Rumored Android-running Motorola XT300 slider emerges

31 August, 2010

The Motorola XT300, a Palm Pre double, first showed up several weeks ago but back then the images were blurred out of recognition. This time we've got some some better pics for a change, along with video that would give you a better idea of the upcoming smartphone.

Motorola XT300 Motorola XT300 Motorola XT300 Motorola XT300
Motorola XT300 caught in the wild

As the following video reveals, this pre-release Motorola XT300 unit is running a MOTOBLUR-ed Android 2.1 and the little square on the back is actually a BACKTRACK touch panel (like the one we've seen on the Motorola BACKFLIP). The phone should also pack a built-in GPS receiver and Wi-Fi support.

The most distinctive feature of the Motorola XT300, though, is its four-row slide-out QWERTY keyboard. As for the glowing red Droid eye on screen, it could mean that the XT300 will head for the Verizon stores at some point but word is there will definitely be a GSM version of the thing. There is no word on the other Motorola XT300 specs so far.

It's also unclear when it will start selling and for how much.


Reader comments

  • Eduardo
  • 09 Dec 2010
  • L4v

This phone is on sale in Brazil. Wifi, GPS, Backtrack are included in the device. For information:

  • Sam
  • 04 Oct 2010
  • 3rT

Any news about this baby?

  • Anonymous
  • 01 Sep 2010
  • vkU

def agree moto is just ok in android not great at all, saying moto is king in android is like saying LG is king in android, doesn't make sense at all! this phone has such a fugly desgin it'll prolly go down the path of the microsoft kin,which is the ...

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