5 megapixel face-off: Vox populi

05 December 2007
It’s been a while since our last cameraphone shootout and you know how much we love them. With all those 5 megapixel cameraphones around, our hands were just itching to make a grand 5 megapixel face-off with as many of the current 5 megapixel cameraphones as possible. The stars in this episode of our Shootout series...

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  • P
  • Pedro
  • PnN
  • 05 Dec 2007

B is the best
A second

    • A
    • Apache
    • v@H
    • 05 Dec 2007

    B IS N95 !!! Guaranteed....

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • pRJ
      • 05 Dec 2007

      Its nice to see a Megapixel Shoot out, in this manner... I maus admit that there are some people such as Nokia fans, who can't get a breather without saying Nokia is the best. No matter how much U try to get an unbiased opinion, they will not change.

      I would have to say it would be nice if U'll had included and image from a digital camera so we could see which is closer to the original.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PfB
        • 05 Dec 2007

        C is N95 for sure, it makes the yellow and blue colors more vivid and different from natural and I've tested N73xK790 and I got the same result with flowers, the pink flower was purple with Nokia and real pink with Sony...

        But with doubt I can tell that A is K850, B is LG and D is Samsung... Because with the flower macro B got a real great result and the LG one is great whit that...

          • K
          • Kyle
          • Pum
          • 05 Dec 2007

          Here's my vote... and the winner is A

          A= 3+4+4+4+2+2+4+3 = 26
          B= 1+1+1+1+1+1+2+2 = 10
          C= 4+3+3+3+3+4+3+1 = 24
          D= 2+2+2+2+4+3+1+4 = 20

            • A
            • Ali
            • vGA
            • 05 Dec 2007

            C is the N95 because of the slightly vivid nature of the colors...n a quality i doubt Samsung an LG are capable of....
            A is the Sony Ericsson because of the less vivid nature of the colors,n a quality i doubt Samsung an LG are capable of....
            C - N95(Maybe)
            A - Sony Ericsson(Maybe)
            D - Dunno n Dun care(but mostly Samsung)
            B - Dunno n Dun care

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • w0W
              • 05 Dec 2007

              according to me the clear winner here is "c". a looks like n95 because of the leaves in the back and the color difference from the rest(nokias have this ability to change the actual color). i'm just guessing though but "c" is the clear winner.

                • A
                • Avinash
                • U22
                • 05 Dec 2007

                I think the order is


                  • G
                  • Giorgio84
                  • mYf
                  • 05 Dec 2007


                    • R
                    • Robot
                    • pTf
                    • 05 Dec 2007

                    for me winner is "C" but "A" is so close just in las pic "A" couldn't focus very well.
                    GSMArena it is a great idea. thank you :up:

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Ycv
                      • 05 Dec 2007

                      C, A, B, D

                      I don't know what C is but A is probably the N95.. Notice how it compresses the color of the leaves in the background because the co

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nMk
                        • 05 Dec 2007

                        Color is not a problem, it will need only software tuning. The problems are others...like exposition and detail sharpening....

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • nMk
                          • 05 Dec 2007

                          People do not understand some things: the images are made by informations.

                          If I go to apply effects to an image, i'm going to reduce the quantity and quality of information available.

                          The image A is very saturated and details are sharpened by an elaboration, is a sign of poor quality.ù

                          A "soft" and natural image like B & C, will be more innatural on a monitor, but when printed will be the most similar to a photo from film.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • mmX
                            • 05 Dec 2007

                            C looks nice but the collors false. Probably the N95.


                              • i
                              • imad
                              • RYV
                              • 05 Dec 2007

                              for me B is the winner...
                              i would set up the order as
                              keeping my fingers crossed...hoping N95 wins this one...coz i wanna buy the N95...
                              and yeah may the best one win!! =)

                                • d
                                • dpnk
                                • 5$4
                                • 05 Dec 2007

                                C, A, D, B for me! This is a really ggod posting by GSM Arena - good one guys!

                                  • p
                                  • polo16v
                                  • nmy
                                  • 05 Dec 2007


                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • QPs
                                    • 05 Dec 2007

                                    Why don't you post a couple more times, I don't think we got you the first time. LoL

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • M@T
                                      • 05 Dec 2007

                                      Colors are false in C.

                                      Pink tile turned into BROWN.

                                      Yellow flower turned into GREEN.


                                        • T
                                        • TrueDis
                                        • kxY
                                        • 05 Dec 2007

                                        This needs the N82 and G800 included.