Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO
- a
- alm
- PSk
- 03 Sep 2010
can we easily surf to the internet using the wifi?
i mean fb,twitter and youtube. . .can those website easily open?please tell me about the importants of web browsing using this phone because im planning to buy like this.thanks
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 03 Sep 2010
jagjit minhas, 30 Aug 2010firstly thanx jane u replied to my post so kind of u.. :)
... moreYou are most welcome… :)
Well about the dictionary… first you need to know that this a java phone so it will only accept jar files (files that will end with jar… like this ***.Jar)… so you will go to getjar dot com or mobile 9 dot com… then search for dictionary version that support touch… then do the following steps (this is the trick :)):
A. download all the games and application and save it in a certain folder
B. go to my computer
C. click on tools on top of the window
D. Go to Folder options and go on the view tab. Now scroll down to hide extensions for known file types and make sure it’s UNCHECKED. (This will show all extensions like .html .exe .rar etc after name of file.)
E. now right click anywhere >>new >>text document.
Now copy and paste this in the newly created document: install ***.jar
Where the *** is replaced with name of the game or application (to get correct name right click on ***.jar file and copy the title)
eg: for installing barcoder
My code will look like this: install barcoder.jar
Where barcoder.jar is the name of application I want to install
Now save the text document and save it as anything.html
F. move all those .html files to that certain folder (where you save the games and applications)
G. Now transfer this .html files along with .jar to your phone via USB or Bluetooth
H. now press on the application or game and it will be installed
Now the term Kies and CorbyPro screen stylus…. Well as we all know… there is a C.D that comes with every cell phone that contains the program which will allow you to connect your computer/laptop to your cell phone….
And we have: Samsung pc suite, Sony Ericsson pc suite and nokia pc suite…
Kies is the new (and better) version of Samsung pc suite
About CorbyPro screen stylus… well stylus is that pen that you use to write on a touch screen, like a cell phone, laptop with a touch screen, new digital camera with a touch screen window… now CorbyPro doesn’t have a stylus… it was made to be used with fingers… so I don’t know where did you hear this term but it’s not true and let me tell you that I tried to use the stylus with CorbyPro and it didn’t respond as fast as it responds with me finger…
About t landscape mode in games and applications… although that there is a lot of cell phone with touch and Accelerometer but still there is a few games that support those too… you will find a normal games/application for normal cell phone or games/application that support touch only or accelerometer only… to in order to make normal games work in landscape mode you have to edit the jar file… but that will solve the landscape issue only not the touch… you do this little trick:
Before installing the game/application...
Open the jar file with WinZip (not winrar). Open the meta inf folder and open the meta inf file and then paste this at the bottom:
X-Pax-Keyboard: Qwerty
X-Pax-TextInput-Hidden: true
MIDlet-Touch-Support: TRUE
MIDlet-ScreenMode: ROTATE
About the gps… to be honest I didn’t use it yet :(
Another thing… will you buy a nokia Symbian os (say hello to lots and lots viruses) instead of Samsung java os (no virus can affect it) just to use the internet heavily… come on…. It’s not a smart move… cause Ayush told you that you can open websites sizing more than 1mb with mini opera… and honestly…. It’s a phone not a laptop… and you know what… buy Samsung ultratouch or blackberry or Sony Ericsson c905 (yes. It’s not a touch but it’s an amazing phone)… blackberry is the main phones for internet…. Please the new nokia phone are really bad with lots of viruses and problems with the os and no privacy… most of people (90% of people I know) are leaving their nokia phone and going to Samsung or Sony Ericsson … and one of them is my cousin who should be crowned as best nokia fan… she have Samsung jet now
- v
- vishu
- vwn
- 03 Sep 2010
is dis cell is gud to buy orr thre is an other in this priceee plzzzzzzzzzzzz tellllllll meee frnds
- J
- Jayesh
- P$u
- 02 Sep 2010
hey guys can nione help me with the browsing thingi in dis phn,, damn irritated ya ,, whn eva m tyn to open a page it shows unexpected failure,, m not able to use internet ya guys.. plz help ..
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 02 Sep 2010
Jm, 02 Sep 2010Jane is it okay to post here all the codes for corby pro th... moreHello Jm....
yes it's okay to post all the codes that you found.... but do as i do.... write beside every code if you tried this code or not... cause if you tried it and it worked then it's a safe code... and if you didn't then the user will know that he will try this code on this own risk :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$u
- 02 Sep 2010
AG, 02 Sep 2010Does this phone have a good display outdoors in daylight? B... moreya dude u can ,,
- J
- Jm
- vj1
- 02 Sep 2010
AG, 02 Sep 2010Does this phone have a good display outdoors in daylight? B... morethis phone has no anti-glare feature. so basically, you have to go to a shady place or cover it with ur hands.
but you can use screen guards with anti glare feature. It just reduces the shine but not totally remove it. It's also a anti-finger print screen guard.
- J
- Jm
- vj1
- 02 Sep 2010
Jane is it okay to post here all the codes for corby pro that I found on other websites and just put creditions ?
I'm hesitating because I may violate or put someones phone at risk ?
- n
- neli
- n{k
- 02 Sep 2010
hi..l love this tellephone.and l want it very match...l am 12 years old and l csnt wait to open the school and show it to my frinds...but to do that l need to buy it...l have just €140...please can u put the price more low...please =(
- S
- Sheheer
- tYW
- 02 Sep 2010
frenz,Can anybody tel me ,is avi format work with corby pro?if yes wat shud i do? tanks in advance
- A
- AG
- fv@
- 02 Sep 2010
Does this phone have a good display outdoors in daylight? Basically can I read sms easily, dial from phone book without going to shady area or covering the phone with my hand?
- S
- Shubham
- vGB
- 01 Sep 2010
Hi All
It seems my phone got a virus attack hence whenever i get a call or i try to make a call, the sound breaks... however when i connect my hands free I can talk without any disruptions... I want to know how can I remove the virus or update my phone
- j
- jeetendra
- TL5
- 01 Sep 2010
it is very good handset
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 01 Sep 2010
Jillu, 30 Aug 2010Sis jane evn though im not happy wit games ! im happy tat i... moreJillu
I’m the one who’s happy because you are happy… thank you for this nice post… I meant a lot to me :)… and of course if I know anything more tricks or information, I’ll share it with you and the rest of the users…. And please if you need anything… just let me know :)
Now about the wave issue… I was talking about the games and applications that you will find in samsungapps dot com… and as I said… yes they can work on CorbyPro but sadly you need a widget called Astore so you can download those games and applications and till now it’s not available to CorbyPro….
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 01 Sep 2010
imaa, 30 Aug 2010hy jane
i tried connecting the Internet via gprs but it co... moreHey Imaa....
will you believe me if i told you that till now i can't connect my wifi properly too.... so am sorry but i cannot help you with that... cause i need help too :)
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 01 Sep 2010
imaa, 30 Aug 2010hi
kindly tell me hw the second camera ( the inner camer... moreHello Imaa
Now the second camera is used only to make video call… and you cannot take pictures with this camera… and to access it (if you want to use it as a mirror) you write this code *#0*# then choose 8….
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 01 Sep 2010
xtheman, 30 Aug 2010Hi, new proud owner of Samsung Corby Pro here. I have a que... moreHello Xthenman :)
Now do the following steps to make the wifi is the main connection for the internet:
3)Scroll down to Application settings
4)Scroll down to Internet
5)Scroll down Internet profiles
6)Choose your wifi profile
Or you can do it this way…
3)Scroll down to Settings
4)Scroll down to Internet Profiles
5)Choose your wifi profile
That’s it… that’s all you need to do… now the wifi is the main (and FIRST) internet connection and if there is no hotspot… you will connect via 3G…. :)
- J
- Jane
- fqe
- 31 Aug 2010
jack, 30 Aug 2010hi dear jane
finally i bought this phone but have some pro... moreHello Jack….
Well am glad that you finally bought Corby Pro….
Now I’ll be honest… I don’t know much about the internet in Corby pro cause till now I access the internet via wap profile and it cost a lot and till now I couldn’t use my wifi properly or something is wrong with it… so I’ll tell you what I know
1)as far as I know… no you cannot open more than one page in the main Corby pro browser and to do so… you need to install mini opera
2)I don’t know how did you install the dictionary but reinstall it using this little trick:
A. download all the games and application and save it in a certain folder
B. go to My computer
C. click on tools on top of the window
D. Go to Folder options and go on the view tab. Now scroll down to hide extensions for known file types and make sure it’s UNCHECKED. (This will show all extensions like .html .exe .rar etc after name of file.)
E. now right click anywhere >>new >>text document.
Now copy and paste this in the newly created document: install ***.jar
Where the *** is replaced with name of the game or application (to get correct name right click on ***.jar file and copy the title)
eg: for installing barcoder
My code will look like this: install barcoder.jar
Where barcoder.jar is the name of application I want to install
Now save the text document and save it as anything.html
F. move all those .html files to that certain folder (where you save the games and applications)
G. Now transfer this .html files along with .jar to your phone via USB or Bluetooth
H. now press on the application or game and it will be installed....
3)Well am looking for good Gps software instead of Google maps and when I find one… I’ll tell you
4)Sorry but no… there isn’t a copy and paste option in Corby Pro
- j
- jagjit minhas
- 2@f
- 31 Aug 2010
thanx a zillion dude..
for telling me all the cons of corby pro..( and to my surprise the list is a looooooooong one)
i won't buy it though it has the sexiest keyboard i have ever seen.... :(
but i m keping my eye on the new nokia c6.. its just full of everything... anybdy here familiar with this,,,??? and can nyone knows its xcet price in indian rupees...???
- ?
- Anonymous
- nwH
- 31 Aug 2010
jagjit minhas, 31 Aug 2010hey aysh thanx again for replying....
and i will love t... morewell my friend, Ill sum it down to what the e71 is better at and at what the corby pro is better at:
corby pros (things that the corby is better at than the e71:
-touch screen
-bigger keyboard with bigger bottons
-3 home screens
-better music experience
-3mm jack
e71 pros (things that the e71 is better at than the corby pro):
-symbiam OS, so you can install lots of aplications.
-bottons on the keyboard are small but have bumps so it is easy to type.
-unrar app that can unwip compressed files
-very good internet experience, you can download and intstall directly from wifi.
-better GPS (ovi maps is way better than google maps)
-more aplications
-quick office
-easier to carry in your pocket
-its better looking, especially the black version (it won the award for sexiest phone) corby pro looks very childish.
about the nokia c6, I dont know anything of it cause they dont seel it here in portugal... it seems to be a good phone. its nokia so it has symbian OS just like the e71.
between the corby pro and the e71, get the e71, corby pro is a bad bad phone for internet users. you will have to ask someone else about the c6 tho :)