Samsung D500
- G
- Gehan
- Uiw
- 19 Jan 2005
To - B.H
considering Overall rating samsung is better, but most of them are voting for the brand. Samsung has a good marketing than motorola thats all!! but when you consider features and technology motorola is the best!! Motorola is a hi-tech company!! Samsung is just a company that manufactures electronic and electrical equipment!!! They never invented an industry!! they just get in to an industry invented by a US or Jap company and start producing products!!
- j
- jessica
- TeW
- 19 Jan 2005
will u tell me ur email address so i can ask u more questions about the cell phone and other things. also whats ur real name?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mp@
- 18 Jan 2005
i got my d500 last week. i realise that my d500 restart itself. i reckon some software in it is screwed up. nevertheless, d500 is awesome. its avant-garde
- m
- mi
- m9F
- 18 Jan 2005
To JC: how do you know the D500 will become an edge fone?
- t
- t@st£y
- m9F
- 18 Jan 2005
is there any information about the d500 becoming an edge fone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Jan 2005
whats edge?? please tell me
- B
- B.H
- mXP
- 18 Jan 2005
Gehan, overall, samsung is better than motorola in the brand rating.
- d
- davidwilling
- mD9
- 18 Jan 2005
Does anyone know any good websites for good quality ringtones for the D500? I'm in the UK and want some quality sounding tones to download via WAP. Thanx
- D
- Da Man
- Scm
- 18 Jan 2005
I prefer the D500, its a much better phone overall. Its my pleasure to help you with ur questions. And im 18(honestly).
- D
- Danny
- Rxg
- 18 Jan 2005
Samsung is the best no question about it. Look, even if the ppl do vote motorola for no.1 i bet if you gave them a choice of which ones to use they would choose samsung. All samsung mobiles are classy and at the moment this one has all the functions you need. Motorola might hab better tech but all their phones are ugly and huge always weighing over 100 grams.
- G
- Gehan
- Uiw
- 18 Jan 2005
If anyone say Samsung is the best!! Check out this!!All Motorola phones
Motorola MPX220,E1000,A1000,E398,V525,V600,V620,A630,RAZR V3,A780,V80,V690, All were in the Top3 in this site (Phones By Rate) Most of them were No1 for a long period!! Still Not a single Samsung phone came this far!!! Even this D500!! So how do you day Samsung is better than Motorola!!
People have chosen Moto!! Now its Moto E1000 is Rank1. Few days ago It was Moto V620!!
- J
- JC
- TKb
- 18 Jan 2005
It's was the 1st samsung phone with bluetooth I know. Ist I'm not very interested with this phone but when I heard it will become a EDGE phone, I started get to know this phone.
But when I read you all opinions, I'm started confuse about it. More bad than good.
Kindly advice.
- j
- jenny
- TeW
- 18 Jan 2005
does this phone have good mp3 player?
- k
- kev01
- 42S
- 17 Jan 2005
i love this phone
- j
- jessica
- TeW
- 17 Jan 2005
thx Da Man again! do u like the samsung E630or this phone? im sorry i keep asking u... also about my # and age i cant tell u but u can tell me ur age(honestly)
- k
- knoxie
- mq6
- 17 Jan 2005
I posted just below about the slide wobbling, I managed to sort this problem by firmly pushing the slide to the top of the phone, it seems so much better now. With this in mind I maybe would recommend the phone now its a tough one, its a great phone smart and sleek but it is very very delicate don't get this phone if you think you may rough it up, the phone wont stand being dropped, it is after all a digital camera / video camera / mp3 player / phone and I guess you would assume you would break your camera if you dropped it? maybe. Good phone and way better than the GX10i in features the GX10I is much better build quality though. This phone is the buzz phone for now and is surrounded by a lot of hype, I suggest getting it from a shop not online so you can walk in when it inevitably breaks on you and definitely don't buy one from e-bay.
PS there is a size limit on sending the videos which limits you to the length of the clip only on GSM no limit on Bluetooth. There are some great utils for converting mpeg videos to play on it as well the format is .3gp for the video files, they look and play superb, the camera isn't great though, infact its quite poor, terrible colour balance and a poor flash, its a jack of all trades master of none type phone I reckon. Still it will sell by the bucketload just on the I got to have one factor!!
- T
- Tracey
- mqx
- 17 Jan 2005
Hi - I've already posted my comments about my present phone Sharp GX10i [horrible]. I'm desperately thinking about changing to D500, can anyone out there that knows alot about this phone please comment [honestly]. Thank You
- M
- Megan
- Nxs
- 17 Jan 2005
- e
- emz
- MB7
- 17 Jan 2005
i think the fome is well sweet.
- D
- Da Man
- Scm
- 17 Jan 2005
The Samsung D500 or the Panasonic X700?? Its hard to compare them, Jessica. I suggest u check the reviews and specs for both of them, then decide which features you prefer, then make a decision. They both look gd to me. Sorry i cant help u more than that, but if you give me ur age and no. i might be able to help u more.. lol