller battery 2600mah which I don't know if i'd dig) and Z2 (with only con of sound and audio quality apparently as per gsmarena etc)?
                              Would have gone for the HTC one in a heartbeat if it had a better pixel sensor? Oh well I might as well wait for the HTC one 3...

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • bxd
                                • 17 May 2014

                                AnonD-264633, 17 May 2014Hi everyone I'm choosing between z1 and z2 (upgrade from... moreIf you have money, go for Z2. A lot of improvement from Z1. Z2 use new technology display and no washed out screen like Z1. Z2 camera now has great improvement from Z1. Z2 battery life is like 3X battery than Z1 as you can see in this review. Z2 has 4K UHD (but got overheating issues, well it is 4K). In term of performance and daily usage, both phone do a great job but I seriously recommend you Z2 if you have the money. Thanks for read and sorry for my bad english.

                                  • P
                                  • Primark
                                  • v0q
                                  • 17 May 2014

                                  AnonD-255654, 17 May 2014Now you are just lyingI think i have to rephrase myself, batteries do degrade, but not significantly even after two years, guess it was a bit off of me to say no degradation sorry LOL.

                                    • P
                                    • Primark
                                    • v0q
                                    • 17 May 2014

                                    AnonD-255654, 17 May 2014Now you are just lyingWhat makes you think i'm lying? Original batteries from the top brands, sony samsung, nokia, apple, lg, etc, have excellent battery life cycles they don't degrade easily specially if your a standard phone user.