Samsung D600
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKC
- 10 Sep 2005
If the D500 made you lust after its debonair black curves and superb build quality, then this 2-megapixel cross between the E630 and D500 should tug at those same strings. It remains to be seen if the Samsung name can command sufficient pulling power over what we expect will be some serious premium pricing.
- l
- lolololkol
- mKC
- 10 Sep 2005
Ive heard a lot about July 15th. The other dates you put down seem like people closed their eyes and just pointed a date in a calander.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKC
- 10 Sep 2005
damn cant wait till this phone is out but so many doubts about the release date becaus no 1 knows 4 sure when it will be out
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKC
- 10 Sep 2005
I've read the following:
15th July 2005
Late 2005
1st or 2nd quarter 2005
Late Autumn 2005 (all networks)
End of 2005
Verdict: nobody has a clue.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKC
- 10 Sep 2005
this phone has already been released in the netherlands with a orange 32.50 contract
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 10 Sep 2005
it may also be released then, as some people have said 15th aswell as 11th, but i think it smore likely within about 1-2 weeks.
- S
- Ste
- TkJ
- 10 Sep 2005
Alan.. Im confused. You said the D600 is out 11th Sep, tomorrow. However when I called 02 before, they said sometime next week, as it has been put on hold. Any idea why I was told this?
- o
- omid
- M8d
- 10 Sep 2005
can picsel viewer work with blue tooth instead of cable?
- o
- omid
- M8d
- 10 Sep 2005
is picsel viewer work with all d600 models or only with d600e?
and also who knows the processor speed in d600 &d600e?
- S
- Ste
- TkJ
- 10 Sep 2005
The max. capacity transflash you can get is 1GB, you can get it from
- B
- SeE
- 10 Sep 2005
Please let me know the maximum capacity/size of Trans flash which can be accommodated in D600 model
- ?
- Anonymous
- 41c
- 10 Sep 2005
Don't get motorola phone ... they have lags ... 0.5 seconds slow ... at first things seem ok, but later they become annoying .. will never buy motorola phones in my LIFE unless they get faster processor in their phones!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 10 Sep 2005
is that a release for turkey only???? people in germany say that out in starting week 38.
hey ray b didi u test this phone in the UK?
- a
- aonart
- muq
- 10 Sep 2005
D600 is available in Turkey, I have personally checked the working one(not dummy) in CEBIT Fair in Istanbul. Official release date will be second week of October
- C
- Cemil
- U2{
- 10 Sep 2005
Hey guys I was just looking round the net and found this site, great.
I live in australia, not sure where this website is based, but just wondering if anybody knew when the D600 was coming out here.
I was going to get the Motorola V3x, but your reviews and comments changed my mind.
- S
- Ste
- TkJ
- 09 Sep 2005
Thanks Alan :)
- R
- RayB
- iLW
- 09 Sep 2005
Working for a mobile phone company, Ive been pleasured with experiencing this device first hand, a very nice piece of kit, basically the D500's bigger, better brother, expandable memory through Transflash card, we all know memory is key to alot of our needs, but the kick in this thing comes from the TV output, those with more time on our hands and for something a little bit more extravagant can view our MMS's and even play our mobile games on the TV!
Its gonna be big :D
- A
- Alan
- mH0
- 09 Sep 2005
Yeah, the D600 is free on the 02 1000 mins off peak plan. I will try to register on those sites and post some pictures, I will probably do that on Sunday or late tomorrow night. I don't know when the phone is out sim free - I only know the O2 release date - Sunday. I hear sim free at end of the month. I also believe Vodafone will commence sales of the phone on the 11th. Jack - who said the phone was available at end of the month? Because all O2 staff recieved the stock delivery sheet which clearly states sales start on the Sunday 11th. Anymore questions feel free to ask :)
- j
- jack
- mHp
- 09 Sep 2005
phoned 02 today and they said they wouldnt be getting the d600 in until the end of the month
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 09 Sep 2005
pls alan could u also post on mobile review forums aswell, to prove u have phone, cheers.