Google Pixel 7 review

27 October 2022

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This phone has to many compromises in my opinion. 90 htz display and slow charging speeds makes this a no. Even the button placement is off. I'm glad I didn't listen to all the over hyped praised and opted for the Motorola Edge Fusion. It's Almost stock android with little bloat ware. It also charges way faster and comes with 144 htz display still with better battery life. It even comes in a brilliant red color.

    • A
    • Adie
    • mNm
    • 27 Dec 2022

    Luigi8556, 19 Dec 2022I dont know why everybody cries about lack of super duper m... moreI'm writing this post from POCO F3, and while those phones have lots of issues, battery is not among them. I recharge my Phone randomly often just for 15-30min twice a day when near the socket, always using the 30W mode. My battery is nowhere close to dead after almost 2 years of usage. When fully charged I can get 1.5day of usage or 1 day of heavy usage (6+ sot) out of it. For me it is a deal breaker.

      Where can i find that pixel 7 wallpaper used in the review? Can anyone please tell me

        • L
        • Luigi8556
        • m2D
        • 19 Dec 2022

        I dont know why everybody cries about lack of super duper mega fast charging... Do really people like to charge in 30minutes or so?... BUT battery will be dead in a year and wont hold normal charge because of it, so then you are forced to charge even more frequently...
        Faster the charging(and the more charge cycles), faster the battery will degrade.
        Its not like you need to charge the phone to 100% for 3-4hours(what was the case in the past) so in those 'old' times most people charged the phone over night....
        I have been using pixel 7 for 2 weeks now and i think is really ok charge time( from 15-100% in ~1.30h and it shows 'fast charging')
        My main complain is battery size/optimization, for me on daily moderate use it is consuming ~45-55% battery. So i can last barely 2 full days.
        My previous phone which i bought 4 years back(honor view 20), when it was brand new, with the same apps and habits lasted 3 full days easy(or consumed 25-35% a day) it had smaller capacity battery and larger chipset die size. So sadly still the 'G2' isnt quite optimized as it should be, but fingers crossed google will fix it with updates.

        With this in mind phone chassis in my opinion could be easy 0.5mm thicker(as it has a full phone camera bump) so it wont make a big difference as it dosent sit flat on a table or still needs the same space in pocket no matter how thin the 'phone' is, but then there could be room for 250-400mah larger capacity battery that could make a large difference in real world usage.

        Also noticing game stutters a bit(the same games that i am playing on old phone are not as smooth even tho G2 should be better than 4yo chipset), this was a bit shock as it isnt anything super new and it is 2nd generation chipset... but i guess it is up to game developers to 'optimize' for the G2.

        But overall its a great phone, i like it and dont regret that i went with pixel.
        Bought it on Christmas offer for 619€ here in Europe (8/128gb version)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t7X
          • 10 Dec 2022

          Anonymous, 30 Oct 2022I dunno what you do with your phone but I actually use my p... moreNice try. Trying to be smart

            • B
            • BlahBlah
            • LiQ
            • 07 Dec 2022

            Kris, 07 Nov 2022Thanks for the comparison.Yeah, well Google Pixel maybe isn't there yet, but OnePlus was there and lost it. Never settle.. lol.. what a joke.. they're used to be my favorites but now I wouldn't touch it with a wooden stick pool. Btw, wait for couple of weeks for phone to get in know you and yoir habits etc. I'm having a Pixel 6 and it wasn't the greatest autonomy at the start of me using it, far from it, I was actually depressed how terrible it was. But after 2 or 3 weeks top it was miles better, so give it a try if you didn't already because Pixel's battery is adapting to your needs but before that the phone needs to monitor what and how often and on what do you use your phone. Pixel has his atributes but battery isn't one of them. It's perfectly fine if like I said you're not a power user used to having a 7-8 screen on time per day. So, if you're a power user sitting on your phone for half a day then Pixel is not for you. I am very happy with my Pixel 6 which I bought new in June this year, although I did have some annoying bugs whitin a first couple of montly patches but now after last couple of updates I don't have any problems with it. Even the fingerprint sensor works better then ever and autonomy after first update for Andorid 13 wasn't the best, but after second monthly update it was like a new phone. Before Pixel 6 I had Xperia XZ for 6 years and it was a good phone but become a little slugish and his battery was practically dead with forcing me to charge it twice per day. Of course it's silly to compare a 6 year old phone with a 6 months old one but me personally I am more then happy with the battery autonomy for my Pixel 6. It was never that good on my Xperia XZ and I bought it brand new in late 2016.
            I guess it's not everything dependable on product's specifications but how do we use our devices. So it would be great if you already giving comparations of two or more phones to include how much of SoT do you achieve with them. For example, my wife and I have a similar SoT on our phones but on my Pixel 6 the battery lasts longer then on her Galaxy S22+. But when you look at the specification sheet here on GSM Arena it says 97h of endurance rating vs 86h on my Pixel 6. So what conclusion I get from it? Well, I guess there isn't a lot of devices forming their battery life after users habbits so their team tested like it doesn't have any adaptation at all. GSM Arena took their time for testing Pixels which is too short in my opinion to form a good battery life in just 7 days of usage. From 86 to 97 is a big difference. And also it is very dependable on how good the update is. It's not like its every monthly update improving for the better on your phone. Sometimes some thing can go in other direction so they fix it in next update etc.
            It's all being very relative, so it's a good thing if we mention as many details as we can to help out new readers with their decisions. I'm happy with my Pixel 6, wasn't like that in the beginning if I have to be honnest, but now.. now I feel like I have a new phone lol... Evertyhing works like itended.

            Just my 2 cents

              • B
              • BlahBlah
              • nnW
              • 07 Dec 2022

              Mollisol, 28 Oct 2022The secret to great battery life is 1080p display nowonder ... moreI think there is a lot of people wanting a faster charging times for their "western" brands phones if it's 100% proven tech, but it isn't as it didn't passed enough of time to see how much damage to the battery brings the heat with those super duper mega warp 9 chargers. Me personally thinks that's a risk to my phone battery and his components. The higher wattage the more risk for my phone in a long term and I tend to have my phones for a couple of years of daily use. But speaking of which, tell me one thing. Do you actually believe Samsung would give us a 180W super charger for their gaming laptop but not higher then 25W on average for their phones because they CAN'T make a faster charging brick?
              Really? Because I think Google, Sony, Apple, Asus and other non-Chinese brands could make it faster but they are not doing it anyways and I believe the reason behind is that those brands are targeting people who want to use their phone as long as possible so they don't want a risk to our batteries or phones other components inside.
              But you have to ask your self why do we have super fast chargings only on some brands.
              How come only Chinese OEMs gets their charging 100+W bricks for free in their package and nobody else?
              This strategy reminds me when a new fast food restaurant is coming to town and at the first to be noticed they have to sell everything cheaper then competition and with extra portions so people can hear for them and think.. wow this is too good to be true. Well.. in most cases if it sounds too good it probably isn't. Anyway, I really want an opinion from someone who don't want to buy a phone if it can't charge on at least a 65W charger.
              Others can join too. Peace out!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • H5K
                • 01 Dec 2022

                Anonymous, 30 Oct 2022I dunno what you do with your phone but I actually use my p... moreI didnt think anyone charges their phone overnight anymore

                Charging speed is slow on this phone though, so sort of makes sense.

                  • G
                  • Gcas
                  • BNS
                  • 30 Nov 2022

                  Is it possible to use the audio jack what an adapter? Reading the preview from GSMArena I thought it isn't possible.

                    Nothing new other than having a smaller battery, and 2mp higher camera where 10mp selfie camera is a joke.

                      • N
                      • Norish
                      • H5y
                      • 24 Nov 2022

                      Anonymous, 30 Oct 2022Google still makes the ugliest phones in the market (rear l... moreWhen you put your phone in case dosen matters how ugly it is :D

                        Ryan47, 13 Nov 2022When GSM do these tests they should compare it to the previ... moreIn pixel 7 there is an overall improvement! The nower look ! The phone also arrived with Android 13 , so ita gonna get till Android 16 , ! If your able to get pixel 6 in a deal then its outstanding value

                          When GSM do these tests they should compare it to the previous model with a brand new unit and all the updates of the last year,the pixel 6 has come on leaps and bounds,it runs fantastic the battery life has improved greatly and it costs a lot less than the pixel 7 I paid 220 pounds for mine in perfect condition off eBay and it runs perfect even the scanner is instant.

                            • O
                            • OP2
                            • 4f$
                            • 10 Nov 2022

                            Don't know if many or few share this same view...
                            But please Google, get rid of the raised bar on the back of the phone! Let's get the back of the phone nice and flat again. Don't need a bar (no matter how tiny) sticking out the back side. We need the bar completely flushed.

                              • L
                              • LOL
                              • vju
                              • 09 Nov 2022

                              Looks like battery life is still not as good as expected.

                              Perhaps the third gen Tensor chip next year (Pixel 8, Tensor G3) will fix everything.

                              Pixel 7 is just a minor upgrade of the Pixel 6, fixing the annoyances from last year's phone.

                                • n
                                • niyonsv
                                • 2SD
                                • 08 Nov 2022

                                tomwn, 06 Nov 2022got a pixel 7. migrated from a OnePlus 7t. wish I had the O... moreI see, I'm planning to pick one.. how's it when compared the Pixel 7 to OnePlus 7T in other specs? My 7T's main board died last week so need to buy a new phone soon :/ . The Pixel 7 and OnePlus 9 Pro is in my mind now at that price range, else going for a mid range like 6A or Nothing Phone 1.

                                  Anonymous, 01 Nov 2022Everybody says they want a compact but then when they actua... moreZenFone 9

                                    • K
                                    • Kris
                                    • Hq4
                                    • 07 Nov 2022

                                    tomwn, 06 Nov 2022got a pixel 7. migrated from a OnePlus 7t. wish I had the O... moreThanks for the comparison.

                                      • t
                                      • tomwn
                                      • 3g5
                                      • 06 Nov 2022

                                      got a pixel 7. migrated from a OnePlus 7t. wish I had the OnePlus back. pixels battery life sucks, cell reception isn't as good, and WiFi connection quality inferior. sorry Google, you're not there yet.

                                        • J
                                        • Joe
                                        • 862
                                        • 05 Nov 2022

                                        Have a pixel 7. Battery life is terrible. Half of photos are blurry. Connection drops way too often. But onboard photo processing is very good.