5 megapixel face-off: Vox populi

05 December 2007
It’s been a while since our last cameraphone shootout and you know how much we love them. With all those 5 megapixel cameraphones around, our hands were just itching to make a grand 5 megapixel face-off with as many of the current 5 megapixel cameraphones as possible. The stars in this episode of our Shootout series...

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  • G
  • Greg
  • UYn
  • 05 Dec 2007

Very interesting. C is best. It has the most natural hues, the best depth of field, and the best definition; altho the last (flower) photo colour is strangely at odds with the others. Are they ALL that much, colour distorted? I'd like to think this is the G-600, but I believe it is the N95
D is second b4 A, as it has better definition, and slightly better colour. These 2 very close. One is Samsung (D?) and the other LG
B has too much cast, and poor resolution. I tend to agree with others that it is the Sony Ericsson.
I look forward to the announcement.
I also agree that the Samsung G-800 would be a better comparison.

    • s
    • stics
    • DAf
    • 05 Dec 2007

    Best - A
    Very good - C
    Medium - B
    Poor - D

      • N
      • ND
      • D8X
      • 05 Dec 2007

      Reliably CABD, though the latter are quite close due to one having slightly sharper images and the other having better colour definition.

      C in particular doesn't look like a cameraphone image, especially on the buildings. A is good, but the image is a little over sharpened.

      How anyone can rate C last is beyond me - what criteria are they using?!

        • a
        • alx
        • Sc8
        • 05 Dec 2007

        my ranking is as follows (best to not so best):
        1. A - sharp lenses, but colors are a little bit washed out and seems to do some overexposures compared to C (maybe owing to the shooting conditions).
        2. C - has sharpest lenses, but colors are oversaturated, underexposure shows.
        3. B - seems to have big preference to red, lenses are soft but perform best on the macro shots.
        4. D - softest lenses, most inacurate colors of all four.

          • B
          • Beniamin Pop
          • pqA
          • 05 Dec 2007

          From the best to worst:

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • wY5
            • 05 Dec 2007

            A - most natural
            C - nice but has weird colors
            B - not good
            D - sucks

              • B
              • Boost-Juice
              • 2CC
              • 05 Dec 2007

              Also, quick with the results please as i think im getting the nokia n95 8gb. Let me know as I think C is best, A second. If everyone here is saying that B is a Nokia (which is not the greatest) i might switch brands.

                • B
                • Boost-Juice
                • 2CC
                • 05 Dec 2007

                Is it just me or do all the sky shots from the B and D camera's have a purple tinge??

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • P%{
                  • 05 Dec 2007

                  C is g600..... d is LG viewty!!!!
                  A and B are Nokia and SE!

                  just check the last shot of C... its just too bad!!!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P6V
                    • 05 Dec 2007


                    A and D had very washed out colours and less detail

                      • M
                      • Morp
                      • 4ms
                      • 05 Dec 2007

                      C - Best
                      D - Worst

                        • B
                        • Belal
                        • fvI
                        • 05 Dec 2007

                        From the best to worst:
                        C / A / B / D

                        I think c for Nokia or LG.

                          • K
                          • Khalil
                          • SqF
                          • 05 Dec 2007

                          btw gsmarena pls also post night shots! this will differenciate the phones with better flashes!

                            • K
                            • Kulbir Singh
                            • U22
                            • 05 Dec 2007

                            And i think that B is SE as it had outperformed others in last shot conveying gr8 macro or close up.

                              • d
                              • dani
                              • n37
                              • 05 Dec 2007

                              1 - C: has the best colors by far, lots of detail, no purple fringing and good exposure, most notably in bright areas.

                              2 - A: over sharpened and prone to highlight clipping (bright details are blown). Yet may appeal to novices.

                              3 - B: noisy, lots of purple finging, yet still has some detail in it.

                              4 - D: poor color, noise, purple fringing, low level of detail... has a bit of every fault possible. An insult to the knowledgeable.

                              I'm really curious which is which.

                                • T
                                • THX
                                • TIE
                                • 05 Dec 2007

                                My Vote from the best to the worst :
                                1st : C
                                2nd : B
                                3rd : A
                                4th : D

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • mN}
                                  • 05 Dec 2007


                                  But the gap between C and the rest is the biggest. Differences between other 3 aren't that big.

                                    • K
                                    • Khalil
                                    • SqF
                                    • 05 Dec 2007

                                    My opinion from bes to worst
                                    in 2 shots C outdid B but in most B was the clearest definitely (especially in macro shots). A was very mediocre and D was absolutely shoddy (my K810 performs better and its 3.2 megapixel)!!
                                    This is my unbiased opinion and im a SE fan so whatever Phone B is i will buy no matter what phone it is.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • w0Q
                                      • 05 Dec 2007

                                      For me its:


                                        • m
                                        • martinho
                                        • n0x
                                        • 05 Dec 2007

                                        Iam very sure about thet..