Apple iOS 5 review: First look
- N
- Nutherik
- mcm
- 19 Jul 2011
A Pull-Down Quick Menu??? I see a lawsuit coming up...
- M
- Me
- BwV
- 16 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 14 Jul 2011It doesnt seem like, you know the whole history... Without ... moreI feel very sorry for ppl like you that get the urge to lower themselves to name calling because they don't like a brand.
I mean "crapple users"? Really? Very mature
I don't understand y ppl hate apple
- Z
- Zoran
- tcG
- 14 Jul 2011
what a rubbish system:
•No Flash support in the web browser
•No quick toggles for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G
•No Facebook integration
•No proper widgets for the lockscreen
•App folders still are limited to 12 apps tops
•No DivX/XviD video support out of the box (though there're lots of players in the App Store)
•No USB Mass storage mode for uploading content to the device
•No haptics for the touchscreen
•No Bluetooth file transfers to other phones
•Contacts lack a swipe-to-delete or mass delete feature
This OS5 is'nt even for ipad mp4 no for mobile phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LYb
- 14 Jul 2011
AnonD-1825, 20 Jun 2011Why it's sad? it's good for us customers to have all the go... moreIt doesnt seem like, you know the whole history... Without Google, the very first iPhone and almost everything till the Appstore, was actually Googles doing, not Apples. All features of iOS back than, which made the iPhone stand out from other phones, where Google Originals... Like Google Maps, like Google Search (What would todays Internet be, without such a good search engine)... Ah and Youtube... So without that, the iPhone were just a Phone with an Ipod inside...
Cool thing is to see, how blinded all the Applebees really are... Retina Display seems like it aint that good, because most Applebees seem like they cant see good enough anymore to read... Why am I saying that? BECAUSE APPLE IS THE ONE WHO SUES ALL, BECAUSE OF THE MOST STUPID THINGS!!! Like they are sueing Samsung because of Design and being able to scroll apps sideways and not from up to down... I just cant believe it anymore, how Applebees really talk EVERYTHING good into, what Apple does. I hope Google sues the shit out of Apple for that and not because i hate apple, because they should swallow a big load of their very own Medicine! I really cant understand Apple anymore, they sue Companies for stealing their ideas (by the way, the Appstore aint best for much longer, but you guys, live the lie), but those stolen ideas really aint that good of ideas, but Apple really stole a big thing here and than people come and say after Apple were more than a year late, that they invented it? Hey Apple also invented an App, which makes it possible to fly, but people of apple didnt like it, but if in 20 years somebody really invents something like that, you people keep saying, it was Apples invention...
You guys are so blinded, that you dont understand, that who first used it is the inventor. There were some people who actually thought of something like a Car 200 years ago, but if you dont build it and try it, its nothing. Ideas alone mean nothing, almost everything you know of someone invented something, I can tell you for sure, there was somebody before who thought about it, but didnt make the steps to make it reality, so thats why it is just a Copy of Android.
The other funny part is, that Applebees stick to iOS even now, because Android sucks, but iOS is pretty much Android now, so actually iOS sucks and for iOS to suck, it had to update first, so what makes that iOS below 5?
Seems like it becomes really hard to breath for Apple and its just beginning.
Funny how everything, that made iPhone good in the eyes of iPhone users, actually falls apart and how every Crappleuser still think Apple is best, just because it is Apple... iPhone users complain, that apple haters hate all that Apple makes, because its apple, but i give it back to ya all, because, thats actually, what you are doing, you guys are ok with everything, because it is Apple, if any other company would do such a thing, it would just be "not innovative" and that why I talk about brainwash. Think about Flash on Android... How can anyone really say, that a device is best for Internetusing, if it cant even do flash... My Nokia from over 2 years ago were able to do flash lite at least...
- m
- mike
- 2@e
- 14 Jul 2011
y couldnt they give BT file transfer?? also can it do video call over 3g network?? if not, then its another BS phone worth around Rs 35k.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ia9
- 11 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 03 Jul 2011"appel came up with the top bar first for the phone no... moremy bro is not talking like me me he not knowing english and he is ten
palm r not having note bar my dad has one and theres not note bar ont it. and appel r invent note bar i do have reserched it u say its good company then u shuld not fihgt it this fact.
if u only com on here to insult other u shuld be ashame
- A
- 4cS
- 10 Jul 2011
iOS looks more like Android now.
- ?
- Anonymous
- utP
- 06 Jul 2011
with this update i bet black berry will be effected a lot . the only reason they are still in the game is because of BBM
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 04 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 03 Jul 2011"appel came up with the top bar first for the phone no... moreAgreed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8U2
- 03 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 01 Jul 2011appel came up with the top bar first for the phone not ando... more"appel came up with the top bar first for the phone not andoid"
"appel only put now cus they r pressre to put more thing now"
Your lack of research and minimal grammar amuses me. It's uncool to talk like a 'bro', so please stop that already.
First of all, I remember Palm having a top bar on their smartphones first, so let's cut the BS, shall we? Second of all, they *are* putting notifications because it's better, not because they're under pressure.
Sincerely, Apple is a good company. They don't really need to put things because others did. If they did, it's because it's actually better.
I don't know why customers care about who's copying who. This only benefits us. They should worry about that, not us.
It's impressive that people comment on things they know nothing about, even the basics.
- m
- merio
- 0vS
- 03 Jul 2011
Apple has stolen everything, so why not real time notification :P
- A
- Apple's D Best NOT
- UGr
- 02 Jul 2011
So much for apple's originality. Now THEY COPY android! I wonder why people are so into an OVER-rated phone and OS?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ia9
- 01 Jul 2011
appel came up with the top bar first for the phone not andoid, appel did not use it cus not good idea and the ppl did not like it............... ................... .... appel only put now cus they r pressre to put more thing now, they will still be bettre than android cus appel have the thing not other phones have which is apps store.
- O
- Oj rokzz !
- u1t
- 30 Jun 2011
Apple rokzz !!
- a
- ab
- iaa
- 29 Jun 2011
Iandroid 5, tell apple to stick to their thing and stop filing lawsuits when other companies copy a few things from them...they just showed their hypocracy by copying the notification center of android..guess google must be on their way to tthe court house.pls sue them massively,if u think any thing with an I is extraordinary,my $#it has i too.androidmania!!!!
- r
- raath75
- 3Ax
- 28 Jun 2011
the ios5 upgrade is very nice and all but its funny how its very very android so many things that androuid does now they are doing on the new ios5 what happened did apple see that androuid has got alot better things on there software and now they are using alot of that and some from sony ericssion to like time scape and a few other things ......i have a ip4 and a sony arc and apple have pulled out there finger and opened there eyes and looked out side the box and tryed to fix apple but still no flash player and blue tooth for other phones come on apple you will be left behind by android and even rim
- D
- AnonD-1825
- p77
- 25 Jun 2011
iOS5 beta 2 released, wireless sync working now!, sending music wirelessly works great! Apple is getting better and better. Cant wait the autumn.
- J
- Justin
- Qb6
- 24 Jun 2011
taz, 12 Jun 2011i have no problem with others people using others ideas. bu... morenever thought of that... good points though. They're launching a new lawsuit as of yesterday.
- J
- Justin
- Qb6
- 24 Jun 2011
Anonymous, 11 Jun 2011Ok, time to settle this....before android fanboys say anyth... moreActually the notification system in WP7 is pretty darn slick. Microsoft obviously took notes from both Android and iOS and changed it up into their tile system. I haven't used a Blackberry, but apparently their notification system and LED light works very well too.