MWC 2010: Sony Ericsson overview
- w
- wez
- iLY
- 15 Feb 2010
i think you're all harshly critisizing a good phone. x10 mini and pro are good phones and the resolution makes sense when its 2.55 inch screen. sure its a non-standard resolution but who cares ?? its a nice, cute and small phone that you can actually put in your pocket. i miss those days... it seems every phone manufacturer now are competing for bigger screens. its ridiculous.. how are you going to be comfortable carrying a 3.2 inch screen phone ?
i think se has hit a market long forgoten by others.. and its going to captivate all those people who use to like their small phones years ago before they were forced to buy large phones to get the features they want.
i love the fact that now i can buy an android phone but still can hide it comfortably in my pocket. i love that i have a small phone that still has wi-fi and GPS AND a qwerty keyboard for those long sms's.
GO se.. they have finally -in my opinion- started making a worthy comeback
- F
- FireDragon
- sUv
- 15 Feb 2010
Anonymous, 15 Feb 2010why so much unfair critisism?
For the guy talking about 3&... moreI agree with your points. These are actually very good steps, thicker but I am sure it is good coming back to what they were trying to do 2 years back and this time they did it in a very solid way.
While I am not fan of big "mobile" phones, I completely hate what is going on in mobile world. Almost every other company are practically cloning their own existing mobile phones in term of designing, and worst part is; all the designs are almost alike. I think they are trying to copy Apple's trend because Apple users are begging for a design change.
In this Sony Ericsson and Motorola with all their rough time keep coming up with not only very good but different designs.
- G
- Graham
- Sdd
- 15 Feb 2010
Disappointing. 2 phones, with/without keyboard versions. We already knew about Vivaz. Don't get me wrong, Vivaz is a good phone but Sony Ericsson's exhibition seemed extremely underwhelming for the massive event that is MWC.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wY5
- 15 Feb 2010
Anonymous, 15 Feb 2010why so much unfair critisism? For the guy talking about 3&... moreamen!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mhB
- 15 Feb 2010
why so much unfair critisism?
For the guy talking about 3" or 3.2", well, then the phone wouldnt come close to be this compact.
For those calling it ugly, well sure none of them look good, they might look boring, but when keeping the design clean, that is an result. The iPhone isnt really a beaty either, quite booring too, just looks a tad better than theese phones.
What you should realise is that the Mini's are for those who either want something more of a standard phone. Its just a little bit thicker, but no were nere as long. You get the advantages of touchscreen. And if your not that big of a typer, you wont be bothered by touch imput... and if you are a typer, then you get the Mini Pro.
The Mini's could also be the perfect partner for one of those 7-11" surf tablets that are around the corner. with 7-11" inch in your bag, you dont need ~4" in your pocket. Videos are so much better on 7-11", surfing are so much better, emailing is so much easier on a good screen estate, typing document are so much easier since you see more at the time. The only times and surf-tablet+mini combo come up short are some gaming (depends on the game), where the surftablet is not that handy to use (and the OS might be limited in that area). The other is using GPS-navigation in a car (when running or walking a mini phone could work just fine), not all surftablets will feature GPS, and putting 10-11" on your dashboard is not that likely either.
the only real critisism about the mini and the mini pro I would like to offer, is that the mini pro is both longer and wider, the thickness I understand, buth length and width is a sacrifise, SE should have put a slightly bigger screen on the Mini Pro to compensate for this, or simply worked out a way to make them the same length and width.
Im not a SE fan, and will probably not buy either of this phones.
But I dig the mini form factor, and I dug it back in the neonode days. A neonode however was cooler, since with a manufactor as big as SE, the X10 mini will be a common sight on the street. Wish a smaller company would have made the X10 mini or something very similar, and that sony ericsson wouldnt put such a device on the market. The neonodes failed in some aspects, not only didnt the N1 live up to the specifications stated during its launch, many years back. Had the N1 been released to the market, with the correct specs, when it was supposed to, then it would have been an up to date product, like the X10 mini now will be.
An up to date mini smartphone with touchscreen sure is cool in my eyes. Texting, IMs, picturing, video-recording, making calls, playing music, using the alarm, using a basic calender, wap browsing, it alls just feels so more natural on a small phone. Watching videos and surfing full size site's doesnt, but how often do yo really do those things in comparison to the things mentioned above? Its not a web-phone or a video-phone, if thats not on your list, or if you have that surftablet, its a great category of a phone. You can install all those usefull apps, like spotyfi, traning coach, small games for passing the time, IM services, and so much more, but you dont have to fill your pockets with a screen that is as big as a pocket can ever fit, just for those few occasions you want to watch pocket sized video (even 4.3" isnt really big enough), or when you try to surf a full sized webpage (4.3" again isnt enough, 4.3" isnt big enough for desktop resolution, and its not big enough to really see pictures on a page, without zooming, even at 4.3" the surfing experience is limited) so why put such a big screen in your pocket?
- b
- bummy
- QMr
- 15 Feb 2010
Vivaz Pro, and X10 Mini Pro are winners :D
The mini pro keyboard looks very very comfortable, can't wait to try it out ~
- S
- SR
- PId
- 15 Feb 2010
Seems like exploiting the Sony brand ahs been done with... Now they are exploiting Xperia, what next - VAIO. Come On SE... now an Xperia is competing HTC Tattoo
- ?
- Anonymous
- PEs
- 15 Feb 2010
SE's always outdated
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGU
- 15 Feb 2010
What the heck? SE messed up yet again with the X10 Mini. Why in the world didn't they come out with a standard 3 or 3.2" display? QVGA was in vogue 3 years ago and sadly, SE missed the memo that the world has moved on.
- R
- Raj
- qp4
- 15 Feb 2010
The Vivaz Pro looks bad ass, im getting tempted to let my n97 go for either this or the Wave/Galazxy 2
- j
- june dubai
- m27
- 15 Feb 2010
ewww!!!! not very attractive they make the phone ugly if they make x10 as windows mobile for sure people will buy it will hit in the market..
x10 has a lot of features you can touch it goshh everything is perfect but why they make mini it looks like a toy.....
i have been waiting for this phone but sad to say im not fun of undroid phone..
for windows lots of things you can do..
yes its undroid but you cant just install any application you like, its limited.....
sorry guys its my opinion....
still waiting for this phone to be as Windows mobile.....
- m
- mnm
- uBE
- 15 Feb 2010
i guess se is some what pro really looks good n compact...
- R
- Ronnie Atta
- mxQ
- 15 Feb 2010
3rd :(
Sony Ericsson are really on their way back into major reckoning as a top mobile phone brand. Keep up your good work and release phones as fast as possible and market appropriately please at reasonable prices.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mrI
- 15 Feb 2010
i'd say SE made a big jump since last year