Samsung C170

Samsung C170

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • suave
  • Rxj
  • 22 Jan 2008

Started working for an R&D company w/c doesn't allow camera phones. Previously owned a Sony Ericsson K750i and Nokia 2650. Prefer a radio. Bought this last week.

- User Interface is text-based only. Only up/down navigation keys (hard to press). Faster and easier to memorize shortcuts (ex: Menu > 5 > 1 for Inbox).
- Slow Animations (ex: Unlocking the phone, deleting messages). Quicker to use Red Reject Call Button to stop animations.
- High-quality radio. Loud, although if using speaker volume, sound comes through the standard phone speaker w/c is much softer.
- Co-workers are amazed at its super-slim design. But I'm always concerned if I accidentally break it (especially the screen)
or it slides out of my pocket. Recommend a pouch/case/ipod container.
- Games not included although probably may be downloadable via WAP Browser. Ringtones/Sounds are limited as well.
- Attempted to use a standard USB cable from another Samsung phone but nothing happened and there's no software available for this model.
- "Morning Call" Alarm (M-F / M-Sat) very useful so I don't have to set my alarm everyday or turn off a daily alarm on the weekends.
- SIM-AT for carrier specific services (ex: account balance remaining)
- Sent messages only saved in Outbox only if you "Save and Send" instead of "Send Only".
- To edit a message in the Outbox, select "Send".
- Your messages are stored in your SIM until it's full, then uses the phone memory.
- FM Radio: Use 2/5 to increase/decrease volume, 1/3 to increase/decrease frequency, up/down to previous/next station. Recommend Self-tuning everytime you change location.

Hope this helps.

    • k
    • krzysio
    • mjc
    • 19 Jan 2008

    It's annoying, that many specifications provided by any magazine,web site,or other publisher, for any device is highly erratic.
    REAL WEIGHT OF THIS PHONE IS 63.5g.That is big mistake to write 72g instead.

      • t
      • tinai
      • p3I
      • 13 Jan 2008

      this is a phone JUST FOR TALKING leave the photos and the sounds alone!

        • A
        • Aashique
        • PGx
        • 12 Jan 2008

        can any one tell me about the talktime of these phone samsung c170

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vGk
          • 11 Jan 2008

          is a 16k sim card working in this phone..

            • d
            • devaraj
            • 2Z2
            • 09 Jan 2008

            how to save or download image.i cant able browse in aitel gprs service

              • V
              • Vishal Mathur
              • P$3
              • 08 Jan 2008

              I Really Love this Phone, great work Samsung, it is so light and easy to hold in hand.

                • H
                • Hindustani
                • kUZ
                • 08 Jan 2008

                The FM plays loud and nice through the integrated speaker. Albeit, you'll have to plug in the earphone to activate the FM module/portion of the circuit.

                It would be excellent for people to post drawbacks after actually knowing the FACTs. Mere guesstimates and/or fictions might mar a nice product's design prospects.

                  • S
                  • Seka
                  • UDN
                  • 07 Jan 2008

                  Can I download or play games with this phone?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0pv
                    • 07 Jan 2008

                    no the radio will not work through speaker phone because is uses the headset as an antena and there is no data cable with it, its just a basic phone

                      • N
                      • Nikola
                      • iG6
                      • 05 Jan 2008

                      Great phone for the money
                      -crystal soung on the radio, it's even loughter then the U600 (tested)
                      -screen 128x128 but the efective size of the wallpaper is 128x97 or so.
                      -tip: if you can't wait the slow anims when locking or unlocking or other just press the red buton ;)

                        • D
                        • DON
                        • P@T
                        • 03 Jan 2008

                        Can i use this mobile for browsing internet via PC,is their any data cable available for this mobile.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • P$x
                          • 27 Dec 2007

                          Will the FM play on phone speaker??

                            • G
                            • Ganesh
                            • Px%
                            • 25 Dec 2007


                            After hopping in and out of many stores I finally bought a gift for my mother for her birthday. Samsung C-170 (Elegant Black color) - one beauty of a phone. I got this for Rs. 2390 in Big Bazaar.

                            1) Very slim (Slim as a Dairy Milk chocolate bar). Slimmest phone for this price tag.
                            2) Absolutely stunning to look at. People Black Beauty with white backlit keypad with the numbers on the keypad gives this phone a gorgeous look.

                            2) Excellent FM Radio. Beats all FM radio phones priced below Rs.2500. Sound quality is awesome. Digital Stereo. Sound can be increased upto 14 points (CAUTION: 14 points can make you deaf. Sound is deadly clear and too loud). I don't increase the volume above 3 points. Its stunningly crystal clear and pleasant.

                            4) The handsfree provided with this phone is simply superb. Thick good quality wires hold up the mic/mouth piece to the phone connector and thin wires jut out from the mouth piece to support the ear buds (ear phones). There is no way the wires/earphones-cum-handsfree will get tangled into knots. Very good innovation by Samsung(This isunlike the thin ones that come with other brands...esp. for an entry level cheap phone)

                            3) Very light on pocket in 2 ways (just 72 gms and just Rs.2500 :-)

                            4) Aesthetic appeal. The keypad lights up evenly and is in brilliant white which makes night viewing or low light viewing very easy. Its so beautiful to look at the phone in pitch dark.

                            5) Supports not just English but Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Bengali , Marathi and Telugu.


                            1) The central navigation button is only two way (not 4-way). UP & DOWN. UP is assigned to FM Radio (and we cant change that). Only the DOWN key can be assigned to any one features like Alarm, Calendar,Missed Calls, Dialled Calls etc. etc.. (I assigned it to MISSED CALLS).

                            2) Although its a 65K color display.. the color display is disappointing and grainy. But if its a good phone with good call clarity and Radio you want.. then this is a trade off.

                            3) Phone Navigation is not as easy as Nokia.
                            In any Nokia you can just press one button to see the contacts (to make a call). Here in C170 you have to press Phonebook, then click Search , then type the search keyword and then click search to get a contact name.

                            4) The central navigation key is hard to press and you have to push it and this may slightly pain the fingers over prolonged usage. Same is case with the Phone back cover (when you want to insert or remove a SIM card or battery). Its very tough to remove the back cover. Took me 20 mins and my fingers hurt. Its really hard to slide the battery cover. Samsung needs to look at this important design aspect which they seem to have missed out despite designing such an amazing SLIM BLACK BEAUTY phone.

                            OVERALL VERDICT:

                            CAUTION AGAIN: Only if you are using phone in Loudspeaker mode...increase phone FM Radio volume above 3 (to a max. of 14).
                            When you are listening using earphones...volume above 3 can be too loud. Volume of 14 will make you deaf for sure.

                            Usage Tips:

                            1) When FM Radio is on, press 5 to decrease volume and press 2 to increase volume. I didnt understand this...but I just discovered today what the ultra tiny 5 and 2 with ultra tiny "up" and "down" on the phone display screen in FM mode meant)

                            2) When you have set FM channel stations (For Ex. Radio City in INDIA 91.1 FM)...if you press 1 on will increase the FM channel frequency by 1 point. That means 91.1 will become 91.2 (pressing 1 again will make it 91.3...and so on. Likewise pressing 3 on keypad will keep decreasing the channel frequency by 1 point. (Ex. 91.1 will become 91.0, 90.9, on)

                            My Ratings

                            Design: 8.5 / 10
                            Features: 7.5/10
                            Performance: 7.5/10

                            Overall Rating: 7.8/10

                            Dont pay more than Rs.2500 for this phone.
                            I got it for Rs.2390.

                            FINAL VERDICT:

                            No company has made such a beautiful slim phone as SAMSUNG C170 till now in ENTRY LEVEL SEGMENT. Surely a MUST BUY for ENTRY LEVEL MOBILE USERS. GO BUY IT n ENJOY for 1 year. Later if you are bored you can change your phone :-). Its just Rs.2400 guys. Grab it 'n' ur sure to grab attention and eyeballs. This is a sexy super slim beauty of a phone. BLACK looks awesome and I got Black (its one single color) cos that was only color available in store and i gotta get a phone for gifting my mom soon. But for some of you who like two-tone colors you can look at the WINE RED and BLACK. (Wine Red 'n' Black in front and fully black on the rear. Looks equally hot esp. will suit the gals and their white / red purses :-)

                            Thanks for giving me a chance to tell you about something.

                            C170. SEE. Enjoy. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

                              • i
                              • imran hussain
                              • ijM
                              • 24 Dec 2007

                              Can anybody suggest me hw good is this there any constant problem with FM radio in all fone.And tell me wht problem in inbox people are getting.i m intrested in go with this fone,so plz reply me ASAP

                                • k
                                • krzysio
                                • mjc
                                • 19 Dec 2007

                                Anybody knows, if there is possible to copy sim to phone, or phone to sim memory, and how?

                                  • d
                                  • deeps
                                  • vGu
                                  • 17 Dec 2007

                                  can we really use it as a modem??? plz someone tell me....else itz a crap...

                                    • t
                                    • trikZ
                                    • m7e
                                    • 14 Dec 2007

                                    iz this phone good or crap

                                      • a
                                      • aAHIMBISIBWE FRANCIS
                                      • MpQ
                                      • 14 Dec 2007

                                      i relly like the fon but i dont know even how to go to internet on it.and i dont know if it can down load some music or ring tones.guiod me pliz by sending an sms on my email.

                                        • A
                                        • AHIMBISIBWE FRANCIS
                                        • MpQ
                                        • 14 Dec 2007

                                        hey,i really like this fon so much.i have helkd it now for like 3weeks but i dont know where to find the messages.pliz guide me.thanx.