Samsung C170
- S
- Sorinacho
- nD{
- 13 Nov 2007
4 gh: u can't see the sender name while u don't have it saved on the SIM.
- g
- gh
- PUj
- 13 Nov 2007
I've just bought this phone. I can't see the name of the person who sends me an sms, only the number. This problem occurs in the inbox as well. Anyone knows how i can get around this?
- b
- bd_19
- PGx
- 10 Nov 2007
to: Hindustani
hello there.seems lyk u hav a gud knowledge abt dis fone.i live in thinkin abt buyin dis i need som gud & accurate info abt it:
1.first n formost: wat is da battery life? i talk ALOT on da fone,specially at nyt wen callrates r minimum :P,so i need MINIMUM talktym of 3hrs after full charge
2.vibration: i kno it has vibration,but does it hav any probs? becoz i used n E715 once,n da vibration had many problems.
3.does it support CALL WAITING service?? fones hav a tendency to hav problems on its display after som tym of use?do u think dis will do da same??
5.i don use ringtones,yet again askin,how loud r da preset ringtones?
6.abt da earphones>>if i use them,how long will da fully charged battery last at a continuous talktym ??n how clear is the sound through the earphones??
i guess dats abt a student,n since im using my own money to buy dis,i want to kno ALL da info abt da bangladesh,da price of dis fone is roughly abt tk.4800 (tk.72=$1).neways Hindustani,thanx 4 ur help :D
- H
- Hindustani
- 2SV
- 07 Nov 2007
In the Indian package, the standard battery is Li-Ion 750 mAh rather than Li-Ion 800 mAh.
After several weeks of severe usage, I've come up with the following points. They are proven. Neither overtoned nor under.
Battery charging -- from zero to full -- takes approx 2 hours and 30 minutes.
No calls, no FM, no alarms, absolutely no functions. But the cell is switched on 24x7 with a fresh SIM card inside. In this condition the fully charged battery lasted for 16+ [almost 17] days.
Needless to say the fresh battery was "primed" by me before using with a SIM inside.
- k
- kirvy_o61
- vx3
- 06 Nov 2007
is c170 is the new model of samsung???
- c
- catalin
- p3G
- 05 Nov 2007
nice design easy to handle
- v
- vinay
- 2S$
- 03 Nov 2007
pls don't buy this mobile.because it has manufacture def.i am the (hhp) Eng in the service center India(goa).
- r
- rapa
- 24 Oct 2007
i can't till find my game an internet on my phone samsung c170
- n
- nice
- vxg
- 22 Oct 2007
you rock hindustani!! samsung d' best! slim is in, bulk(nokia) is out!!!
- H
- Hindustani
- 2SV
- 22 Oct 2007
People lacking in creativity and ability for data-mining always end up in regrets -- loads of it.
INR 2200/_ is the price of a C170. If you have been quite well acquainted with Nok and SE then why bother about buying the Sam C170? And if you have enough money to buy and maintain multiple cellphones from multiple brands then why whine about the functionalities of a phone?
You decided to buy C170 before actually buying that. You spent your own money for that. Seems like you skipped the first and foremost step of the decision making flow-chart applicable universally. Why didn't you dig data and/or features concerning C170 before actually deciding to buy that?
PLEASE. Grow up. The Sam C170 is actually a phone. A cellphone to be precise. Not a portable media device. Not a smaller cheaper alternative to a notebook. It's a cellphone for crying out loud.
And please ... maintain dignity by bypassing the commanding attitude. Your words -- both pronounced and written -- reflect your IQ.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGk
- 22 Oct 2007
excuse me hindustani,
guess u dont know what an open forum means...
ppl come here mainly to know abt the flaws in a mobile. The good points are given by the company itself.
So please keep your advice to yourself and just see if you can contribute something and dont go beyond that.
having said that, ppl have given both good and bad points. Its in no way biased.
I own this Samsung c170 and I am saying "Nokia's user friendliness is far by the best in business. Samsungz' sucks really i tell you. You will know that if you own the phone"
- H
- Hindustani
- 2SV
- 21 Oct 2007
The following points apply to all brands and all makes.
Use only alphabets [A-Z] in contact names. Avoid numerals, blank spaces and special characters. Phonebook initialization time would improve dramatically.
The same solution goes for slow response time problem in your hi-tech phone with media files stored inside.
In your mind divide your phone in 2 vertical halves. And grab the bottom half while conversing over the phone. It means, you should grab the bottom 6 CM of a phone which is 12 CM in total length. Network reception would dramatically improve.
Try these solutions. Benefit from them. At least you won't have to pay any royalty to me for them. A tiny ThanksGiving isn't even required. Enjoy!
- H
- Hindustani
- 2SV
- 21 Oct 2007
Dear Nokia users,
All of you are most welcome to lick the pictures [your screens] of N81-8GB, N-95-8GB, 7900-Prism, 7500-Prism whether you can afford them or not, own them or not. But mind you, please don't try to compare and bias the visitors to any other brands -- at least not based upon your very own personal experiences. It simply ruins the charm of the open message boards and a tele-tech site like our very favorite GSMArena.
No offense meant. But do give it a second thought. Please. It's always easy to find the flaws. Because most of the flaws we derive in others are solely based upon our very own perceptions.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ijJ
- 20 Oct 2007
The major demerit is time & date are not visible. Please dont go on looks, there are more chances are geting dceived. If you are Nokia user dont try this one. I am struggling and repenting....
- P
- Pankaj
- vG5
- 20 Oct 2007
The phone is only good as far as looks go, otherwise its hopeless, bad reception, bad microphone, unfriendly User Interface, poorly designed software, the phonebook initialization takes 5minutes after switching on,
USB cable is not able to connect it to the PC, the software is not supplied, . Its only good to keep in pocket because of its slim design, and to take out in public due to its looks, else its a horribly designed set with poor software. Better not to buy !
- H
- Hindustani
- 2SV
- 20 Oct 2007
Here's a great web-resource for my Dear Samsung fans. A finely detailed review of the C170 isn't available. Think so? Think again.
There's a nice review of the C170 by Mobile-Review. But the article is written in Russian. And ... so ... translate it to the International Air Traffic Language, i.e, English. How?
- H
- Hindustani
- 2SV
- 18 Oct 2007
2 weeks of severe usage establishes the fact that despite the declarations made by SAMSUNG, the GSMArena data concerning battery-life is much more accurate.
Need a slim phone? Lightweight? Like to keep it in breast pocket? Need a cellphone which is a phone but not an entertainment gadget? Charging the battery twice a week is not a problem for you? Mobile communication means voice calls and plain text SMS to you? Need a phone for phoning rather than show-off purposes?
If the answers to all those questions are YES, you should buy this. Period.
- a
- azurei
- 16 Oct 2007
The FM shld be stereo. It comes in black over here in Singapore.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2SN
- 16 Oct 2007
it is a nice phone i like it can any one say whether the FM is mono or stereo pls answer immediately I am planning to buy tomorrow thks in advance.
- r
- rapa
- 15 Oct 2007
hi am havin problem i can't find the game how can i find the game an i don't knw how to go on internet on it plz teach me by sendin da intruction to my EMAIL address