BlackBerry Passport review: Ticket to ride
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8%f
- 15 Oct 2014
Good luck to BB with this one. They are going to need it.
Cool device, but just too revolutionary to my taste.
- D
- AnonD-79632
- 15 Oct 2014
Yes nice imporvement Blackberry but........This device doesnt fit in a pocket so why would i buy this.
- D
- Dave Granger
- mpx
- 15 Oct 2014
Anonymous, 15 Oct 2014What's the deal with one handed use aswell. Don't most peop... moreSidestepping the obvious jokes about onanism, I agree entirely, I've always used my phone two-handed, even when phones were small.
- i
- iserp
- 15 Oct 2014
You should point out that being a square display, 4.5 inches is actually the same size as the 5.7 inch display of the galaxy note.
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- Anonymous
- m5b
- 15 Oct 2014
M and M, 15 Oct 2014A ridiculous attempt by a strictly square manufacturer to t... moreAll touch doesn't come close to the typing experience of a hardware qwerty
- M
- M and M
- 3bM
- 15 Oct 2014
A ridiculous attempt by a strictly square manufacturer to think outside the box. Go home BB, you're drunk, the times of big screen+keyboard are gone; we've seen it, enjoyed it and moved along because it was just a temporary compromise towards all-touch.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m5b
- 15 Oct 2014
What's the deal with one handed use aswell. Don't most people have two hands. The only time I need to use one handed is when I'm driving.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m5b
- 15 Oct 2014
I'll be waiting a couple of months till I can get one off eBay for about £350, then I'll be getting one