Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 preview: First look

03 November 2009
With the X10 Sony Ericsson have gone from zero to hundred in a split second. While they may know their way around high-end devices, pulling off an undertaking such as the XPERIA X10 must have been a special...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Ma9
  • 05 Nov 2009

Spectra, 05 Nov 2009Droid/Milestone made it... And until SE officially supports... moreThose of you stating X10 fails since it doesn't support Android 2.0, do some research if you're such supposed tech fans. The reason for it is not SE but Qualcomm. Snapdragon doesn't support (yet) Android 2.0, so both X10 and Acer can't do anything about it. Blame Qualcomm and not SE ... sheesh!!!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • v0X
    • 05 Nov 2009

    wow its really laggy in the video...

      • w
      • wilba
      • tAT
      • 05 Nov 2009

      Can not believe that they are missing Xmas period, they only come once a year and this phone will be so old when the next one comes around

        • S
        • Spectra
        • nHY
        • 05 Nov 2009

        inuka, 04 Nov 2009The eclair is to premature to be release. One thing you fo... moreDroid/Milestone made it... And until SE officially supports the Android2 upgrade, A2 on X10 stays wishful thinking (tho quite logical wishful thinking...). I wish SE would simply release their device without their ui AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! They should have learned from the X1 mistake...

          • X
          • Xperia X10: Ripped O
          • sxt
          • 04 Nov 2009

          [deleted post]Who needs keyboard with big-4incher LCD screen like that? One must realize that the targeted users of this phone are not for geeks and techno enthusiast, base from the video it seems it has an inclination to be used for snazzy/saucy persons. For sure, this phone don't have an X-factor but speaking of glamour and luster this gadget is very "appealing"

          detailed preview + official vid from Head of Xperia X10:

          Kudus, to the "classy" promotional vid

            • H
            • Hank
            • M8T
            • 04 Nov 2009

            Arthur, 04 Nov 2009I read the comments in a while, and it's so funny how there... moreGood post Arthur.

            The reason why the UI is so slow is that the render all the graphics in the CPU at this point. It have not been optimized for GPU in this demo version. So the performance of the UI doesn't sau anything about the finnished product. However one can be a bit puzzled by them showing it of at an alpha state. This will only make people post comment on the various tech blogs like; it is very laggy and SE is crap and so on...

            Regarding the OS version and multi touch, this will be included later on when Eclair supports the Snapdragon platform.

            The major concern is that there are no records of being a digital compass in the hardware. This pretty much makes all AR apps useless which is very disappointing since it suppose to be a top of line android phone. I hope that I'm mistaken about the digital compass though.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • LH0
              • 04 Nov 2009

              Anonymous, 04 Nov 2009Are you stupid or something? How could it have 16k colours.... moreAre you stupid or something? I think about it and you know what?

              > SE is falling apart and they don't even communicate each other to write down in OFFICIAL WHITEPAPER the colors..

              > It really has 16000 ... when phone in stores now have 16.000.000 colors

              Both means SE FAILED !

              And second, you want Snapdragon, then Google hasn't released Android 2.0 for Snapdragon. This is WRONG !! And by Spring this will be ready..! SE can't even write a smart UI on 1.6////if YOU SHOW IT this was SOOOO SLOW !!

              GOODBYE SE !

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Ma9
                • 04 Nov 2009

                [deleted post]Are you stupid or something? How could it have 16k colours. Think about it? And second, you want Snapdragon, then Google hasn't released Android 2.0 for Snapdragon. Not SE fault but google. Cry to google. BTW, I've played with it, and it's awesome. And the resoultion is more like 16 milllion colours.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uKY
                  • 04 Nov 2009

                  Although it was a prototype but as GSMA mentioned in their review, it needs a huge work. I can say I'm a little bit disappointed to see SE did not made a revolution I was hoping for and they are going the same way (more or less) they started with X1 and continued with ridiculous X2. I don't like to say this but I guess after 7 years I'm going to switch to another manufacturer.
                  What is sad is that they already have the ability to make wonderful phones. I don't know why they make such a fool of themselves?! Is that really hard to make phones at least as good as HTC or Samsung?!

                    • 5
                    • 5
                    • w0P
                    • 04 Nov 2009

                    I am not surprised that SE did this to XPERIA X10. they never learn for sure they will charge this phone for a large amount of cash even its not worth it. that's why X10 will fail again. look what happen to X1 it failed horribly. and don't ask about X2 it will fail again. that's why HTC and SAMSUNG are most trusted phone manufacturer for now.

                      • a
                      • aj
                      • 95W
                      • 04 Nov 2009

                      "a lot" of people say bad things about x10 i'm sure they are afraid that x10 is 10x better than their phones right now. It's like denying it's existence to make it non-existent however, x10 will definitely exist.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Ist
                        • 04 Nov 2009

                        haha this UI is slower than touch phones 3 years ago, what an embarrassment.I hope the nvidia tegra processor helps these poor guys hahaha

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • qba
                          • 04 Nov 2009

                          They seem pretty bold to make that kind of a phone their flagship model of their XPERIA phones. From the looks of it... it'll lack a few nessecary features, will have a extremely slow interface (overdid it with the eye candy) and will cost a pretty penny.

                            • M
                            • Mobil1
                            • IAu
                            • 04 Nov 2009

                            Looks decent enough, but unfortunately, SE has a bad reputation for prolonging the release of handsets, & even worse, makes them ridiculously expensive.

                            Also, why is the Motorola is the ONLY manufacturer that knows how to construct a handset using quality materials such as metal & glass, while Nokia, SE, Samsung, & others still love to slap on creaky plastic on their mobile phones?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • q}j
                              • 04 Nov 2009

                              wtf no qwerty?

                                • O
                                • OMG!
                                • 39B
                                • 04 Nov 2009

                                Anonymous, 03 Nov 2009Wow this phone is a dissapointment...looking at the video b... moreoh no, you're not going get it! but SE made it just for you... its really going hurt their feelings :'(
                                grow up, the world doesn't spin around you.
                                to all those who are putting it down or hyping it up... it's just a 'phone'. it's not going change your life (ie for the geeks, its not going to get you a girl either or make you more friends. (*same for the users of iphone, nokia, htc, so on and so on)), nor will you die without it.

                                  • j
                                  • jp
                                  • vxn
                                  • 04 Nov 2009

                                  Arthur, 04 Nov 2009Now that I'm at it, I think this is one of the sexiest phon... moreHTC HD2 beats the iphone 3GS in web browser speedtest., because of the better processor Qualcomm Snapdragon processor that Xperia X10 also have.
                                  And iphone doesn't have flash support which i think a very important factor for a smartphone nowadays.

                                    • A
                                    • Arthur
                                    • T3x
                                    • 04 Nov 2009

                                    Now that I'm at it, I think this is one of the sexiest phones of the current high-end devices! Android (I'm sure upgrading to 2.0 will be a piece of cake) + great hardware + great looks makes this my current no.1.

                                    I'll stick with Apple though, I think the OS is still better, and as I'm an audiophile I'm very glad with the unsurpassed output of the 3GS! Oh, and only the App Store is worth it sticking with Apple. And I used to get excited of good phone-camera's, but now that I have a SLR (Canon 40D) I can't look at any phone-photos. So I use the camera very rarely. Anyway, that's what works for me.

                                      • A
                                      • Arthur
                                      • T3x
                                      • 04 Nov 2009

                                      I read the comments in a while, and it's so funny how there are only two types of posters:

                                      1) Extremely negative ("epic fail", "huge dissapointment", "worst phone ever", etc.)
                                      2) Extremely positive (without really good arguments, you can say "fanboys")

                                      But this time it's even more funny. How many people already told

                                      A) "It's so slow/laggy on the video"
                                      B) "I'm not going to get it"
                                      C) "Other brands will eat this one for breakfast"

                                      A) This is a pre-release version. You think it will remain the same 3 months? You think it's ready now and SE has nothing to do and won't release the phone just to tease us?
                                      B) You judge on a single video of an unreleased phone if you will get it or not?
                                      C) Not only is this device far from ready, you already conclude that other UNRELEASED phones are better?

                                      I know this post won't change anything, but I had to express my frustration and laughterat the same time...

                                        • I
                                        • I was about to get t
                                        • qiH
                                        • 04 Nov 2009

                                        I was really excited about this phone but after comparing the preview videos from Sony vs the real world speed on the videos from people using it............this phone is slow and not going to get it.