5 megapixel face-off: Vox populi

05 December 2007
It’s been a while since our last cameraphone shootout and you know how much we love them. With all those 5 megapixel cameraphones around, our hands were just itching to make a grand 5 megapixel face-off with as many of the current 5 megapixel cameraphones as possible. The stars in this episode of our Shootout series...

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  • E
  • ECBomb
  • xIh
  • 10 Dec 2007

I think camera C is better. however, the last photo comparison, camera C's result looks kind of messed up...overall it's still the best. Anybody know if we'll ever find out which camera is which? and when will we find out? Hope Viewty gets a high score XD

    • d
    • dlsniper
    • n2x
    • 10 Dec 2007


      • D
      • Dan
      • msh
      • 09 Dec 2007

      Hard, very hard to say.
      And would say C,B,A,D.

      But overall C and B I'd put very close to one another, maybe even equal.

        • M
        • Mike
        • 2Zb
        • 09 Dec 2007

        Actually without a reference picture taken with a very good digital system camera it is impossible to determine which phone that produces the most accurate colors! Please GSM-ARENA add a good reference image as well.
        As it is now I consider B to be the best. Camera phone C pictures seems to be over saturated and having the wrong colors but its hard to tell without a reference...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • R0K
          • 09 Dec 2007

          the best here is image c.
          i think its the nokia n95 cause back in the origanal n95 camera review they showed how it gave back colour to the objects that were photographed and as we can see image has has the darkest colours

            • E
            • Erdal Müniroğlu
            • p2k
            • 09 Dec 2007

            I'm declaring The results; Ready? C is the winner. A the second, and then B and D comes. Im wondering the manufacturers!

              • S
              • Sheikh Zayed
              • SkE
              • 09 Dec 2007

              ((First1. Sony Ericsson K850,((Second2. LG KU990 Viewty)), ((Third3. Nokia N95 8GB)) and (( Fourth4 Samsung G600))

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pfV
                • 09 Dec 2007

                The two best are C and A, then comes B and D
                So: CABD
                Now about guessing:
                C should be SE
                A should be Nokia because it has a lot of image processing
                Then B and D are the two koreans ?
                Interesting. Thank you gsmarena !

                  • F
                  • Faisal
                  • SkE
                  • 09 Dec 2007

                  ((A First 1 Sony Ericsson)),((B Second 2 LG)),((C Third 3 Nokia)) , ((D Fourth SAMSUNG))

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 00d
                    • 09 Dec 2007

                    c is the best

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • ms0
                      • 09 Dec 2007

                      c is the clear winner...why? Better dynamic range(no clipped highlights,larger sensor)better lens(no need for extra sharpening-the a phone shows too much of that)no purple fringing,cromatic aberrations and softness; great exposure(except for the last crop)and the best balance between noise and detail...although the colors are a bit over saturated,the c phone is the one to own.PERIOD.

                        • a
                        • ahmed
                        • i5k
                        • 09 Dec 2007

                        B is Best!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • nnf
                          • 09 Dec 2007


                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 2S{
                            • 09 Dec 2007

                            C is the worst. Presenting false colors.

                            Pink tiles -> brown tiles

                            Yellow flower -> green flower

                            worst macro shot

                            worst crop

                            B D A C

                            b IS BEST
                            C IS WORST

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PDT
                              • 09 Dec 2007

                              C is best in all, except last one of flower close up. bit green
                              A after c.

                              however D & B are same in same aspects. but D in some pics have
                              more color detail but bit blur than B.

                                • S
                                • Sajjad
                                • PDT
                                • 09 Dec 2007

                                my preference as



                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PT2
                                  • 09 Dec 2007


                                    • C
                                    • Clawdiu
                                    • nC8
                                    • 09 Dec 2007

                                    and i'm waiting the verdict!

                                      • d
                                      • dave_vl
                                      • mYc
                                      • 09 Dec 2007

                                      We want the results!

                                        • m
                                        • mrigank
                                        • RxK
                                        • 09 Dec 2007

                                        B C A D