5 megapixel face-off: Vox populi

05 December 2007
It’s been a while since our last cameraphone shootout and you know how much we love them. With all those 5 megapixel cameraphones around, our hands were just itching to make a grand 5 megapixel face-off with as many of the current 5 megapixel cameraphones as possible. The stars in this episode of our Shootout series...

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  • J
  • Joe E.
  • Nxn
  • 08 Dec 2007

I vote for the camera phone C. Most of its pictures are so detailed and the colors so vivid. On the last set of pictures (flower close up), it failed a little bit and came only second to Camera phone B. I suspect camera phone C is SE K850

    • A
    • AASHU
    • RK2
    • 08 Dec 2007

    B C A D

      • J
      • Jimmy Solis
      • LFx
      • 08 Dec 2007


        • U
        • Umair
        • PT2
        • 08 Dec 2007

        hmm ur too intelligent

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 2F2
          • 08 Dec 2007

          @ ood job

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • j@@
            • 08 Dec 2007

            But theres not even 1 indoor picture in here.. we normally take indoor pictures.. Should have had that..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • j@@
              • 08 Dec 2007

              Don't you think D is totally out of the race.. all the pictures were dull and not at all lively..
              My vote BCA .. I don't consider D in this category at all

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • PT2
                • 08 Dec 2007


                  • Z
                  • Zaffran Zavahir
                  • w98
                  • 08 Dec 2007


                  By simple guessing, I feel C represents K850i & A represents Nokia N95. Must wait & see.

                    • m
                    • mie
                    • ibg
                    • 08 Dec 2007



                      • C
                      • Cristi
                      • 0UH
                      • 08 Dec 2007

                      There are two categories of performance that i saw.

                      One where the phones that tried to maintain as much realism of colors & didn't try to improve them artificially (C and A).

                      The other ones changed or applied coloring algorithms to the raw images and changed their colors & luminosity for better details but resulted in most cases only with negative aspects: artificial colors (unreal), loss of detail in the artificially whitened areas of the image (compression artefacts as professional photographers call them). B and D fit in this second category.

                      So let's start with each set:
                      Set 1,2,3,4 - Outdoors testing.
                      Set 1 Winner: C Second: A Third: B Fourth: D
                      Set 2 Winner: C Second: A Third: D Fourth: B
                      Set 3 Winner: C Second: A Third: B Fourth: D
                      Set 4 Winner: C Second: A Third: D Fourth: B

                      -- So as a conclusion for outdoor photos cameraphone C stands out by managing the best photos with real colors, great details and very good focusing resulting in very sharp images (see the "100% crop" image).
                      -- It's followed by cameraphone A that whitens the images a little thus changing the luminosity a bit but still manages to maintain good image colors and focusing quality.
                      -- Cameraphones C and D, from the second category are a little disappointing thus far. The colors managed by these are artificial and they also apply algorithms that change very much the luminosity. The sharpness for the photos made with B and D also isn't good, each one showing objects with unclear edges if you look at the "100% crop" samples.
                      Also the tendency toward reddish colors is very annoying, ruining the realism of the photo and making it seem like a cheap one from years ago at the time the first cameraphones appeared mainstream.

                      That being said let me get on to the next sets.
                      Set 5 - Landscape testing.
                      Set 5 Winner: C Second: A Third: B Fourth: D

                      This set is conclusive for landscape camera performance. Also if one doesn't pay attention to details he might make a wrong choice here by mistake.
                      First the colors. At first glance one might think that cameras C and A are very wrong at coloring with their yellowish colors and that the winner is clearly one of B or D. But my guess is that the photos were taken somewhere in the afternoon or early in the morning when the light IS yellowish.

                      Also if you look at the building in the left that is in construction you'll notice more clues. In the photos taken with A and C you don't see much detail IN the building whereas in B and D you can notice details on the floors but also compression artefacts (something like pixels). And if picture quality is medium AFTER the image has been scaled down than you can imagine that the full-size image is even worse in details. (actually you can see this in the 5th image - the "100% crop" one - check the objects edges - the building contour and the windows edges)

                      And that happens because the camera changed the image luminosity artificially thus whitening the darker areas (such as the inner floors of the building in construction) and as a side-effect getting rid of the yellow tint from the whole image and apparently being better but actually worsening the image and making it not realistic in my opinion.
                      Whitening an image always shows up the artefacts unless it's followed by software sharpening, but that's done by special software and not in-camera one.

                      So the winner here is C but followed very closely by A. B and D are 3rd and 4th.

                      Next: closeups (set 5) and macro capabilities (set 6).
                      Set 5 Winner: C Second: A Third: D Fourth: B

                      Here again winner is C by far, managing a great range of natural and vivid colors.
                      Again followed by cameraphone A which has less coloring, the colors being a little pale.
                      D and B are the last, showing strange unnatural colors.

                      Set 6
                      Colors Winner: C Second: A Third: D Fourth: B
                      Macro focus Winner: B Second: D Third: C Fourth: A

                      Here is the only surprise i saw. If we talk about colors it's the same as it was before C being the first by far followed by A and D & B being the last with unreal colors.
                      BUT if we talk about close range focusing (macro) then the whole scene changes B manging a very good outcome followed by D & C very similar to each other but with a slight advantage for D and the last being A.
                      Looking at the "100% crop" sample you can see that this is because of the artificial whitening done by B and D, thus showing a little more detail but of course with a lot more noise (artefacts) than C or A.

                      I would have liked to see some indoor shots also. With and without flash. Because many use their phones mostly indoors and with flash so it would have been good to see those king of photos also.

                      So for me the clear winner is C followed by A and then B & D
                      And i believe C=Se, A=N, B&D = S&L but i'll wait for the final results :)

                        • b
                        • beyarecords
                        • mRh
                        • 08 Dec 2007

                        D overall was my favourite. I paid close attention to background clarity in all photo's taken, and for me D was a clear winner.

                        Peace & Love

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ni1
                          • 08 Dec 2007

                          C is better in all cases.

                            • J
                            • Jonathan
                            • PVh
                            • 08 Dec 2007

                            My vote per picture since each camera phone has it's own strength and weakness depending on the situation.

                            Pic 1)CBDA
                            Pic 2)CBAD
                            Pic 3)CABD
                            Pic 4)CBDA
                            Phone C dominated the landscape shots
                            Pic 5)ADCB
                            Pic 6)CBDA
                            Pic 7)BCDA

                            1st C by a wide margin
                            2nd B which makes the best macro shots
                            3rd & 4th close call between D & A

                            Phone C is the best.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • PT2
                              • 08 Dec 2007

                              n95 vs g600
                              n95 won

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 2F2
                                • 08 Dec 2007

                                No one is winner here. I am the winner. HAHAHA

                                  • S
                                  • SUSPECT
                                  • nTR
                                  • 08 Dec 2007

                                  winner a nokia n95 is the best shot , close to the real picture
                                  b sony ericsson close to (a) but a still more natural
                                  c lg
                                  d samsung

                                    • U
                                    • Umair
                                    • PT2
                                    • 08 Dec 2007

                                    A=Samsung G600
                                    B=LG KU990 Viewty
                                    C=Nokia N95 8GB
                                    d=Sony Ericsson K850

                                    i tell u how
                                    a=samsung sometimes take pic as nokia so that y a is samsung
                                    b=lg coz it always take yellowish type picture.
                                    c=nokia and it is best more contrast lovable pics
                                    d=sonny ericsson it takes pic veryy pinkish type
                                    so u can search in this site u can tell.easily.
                                    i m expert

                                    c at first place
                                    a at 2nd place
                                    d at 3rd place
                                    b at last place

                                    and c is the winner all the way

                                      • y
                                      • yihao
                                      • wrY
                                      • 08 Dec 2007

                                      ok, i dont know who's who, but imo :

                                      too bad GSM Arena didnt include N82 on this.. :P
                                      anyway, i just found this rather interesting photo comparison between N82 & LG Viewty

                                      go check it out!! :D