Sagem MY V-55
- s
- stacey05
- T4w
- 24 Jun 2005
hiya i think this fone looks class and i cant wait to get it on sunday 26th june coz it is me birthday so im lookin forward to it lol by the way does it av inferred or bluetooth xx
- f
- flairymclairy
- m2m
- 22 Jun 2005
hi! i think this phone looks AMAZING for the price! i can't wait to get it but i wondered if anybody knew how to unlock it because I would really like to keep my current telephone number, thanks!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- m{x
- 20 Jun 2005
Yes it has gprs
- S
- Sarath
- PB1
- 18 Jun 2005
Does this Phone have GPRS ??
- b
- bright
- j7A
- 18 Jun 2005
i feel sagem is the best company that are producing the best phones.only that whenever i enter some functions, they will tell me that GSM connection failed or no GPRS.I would want to know why and also to find possible solutions so that i will enjoy my phone very well with ur downloading more sound from famous hiphop musicians, more games etcetral..
- d
- dotun
- jIe
- 18 Jun 2005
waoh,i love this phone,whenever i see it with my friend,the colour,shape,design ,is a phone i must buy.i love My V 55 !
- d
- dean s
- U2M
- 17 Jun 2005
For some reason every time i try to get on to vodafone live, it keeps comming up with data connection failed? And in settings i try to find the Australian connection but there is none, what do i do??? pls help
- d
- david
- PQq
- 16 Jun 2005
FANTASTIC.i got this phone 4 my daughters b'day and it is exelent.easy 2 use,it takes great photos and has heaps of memory.if your thinkin of getting this phone do wont regret wife has a nokia witch cost 4times more than this phone and the sagem is ten times better.for the price of the sagem you cant go wrong.
- c
- cem
- muv
- 12 Jun 2005
sagem my-55 about more near knowledge
- R
- Raj
- Rxt
- 12 Jun 2005
well..the best phone i hav eva used.the pic quality is awesome and my friends envy it.a little problem, wheneva i send a txt msg, the phone realy slows down n takes a while,10-15sec to return to its normal screen, any advice?
- U
- Unknow
- mwu
- 10 Jun 2005
I like the phone, i going to buy as soon as possible ,its costs only 99 euros in belgium
The V-55 rulzzz
- o
- ogo
- jYW
- 10 Jun 2005
a nice phone but i cant get java games,pls help
- A
- Abu Hamza
- M%V
- 07 Jun 2005
It's great phone best bay optin great camera and display
- I
- Irad Haque
- 06 Jun 2005
I work in a call center and all of my customers talk to me thru mobile phone mostly. On an average I have to talk to my customers for 2-3 hrs per day. Some times a single call duration is for an hour or more. Actually, currently I am using a Nokia 2300 cell phone- a handy set. But I want to buy a new cell phone for me. I want to buy Sagem MY V-55 as it looks wonderful! But I have never used any Sagem product. Thus, I do not have any idea how will be purchasing a Sagem MY V-55 model cell phone for me. How about it's battery charge- which is my big concern at this moment.
- C
- Chibuzo
- Md4
- 04 Jun 2005
The phone has been doing very well. But for sometime now I cannot send sms though I receive. I do not know if it is mechanical fault. The phone is only about 2 months of my usage. If you can help me rectify it please. Thanks. Chibuzo, Abuja, Nigeria.
- a
- ayoola
- miE
- 01 Jun 2005
please can anyone tell me weather this phone has a USB cable. please you can mail yahoo box
- F
- Fara
- PA5
- 01 Jun 2005
I can't upload game to my MobilPhone using infrared. Can anyone help me please?
- N
- Nicole
- m9Q
- 30 May 2005
do u know haow many txt messages this phone can hold
- k
- kenny
- Siu
- 30 May 2005
well i realy love my v55
- t
- tonia
- mgi
- 29 May 2005
i was contemplating getting a newfone, logged on to this site, with all have read about my-v55, am definetly going to get this phone.