Samsung D500
- m
- mike
- Te8
- 17 Jan 2005
iwant a samsung D500 phone how do i go about it
- j
- jessica
- TeW
- 17 Jan 2005
thx Da Man!! do u also know if it is a good idea to get this phone or panasonic x700?
- ?
- Anonymous
- j1c
- 17 Jan 2005
nothing special about this phone... compared to Sharp, Sanyo, NEC, etc.
- a
- andy endean
- mqp
- 16 Jan 2005
i think it is fantastic but i am not alowd one
- V
- Vid
- mJH
- 16 Jan 2005
Can anyone of the users tell me how does the phone syncronize with the Win.Outlook? Does it work or not.
- D
- Da Man
- TkE
- 16 Jan 2005
jessica, the Soundmate is a plug in speaker for the D500 through its mini usb port. It just makes the phone sound louder.
- S
- Someone who knows
- TkE
- 16 Jan 2005
Aggeloz, The D500 can send videos via mms, bluetooth and Infrared
- j
- jodi
- 16 Jan 2005
is it easy to txt with? has it got predictive txt where u change the words by a button? only used nokia but prefer the look of the d500 pls help me!!!!!!
- S
- Simon Eastwood
- S35
- 16 Jan 2005
Do you have to pair devices to send files over bluetooth, because when i send stuff i dont always know the receiver to swap passwords??? love the d500 mint phone, Aveeeeeee ittttt
- S
- SJ
- Y7T
- 16 Jan 2005
what do you guys think about 5 megapixel phone? my fruend bought in Korea..
- j
- jessica
- TeW
- 16 Jan 2005
hey everyone! i really like this phone but im not sure what sound mate is even though the other person said something about it. is it a speaker thing or what?
- P
- Paul Knox
- mjs
- 15 Jan 2005
Hi, I have had my phone for only 20 or so days, it is a nice phone good features except it is very fragile, i killed the first one? i just put another sim in it and turned it on and the screen just flashes on and off? totally dead. Took it back to the Link (who were wonderful i must say as i had lost the receipt) they gave me a new one.
Got the new one back home and now i find when the slide is pushed up it wobbles!!! arrggh! mine is new and it is worn/wobbly. This phone is a nice looking/performing phone but its build quality is terrible and it seems very sensitive with sim cards, I suggest you done put other network sims in it.
The Link (Banbury UK) have been great i think however i will be taking it back for a refund or exchange, i would advise against the D500.
- B
- n1c
- 15 Jan 2005
THis fone is outclassed by Moto V3 Razr in the looks catergory
- z
- zlatko
- iGe
- 15 Jan 2005
hi i think that samsung D500 is one of the best mobile fhones in world because if you have this telefone you have all world in oyu hands best wishes for samsung compani all the best-
- J
- Jessica
- j2u
- 15 Jan 2005
hey guys, i'm trying to decide whether to get this phone or not... if anyone has this in Canada, specifically with Rogers in Toronto, can they tell me whether the reception is good because that is my only concern since NOrth American runs on 850 MhZ Thanks a bunch!
- D
- Donna
- n1g
- 15 Jan 2005
im thinking of buying this handset, but i had the e800 and got very bored quickly. Would anyone who's recently bought this handset say its an improvement?. I used to go for nokia's but cant find any stylish ones.
- M
- Mark
- mXE
- 15 Jan 2005
the d500 DOES have an irda port... i recently bought a usb irda kit off ebay to send pictures to and from my comp.
excellent phone, excellent camera, has everything i need.
no need to worry about the lack of external memory, it has 80mb built in! more than enough!
- A
- Aggeloz
- mZx
- 14 Jan 2005
Can the videos send to another mobiles via mms,infrared,bluetooth????help me someone!!
- c
- chandra
- j@w
- 14 Jan 2005
I have a samsung d415 usa version, however the vibration is really annoying. I want to buy this cell phone. My question is Samsung D500 also has annoying vibratation which is very loud vibrate?
thank you, please answer me asap
- [
- [d-_-b]
- Sby
- 14 Jan 2005
It's a good mobile but for the same budget I would prefer a mobile with an MMC slot