Six-way camera shootout: Smartphone roulette

11 October 2013
Camera shootouts are a proud GSMArena tradition and the latest edition features by far the most technologically advanced cameraphones yet. We have large sensors, sky-high resolution, optical image stabilization, clever image processing and...

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  • p
  • pox
  • m{7
  • 13 Oct 2013

I have the Z1 and sure can't complain. It's really great at good conditions.... And then that is when you use mobile phones as cameras. For any demanding circumstances you use a pocket camera or better.
I mean,what's the point of deciding which mobile phone that can take the least crappy low light photo?! They're still crappy!
Naah. I like my Z1 more for all the cool camera apps. Social live for example.

    • D
    • AnonD-134497
    • bJ9
    • 13 Oct 2013

    [deleted post]Well I certainly have no idea what does price has to do with this article.

    Anyways, the question is HTC One as beign launched with around the announcement of Sony Xperia Z1, Samsung Galaxy S4 and its still expensive.

      • R
      • RambaSamba
      • X}L
      • 13 Oct 2013

      AnonD-124528, 13 Oct 2013Well it has more pixel xenon flash ois and everything like ... moreWish you learn few things about physics before commenting like this :D

        • D
        • AnonD-98491
        • thH
        • 13 Oct 2013

        AnonD-134497, 13 Oct 2013Now now! Don't jump on high horses. I replied to this state... moreFrankly speaking you sounds more newbie done mine. Again, you don't understand what I am talking about. I thought you do when I read your response...but you don't. I am disappointed. But any to cut the story short and to clear your cloudy mind. What I am saying is that: Based on what GSMArena put their JUSTIFICATION ranking to Note 3 at 2nd place, why they just put the device to number 1 when they are EXTREMELY PLEASED with the unit? 1-point PERSONAL preference (that shouldn't be apply in this article). Another thing, don't be too simple thinker. Not all comments what you read is what you think it was. It will create a misunderstanding and surreality. And lastly, if I am newbie as what you said, then who you are? I will guess :-) maybe you are a long-time follower of GSMArena? right? lol

          • t
          • ts
          • m@$
          • 13 Oct 2013

          AnonD-71586, 13 Oct 2013i still think that lumia 1020 shouldn't be in this one, it ... moreLumia 1020 has all the smart features of 925, 920, and the lot. And it's smaller and easier to your pocket than Sony St, so why should it not be in this test? Everyone know it's the best camera phone on the market today so why should we not include it for comparison sake? Great test, although I would put Z1 at 2.! (I am a Samsung Note 3 owner)

            • D
            • AnonD-77380
            • 7Xb
            • 13 Oct 2013

            AnonD-55345, 13 Oct 2013I wish also that Microsoft will make a follow-up device fro... more5 second shutter speed???

              • D
              • AnonD-134497
              • sSP
              • 13 Oct 2013

              [deleted post]Now now! Don't jump on high horses. I replied to this statement, "And I think GSMArena is a bit shy not putting Note 3 to Number 1 place LOL"
              There is nothing wrong in admitting when you are wrong, or is it. But thanks for the laughter anyways. I love newbies on this site. Seen and handled a lot like you. So nothing new...

                • D
                • AnonD-189731
                • nxw
                • 13 Oct 2013

                Sorry, how does the iPhone 5s come 5th, when it beat the G2 in most tests. Can you explain?

                  • D
                  • AnonD-134497
                  • sSP
                  • 13 Oct 2013

                  [deleted post]So according to you, Samsung Galaxy Note III should be the number 1 in camera shoot-out, right? If that's the case, then I only have to say LOL....

                    • D
                    • AnonD-179247
                    • fsV
                    • 13 Oct 2013

                    I have even read reviews that say the galaxy has a terrible camera pc advisor.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-98491
                      • thH
                      • 13 Oct 2013

                      The ranking seems faulty and not right? Why Z1 is under Note 3? LOL

                        • D
                        • AnonD-55345
                        • iVU
                        • 13 Oct 2013

                        Anonymous, 13 Oct 2013I predict nokia wil release 41mp snapdragon 800 next yearI wish also that Microsoft will make a follow-up device from Nokia Lumia 1020.

                        Make the shutter speed as fast as 1 second or less as the current NL1020's 5 seconds is not desirable as you will miss opportunity to take picture with every fast moving scenes.

                        Also, please add 1080p resolution on the display.

                        Microsoft, please hear us!

                          • j
                          • jason
                          • ibg
                          • 13 Oct 2013

                          Anonymous, 13 Oct 2013Its a shootout between 5 smartphones and one smart camara. ... moreSaying 1020 is a smart camera and not a smart phone is just being denial. It may not be the best smart phone but it is indeed a smart phone with best camera function.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-119540
                            • tVv
                            • 13 Oct 2013

                            So the Xperia Z1 is the an all rounder camera and is cheaper than the Note 3 and Lumia 1020? I say, I'll get it.

                              • e
                              • ex-nokiaman
                              • v%h
                              • 13 Oct 2013

                              Really ? Really ? How can some say that 1020 is not really a smartphone ? It can browse (WP8 doesn't need octacore) has some of the best offline navigation, great audio capabilities ( Dolby Digital Sound ) not itunes or zune dependant, great video playback capabilities. Sure it doesn't have 1080p screen resolution but neither does iphone. Thr only real drawback is lack of games and apps , but I have a life and like to interact with people the old fashion way so The Nokia Lumia 1020 is THE SMARTPHONE for me and like to do other things with my time than play games on my phone. Don't need to customize the hell out of it ( just cause you can ! ) most of you haters should really give it a try instead of just hating !

                                • D
                                • AnonD-195751
                                • y$e
                                • 13 Oct 2013

                                I don't understand why you pick Note 3 as 2nd winner meanwhile Note 3 did WORST in low light camera and video recording test, also not that great in daylight photo. What makes daylight video recording a great contributing factor more than the rest? You also said in conclusion that flash and value added features of Note 3 make up for that.

                                first, as a phone, you can't expect to flashing around all the way. It's annoying as hell to people around you and many places are actually banning flash photography (i.e. some restaurant, indoor thrill ride or museums).

                                second, as the name suggest, it's value added feature not the CORE function. It may change people decision to buy. In a comparison test it should be mentioned and explained but shouldn't be a big scoring factor. Not to mention usually many of those value added features won't be used by most users, just for shit and giggles.

                                that being said, I think Z1 or G2 are better contender for 2nd winner.

                                  • H
                                  • Hilly
                                  • 3Ax
                                  • 13 Oct 2013

                                  If you want to compare camera designed smartphones, compare the lumia 1020 with the Galaxy s4 Zoom, lets see which of these are better.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-195751
                                    • y$e
                                    • 13 Oct 2013

                                    AnonD-71586, 13 Oct 2013i still think that lumia 1020 shouldn't be in this one, it ... morenobody would know that a sportscar is faster/better/relevant than common cars if nobody doing comparison.

                                    by doing comparison, you'll know how good is a product compared to each other, so you can pick one that suits your need. If you only need the speed/fun of lotus evora, why spend all the money to get Venom GT?

                                    For example, let say everyone know that 1020 is boss, but you totally need a cameraphone and mostly doing daylight recording. If 1020 isn't compared here, then you'll probably buy 1020 straight away, not knowing that several 'lesser' cameraphones are actually equal or better in that area and with better hardware and apps to toy around.

                                      • A
                                      • Apple Killed it
                                      • 2CF
                                      • 13 Oct 2013

                                      Wow low level light, still photos which is what I take, iPhone nearly wins and got best accuracy.

                                      best overall in my eyes.. Apple! Yeah too good baby!!! SGN3 not where near as good

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-71586
                                        • ajV
                                        • 13 Oct 2013

                                        i still think that lumia 1020 shouldn't be in this one, it would have been better to select a normal lumia, since the main focus on the 1020 is the camera and it is more of a camera than a phone, as someone sayd earlyer this was more of a 5 smartphones shootout and a camera, it's like comparing 5 city cars normal and well balanced with a sports cars which is specifically designed for speed, of course the sports car will win especially in a test of speed as the 1020 did in a camera shoot out. so for me the true winner is either z1 or note 3.