Samsung I9000 Galaxy S review: From outer space

22 May 2010
Our homepage is the natural home of the deadliest smartphone carnivores. We normally don’t mind but this time is different. Are we about to start feeling a wee bit nervous or what. It’s a beast that tops the food chain, instilling fear and terror. Update: Samsung Dive overview added...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 3Wp
  • 31 May 2010

Beards, 31 May 2010Here's a question which we should be looking at ~ the said ... moreHave you ever used an android phone? I am fairly sure you have to install apps to the ROM (although there is a partition for apps and one for the OS). Froyo is the first OS to allow apps to be installed to the sdcard and not the ROM.

I don't know if there is 2gb for OS AND apps or 2gb for OS and 6gb for apps for this this phone.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3PI
    • 31 May 2010

    in reply to EarlZ
    Yes it has an one plast glass surface because of the new super amoled :) which makes it like 1~1.5 mm thinner than normal amoled screens :) nice phone a little bit expensive though

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 2@T
      • 31 May 2010

      In Singapore, the price of the phone is very cheap. Just launched last weekend, for a S$82.96 plan (inclusive of sales tax), the phone is just S$28. (US$1 = S$1.4) Go to to see it yourself.

      BTW, the plan includes 700 mins of outgoing minutes, free incoming calls, 500 SMS, 12 GB of data.

        • c
        • chocoberry
        • v5R
        • 31 May 2010

        Anonymous, 31 May 2010The hummingbird CPU used in this phone is simply the WORST!... moreAt the moment it is the only 45nm CPU. Others 65nm.
        Who failed?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • t7Z
          • 31 May 2010

          fern, 31 May 2010hey guys, i've been selected to review samsung galaxy s via... moreNice try on the link though, you should know by now that links here get auto parsed.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • t7Z
            • 31 May 2010

            Anonymous, 31 May 2010The hummingbird CPU used in this phone is simply the WORST!... moreWell I cant say its the worse for battery since it performs FASTER than the 1Ghz Snapdragon while using lower power due to it being in 45nm.

              • B
              • Beards
              • nEs
              • 31 May 2010

              Here's a question which we should be looking at ~ the said 2GB ROM and how 1.8GB is mentioned to be left over for users to store Applications.

              This is ROM.. Read Only Memory!
              ROM is used to store the initial program that runs when the phone is powered on or otherwise begins execution (a process known as bootstrapping).
              All computer related hardware requires some form of mutable memory to record changes in its state as it executes. However, it can not be modified easily and once the Operating System files and other stored data is shipped on the ROM it's only other use is for distributing firmware changes.

              Therefore, how is it people are talking of being able to access the 1.8GB of ROM on the Galaxy S i9000 and use it to store applications?
              ROM and writing applications to it just don't go together hand in hand.

                • f
                • fern
                • PFN
                • 31 May 2010

                hey guys, i've been selected to review samsung galaxy s via

                the review will be day to day basis usage of the device so feel free to throw any questions u have at twitter @ern95r

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4Ax
                  • 31 May 2010

                  The hummingbird CPU used in this phone is simply the WORST!! battery wise

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • sST
                    • 31 May 2010

                    Anonymous, 31 May 2010Galaxy S has a Tv-out on 3.5mm tvout cable. For tv-out you ... moreGalaxy is the best android phone as i have seen, it has tv-out which is a cool feature and excellent out put clarity.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sST
                      • 31 May 2010

                      Satz, 22 May 2010This so called high end device doesn't even have a single L... moreGalaxy S has a Tv-out on 3.5mm tvout cable. For tv-out you need to enable in the settings.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tjF
                        • 30 May 2010

                        anyone try brownsing the web?it say can support java.but i try a website,it ask me to install java.

                          • U
                          • UK
                          • n5V
                          • 29 May 2010

                          I work for a mobile company Samsung demo'd this phone and the Samsung Wave both quit similar and very good, im waiting for the samsung galaxy s to be released although the wave has hit the shelves i think they both have the same 5mp HD cam, not sure though but if it is the same you can get a good idea on the quality on youtube.

                            • L
                            • Lol
                            • KFP
                            • 29 May 2010

                            Anonymous, 29 May 2010If you wanna take pretty pictures buy a real camera or just... moreI dont want to post here, but for your kind information Galaxy S looks more toy in front of N8.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • t7Z
                              • 29 May 2010

                              Anonymous, 29 May 2010simply don't bother to put a camera there then. what's for... moreIf you wanna take pretty pictures buy a real camera or just settle for the N8 toy phone.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • YQq
                                • 29 May 2010

                                Anonymous, 28 May 2010A LOT of people FAIL to realize that 99.999% of the Galaxy ... moresimply don't bother to put a camera there then.
                                what's for?
                                waste energy?
                                putting camera there. no flash? --> total failure!

                                  • E
                                  • EarlZ
                                  • t7Z
                                  • 28 May 2010

                                  Btw Im wondering about the screen surface on the Galaxy S, is it glass as in glass that cant be scratched by a keys/razor ?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • t7Z
                                    • 28 May 2010

                                    [deleted post]A LOT of people FAIL to realize that 99.999% of the Galaxy S buyers DONT care about the camera.

                                      • M
                                      • MALI019
                                      • Mfy
                                      • 28 May 2010

                                      just wondering is there any way to get the app for video off this phone and use it on athor android phone ? like the the way crazy johns will start selling it in australia in june !!!!!!!

                                        • L
                                        • Lol
                                        • KFP
                                        • 27 May 2010

                                        Anonymous, 27 May 2010And if you think that buying a new phone is the proper solu... moreI'm not saying buying a new phone is proper solution, accept N97 was failure. But world not stopped by this. Do you know more than 50% of N97 users are happy with it. But I feel pity for rest. Thats why Nokia is giving N8 to such a low price. Nokia rules again.