Samsung D500
- b
- bemo
- TkP
- 13 Jan 2005
d500 iz a baddie fone! itz soooo gd!!
- Y
- Yusuf
- mXx
- 13 Jan 2005
The Soundmate is a speaker accessory which doubles the sound of the phone when it is connected. Basically makes it louder, useful for playin music.
- j
- jodi
- 13 Jan 2005
westvale is this fone easy to use? is the txt as easy as nokia as thats all im used to!!! PLS help should i buy this fone or nokia or motorola??????
- j
- jodi
- 13 Jan 2005
wots this fone like, thinking of buying 1. wots the txt like is it as easy as nokia? is it easy to use. is it worth buying is there another fone better???????? PLS help me!!!!!!!!!!!
- M
- M.Junaid Javed
- 13 Jan 2005
this is very popular
- j
- jenny
- ShJ
- 13 Jan 2005
how do u use the sound mate wats it 4 any 1 know?
- m
- marju
- np9
- 13 Jan 2005
my d500 came yesterday. it is is superb.
only disadvantage of it is an extra memory. Also downloading an mp3 is also hard. However, overall it is outstanding.
- s
- samsung h8er
- AeC
- 13 Jan 2005
want a real fone go buy a SE or a motorola even a nokia would b better that this heap of fukin shit they shouldnt even b aloud to sell it 4 as much as they do a fuken rip off
- M
- Mourinho
- Scm
- 13 Jan 2005
I say that Samsung D500 is top phone, made by top company.
- i
- irfan
- mJT
- 13 Jan 2005
all nice but shud have xtra memory slot
- w
- westy
- Scm
- 13 Jan 2005
i fink dis fone is chung blad! dnt rite wid it yer! u get merked.. pussy! Ammeg is Buff!!
- A
- Azrul
- ijq
- 13 Jan 2005
I am still waiting for samsung D500 to arrive in Malaysia. Until now there is no sign for this phone to be sell in Malaysia because I am interested to buy this phone.
- a
- ali goudarzi
- 45C
- 13 Jan 2005
It's longe time I'm using samsung cellphone d500 is nice but it's very expensive for $850.00 canadian...i'm using E715 I want to change whit D500 but that is so expensive for samsung..
- C
- Chandra
- Yag
- 13 Jan 2005
I have a samsung d415 usa version, however the vibration is really annoying. I want to buy this cell phone. My question is Samsung D500 also has annoying vibratation which is very loud vibrate?
thank you, please answer me asap
- ?
- Anonymous
- mx7
- 12 Jan 2005
the d500 is sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- H
- 12 Jan 2005
I'm planning to buy this phone but unfortunately it's not yet available here accdg to some cellshops... I hope it'll be out in stores early next month (Feb)
- m
- musscle man
- 12 Jan 2005
hey anybody got this fone cause it an't come out in aus thats sucks! well can sumbody give me info if they find it thanks!!!
- J
- Jason
- RN$
- 12 Jan 2005
does any1 know if the d500 is out in australia, ive been effing looking for stores as soon as it came on this site, its one hectic peace which i want to hold, i hear alot of imports holding one of these but i dont seem to understand y da fu'ck isnt it out in aus, jesus sh!ts getting to me looking for 2 months through stores in sydney (where i live)
email me if you got any clue where if its out around where i live
- h
- hello-moto
- 12 Jan 2005
samsung coming up in style should because 2place of mobile wonder is it n sony ericsson 3rd place n connecting people no1 n always be 1
- t
- tico
- mq1
- 11 Jan 2005
does anyone know if o2 have sorted out their stock yet and if they are sending d500's out? any1 received thers from o2 official website?